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CIAC Meeting Sept 14th, 2006.

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1 CIAC Meeting Sept 14th, 2006

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Ted Kraver Handout (Summarized Below)
Report of Right of Way Committee (Brief) Report of Broadband Authority Committee (Brief) Report of Strategic Plan Committee (Main Agenda) Other Business – Next Meeting Close

3 Ted Kraver Handout Summary of 1995 Document
Develop visible and effective leadership for Telecom through a TPO and an ATIC Enhance the leadership of Arizona telecom efforts through the TPO, ATIC, DOA and other Advisory councils. The ACC should move toward transition to competitive local Telecommunications Recognize special needs of Rural Arizona through region specific approaches Create and expanded Universal Service Support mechanism Move toward a multi-provider Telcom environment by ensuring parity among providers (TPO, ACC, Legislature) Establish a “Green Light for innovation” program at the ACC, ATDA and other agencies Include Telecom as a feature in the State’s Enterprise Zones

4 Right of Way Task Group 1. The Subject is complicated and requires input and decision making by many levels of government. 2. Broadband development can be enhanced through application of good Right of Way Policy 3. Low hanging fruit a. Longitudinal ROW along State’s highways is possible, but Legislative intervention regarding policy and additional costs. b. At the City, Town and Community level, taxpayer ROW should be considered as a means of Economic Development in addition to or instead of a means of revenue for the government entity. Some policy unification at State level desirable.

5 Broadband Authority Task Group
1. Discussion with Commerce Dept. regarding possible role of GADA in funding for publicly owned Telecom infrastructure. a. Needs study by consultant (funds possibly available from Commerce and GITA for study) b. Only a small area of total picture – Telecom infrastructure is mostly in the private sector and GADA handles public sect based infrastructure. 2. Need to look into a number of other sources of funding for ABA Broadband Universal Service Fund Industrial Development Bonds Grants and Loans (USDA, RUS, DHS)

6 Strategic Plan Task Group
Strategic Plan Issues Mission Statement: The State Strategic Plan will provide the vision, framework and strategies for the development of a statewide communications (advanced telecommunications and broadband) infrastructure to support business, education, economic, and community development throughout the state of Arizona. Other State Plans looked at (Vermont, Michigan) In both cases, Governor issued an Executive Order Many Stakeholders looked at and added to the plans Arizona’s initiatives and previous plans looked at. Short Term Goals – Revalidate ATIC 11 Recommendation actions and associated budget estimates Sept. – Coordinate actions w/Broadband Committee & Right-of-Way Committees Sept. – Define stakeholders [public & private] Sept. – Marketing strategy to obtain stakeholder buy-in Oct. – Define recommendations for legislative action Oct. – Obtain commitments for legislative sponsors Nov. – Define structure for Regional Telecommunication Assessments (TCA’s) Oct. – Define processes for implementation of ATIC recommendation #11 Oct. – Define process for consultant analysis to structure most effective ‘Authority’ to implement for the state of Arizona Sept.

7 Strategic Plan Task Group
Time Lines Define Stakeholders for Roundtables – Coordinate with ATIC – by Sept Marketing Strategy by Oct Define Legislative Needs for CTA’s by Oct (Define Legislative Supporters Sponsors – after November election) Structure of CTA’s (Regional, same for all regions) by Oct. Incorporate and redefine all 11 recommendations into plan Ongoing Budgets for work – How much and From what sources.

8 Other Business Additional Discussion Next Meeting – Oct 10th 2PM Adjourn

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