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Librarians: Poised and Ready for EBP

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1 Librarians: Poised and Ready for EBP
Janene Batten Librarian to Yale School of Nursing

2 What do I know? librarian to nurses
clinical librarian bed trauma 1 hospital teach ebp process to librarians currently librarian to nurses – academic (masters and doctoral) and hospital broke my teeth as a medical librarian as a clinical librarian in a 327-bed trauma 1 hospital serving residents and physicians mainly with a teensy bit of nursing (and undergrad nursing school) thrown in for variation and good measure teach ebp process to librarians in order to help them know how they can assist in the process

3 What do we know? … to paraphrase busy .. busy … busy
definitions similar – process same want it where it’s needed don’t know details of how to get it (and some really don’t want to know) busy .. busy … busy- so we see – research proves definitions similar – process same personal ebp same – nurses have developed organizational models for practice change want it where it’s needed – at the bedside, closer to the emr (if it exists) the better don’t know details of how to get it (and really don’t want to know) – admission today that clinicians value that Librarians are the expert finders of the answers. Some will admit this, others won’t. Silly surgeons!

4 Where to find it? all the usual places non research sources
non research sources –generated by institution -- e.g quality improvement and risk data infection control data Cost effectiveness analyses retrospective or concurrent chart reviews standards – international, national, local xxx

5 Invite them in and LOVE them being there
Market Embrace constituents Raise awareness of your value Focus marketing on profession / specialty Heighten visibility face-to-face relationship building virtually keep the fresh ideas flowing Teach Embed Teach in the curriculum Invite them in and LOVE them being there Embrace your constituents – some may be obnoxious and demanding, they may be timid and unknowing – but they are people too BE AVAILABLE Raise awareness of your value – never never never underestimate promote in Seminars, physicians’ lounge, Grand Rounds put it terms of why it’s important to THEM focus marketing on profession / specialty newsletter just for nurses “personal” to just one department what’s new this month Heighten visibility get OUT of the Library – go where the people are -- “Management by walking around” virtually don’t have to make people come to your web site be one of the links off the home page have a shortcut on the desk top make as much as you can virtual keep the fresh ideas flowing – PUSH out information TOC / fantastic articles – only send RELEVANT s FaceBook page Teach on the unit Nurses and others learn by doing Embed be at morning report be where the anesthesiologists are – they certainly cannot be in the Library Teach in the curriculum residency program – nursing AND medicine school of nursing hospital EBP classes

6 Visibility & facilitation are key
Collaborate Face-to-face relationship building Committee participation Be where the patients are Participate in orientations Work with Top Dogs Get library services and librarians written into grants Continue to raise awareness of your value Visibility & facilitation are key Face-to-face relationship building – be in their face Committee participation Write library services and librarians into grants Be where the patients are Participate in orientations – new nurses, student, new faculty Work with Top Dogs – nurse unit educators – chief residents Continue to raise awareness of your value

7 You are the Expert Review library resources and buy buy buy
Searching – OMG – nobody does it like you! Learn the EBP steps – even the ones you don’t want to Raise awareness of your value – don’t ever get bored with this Pro-activity and delivery are key Review library resources available for nurses and physicians buy buy buy and find the free ones too And don’t forget mobile devices Searching raise awarness Seminars, physicians’ lounge, Grand Rounds Learn the EBP steps – even the ones you don’t want to or co-teach them with an “expert” Pro-activity and facilitation are key


9 Librarians: Poised and Ready for EBP


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