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The cult of JUPITER optimus maximus DOLICHENUS

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1 The cult of JUPITER optimus maximus DOLICHENUS

2 Pre-Roman existence

3 Before Jupiter there was TESHUB (TESHUP HADAD, ADDA)

4 Roman transformation

5 Jupiter optimus maximus dolichenus
Spread to rome and parts of the roman empire in 2 ce (evidence from Dacia, Germany, Britain) - Britain: north of hadrian wall - incorporation of oriental cults during this period ( ie: Mithras, Cybele, isis) as empire grows

6 “BULGARIAN POLICE SEIZE FROM TRAFFICKERS ANCIENT ROMAN SACRIFICIAL ALTAR DEDICATED TO JUPITER DOLICHENUS” - 8th September 2015 “To Jupiter the Benign Almighty Dolichenus for the health of the emperors Augusti L. Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and to the Caesar L. Septimius Geta dedicated through the august legate Gaius Ovinius Tertulus [by] the priests Nigrinus, Quintus Gaianus, and Longinus."

7 Jupiter Dolichenus woRSHip
Iom dolicheno = full title, Jupiter optimus maximus dolichenus - optimus maximus connects him to being a form of Jupiter, worshiped as such (Thunderbolt, beard, eagle) Aventine hill inscription: “Eternal provider” Juno dolichena, Apollo, diana, sol, luna Castor, pollux Earliest found inscription, Numidia

8 End of worship Lasted until 3 ce
Worship was strongly tied to its eastern origin, never really universalized High point during severens means low point after their fall Some evidence of destruction in Germany during maximinus thrax, but still practiced Sacking of doliche by shakar the I ended his worship, lost of power source

9 Military religion Spread by Syrian auxiliaries: fact?
“to Jupiter, greatest and best, of doliche, Lucius maximus gaetulicus, centurion of the xx legion valeria victrix, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow” (RIB, I, 1725) - Ireland sourcebook

10 Myth? “material from various parts of the empire indicates that the god had a general rather than specifically ethnic appeal” (Haynes, 147) The Romanisation of Religion in the 'Auxilia' of the Roman Imperial Army from Augustus to Septimus Severus Evidence being referred to in this quote: Only one of 16 sites was founded by Syrian auxiliaries, no evidence linking Popularity throughout empire during inscription dates, merchants, slaves, traders? Depiction can be translated to mean different things (power) No worship after destruction of temple, never universalized

11 Discussion questions As you’ve seen, Jupiter dolichenus is normally depicted standing on the back of a bull. Many scholars believe that the bull had a symbolic hidden meaning to followers of the cult. In your opinion, what might such iconography represent? Is it at all linked to the god’s eastern roots? Given the presented facts, what do you think was more likely the main method of dispersal for this cult, Syrian military auxiliaries or merchants/traders/interactions with eastern cultures and peoples?

12 Works cited Dikov, Ivan. "BULGARIAN POLICE SEIZE FROM TRAFFICKERS ANCIENT ROMAN SACRIFICIAL ALTAR DEDICATED TO JUPITER DOLICHENUS." Archaeology in Bulgaria. N.p., 8 Sept Web. 20 Apr Ekmekci, Bilal. "Doliche/Dülük: Kültürler Kavşağı." Doliche and Commagene. Forschungstelle Asia Minor, n.d. Web. 20 Apr Haynes, I. P. The Romanisation of Religion in the 'Auxilia' of the Roman Imperial Army from Augustus to Septimus Severus. Vol. 24. N.p.: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, Britannia. JSTOR. Web. 20 Apr Lawler, Andrew. "Temple of the Storm God." Archaeology Magazine Archive. Archaeology Institute of America, Nov.-Dec Web. 20 Apr "Lepcis Magna, Temple of Dolichenus." Articles on Ancient History. Livus, Web. 20 Apr Sanders, Charles S. Vol. Xxiii. N.p.: n.p., n.d. JSTOR. Web. 20 Apr The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Teshub." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 20 July Web. 20 Apr

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