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Block 1, English 10 August 21, 2013.

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1 Block 1, English 10 August 21, 2013

2 Bell Please take a moment and complete the Bell slip you have been given. Once done, turn it upside down on your desk. Thank you.

3 Today, you will… Be an active participant during class discussion of class procedures, expectations, as well as the course syllabi by… Listening effectively, asking questions as needed, making constructive comments, and completing the interactive syllabus.

4 Syllabus… Follow along on your handout as we discuss the course requirements and expectations.

5 This course… Focuses on reading and writing along with a log of in class participation in the form of listening and speaking. You will read often, write a lot, and be expected to THINK with your own noggin!

6 Major Units of Study… Novels… Night by Elie Weisel
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Research Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”

7 Academic Honesty We follow the Honor Code.
Any attempt at cheating or plagiarism will be dealt with swiftly and with multiple consequences. Work hard. Work honest.

8 Attendance and Tardies
We follow the school policies as outlined in your student handbook located in your agenda.

9 Late Work Any work, not handed in on time, regardless of the reason is recorded as a 0%. Late assignments, if taken, will be averaged with the initial grade (0%).

10 RULES Listen to instructions and discussion. Enter and exit prepared.
Always try your best. Respect yourself, others, and materials. No excuses!

11 Procedures and Expectations…
Upon your entrance and prior to the final tardy bell… Collect your class binder. Sit in your assigned seat. Complete your BELL assignment – this will be posted via the PowerPoint (usually) and written in your interactive notebook.

12 Procedures and Expectations…
During class… Remain focused Use class time as directed When in groups, keep voices under control When taking part in a class discussion, speak loudly enough that the entire class can hear you Use your SWAG Sit up and track the speaker and visuals Work and remain on task Attend to discussion and instruction Give your best effort at all times Take notes Listen carefully Ask questions as needed

13 Procedures and Expectations
At the end of the hour… Put materials away WHEN instructed to do so and not beforehand. Remain seated until dismissed. Reminder, I dismiss, not the bell and not the clock! -Exit the room in an orderly and calm fashion.

14 Assignments All assignments unless otherwise noted are due the following day. Place assignments into the proper IN tray.

15 Make-up Check the make up bin.
Go online and access the daily powerpoint. Get notes. See me during OP.

16 Missing Work, aka “Oops, I lost that!”
Extra copies are not made, born, or spawned. To obtain a page that you have misplaced, access the class website and print one for yourself.

17 Class Websites and Technology…
ALL lessons, as well as a multitude of information may be located here!

18 Class Websites and Technology…
Class blog: As students of the 21st century, it is expected that you will communicate your personal thoughts, reflections, and analysis via the internet. This page will allow you to do so.

19 Class Websites and Technology…
Turn work in electronically to: In hopes of saving the occasional tree, we will at times turn work in via . when doing so, use Google docs and use this address.

20 Class Websites and Technology…
You are to use your school gmail account when communicating with me and when sending me your work. We will talk in depth about this tomorrow.

21 Materials Pencils or blue/black ink pens. A binder with paper.
Notebook paper for the binder. Dividers, while beneficial, are optional. The same is true of highlightes.

22 Today’s Assignment: Take the handout you have been given home and get a parental or guardian signature. Return ALL three pages. Purchase and bring a binder to class. I do have used ones for student use if you would like one of mine, please see me. First come, first serve. Access our class website and explore.

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