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Integration of Services Training Series

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1 Integration of Services Training Series
Substance Abuse Session 1: Dynamics & Impacts Integration of Services Training Series 1

2 Today’s Themes See the person behind the substance abuse.
Personal change is tough! A helping relationship goes a long way in supporting change.

3 Major Questions/Goals
How and why . . ? What types . . ? How does addiction affect a person . . ? How to screen ? What assessments and treatments . . ? How do people change . . ? Collaborate . . ?

4 Agenda Dynamics and Impacts 1.5 hrs. Screening and Assessment 2.5 hrs.
Treatment and Recovery 2.0 hrs.

5 Family Centered Practice Model

6 Training Approach Blend research and your experiences.
General discussion questions to start dialogue. Practice engagement and collaboration skills.

7 Why? Why do people abuse alcohol and drugs?

8 Risk and Protective Factors
We don’t know why any one person can stop using substances. There is a rich interplay of risk and protective factors that determine one’s susceptibility to substance abuse.

9 Ace Score vs. Intravenous Drug Use

10 Substance Abuse Continuum
Dependence (Addiction)

11 Brain Communication The Science of Addiction. National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH Pub No (

12 Pleasure The Science of Addiction. National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH Pub No (

13 Turn down the sound! Pleasure relationship develops quickly.
Brain reacts by producing fewer neurotransmitters. As neurotransmitters drop, the ability to experience pleasure is reduced.

14 Decreased Brain Function
The Science of Addiction. National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH Pub No (

15 Recovering Function Source: Journal of Neuroscience 21:9414–

16 Substance Abuse & Mental Illness
Substance abuse disorders often co-occur with mental illness. Why do you think that is?

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