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Globus —— Toolkits for Grid Computing

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Presentation on theme: "Globus —— Toolkits for Grid Computing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Globus —— Toolkits for Grid Computing
CS5204: Operating System Donghang GUO Computer Science Department, Virginia Tech

2 Grid & Globus Introduction to Grid Computing Globus What is a Grid?
What we need to build up a Grid? Globus Why Globus is good? How to use Globus to build up a Grid?

3 What is a Grid? A: a cluster B: a mainframe C: a cluster
D: a smaller cluster E: a PC

4 What is a Grid? (cont’d) Definition
“Grid is coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations.” – [2] A B C D E

5 What is a Grid? (cont’d) Grid is a middleware based DS
Transparency: High Same OS (Platform): No Communication: Model-Specific Resource Management: Mix Scalability: High Openness: Open

6 Features of Grid Resource Sharing Multiple Resources
B C D E Resource Sharing WWW: Information sharing Multiple Resources SSP: only storage resource ASP: only application resource Cross-organization CORBA, Java Bean: in one organization SSP: Storage Service Provider ASP: Application Service Provider

7 Features of Grid (cont’d)
B C D E Controlled sharing P2P computing: no access control Dynamic Cluster, Supercomputer: Static

8 What we need to build up a Grid?
Fabric Resource Collective Applications Connectivity Core parts in Grid The layered Grid Architecture

9 What we need to build up a Grid?
Fabric Layer Computers, Storage systems, networks ... Connectivity Layer Secured communication, authentication, authorization … Resource Layer Access to computation Access to data Access to information on resource configuration, state and performance Fabric Resource Collective Applications Connectivity

10 What we need to build up a Grid?
Collective Layer Resource Discovery Resource Brokering (scheduling) System Monitoring Fabric Resource Collective Applications Connectivity

11 Grid Middleware Grid Middleware provides functionalities to build up a grid computing environment. Globus A service-based toolkit following OGSI (Open Grid Services Infrastructure) standard Legion A object-based toolkit SRB Storage resource broker Condor A local resource and job management system

12 Globus Toolkits History Grid Power Grid Origin
I-WAY Project, 1994, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Illinois at Chicago. Metacomputer  Grid? Power Grid Grid Power Grid Resource Sharing Computational, Storage … Power Controlled sharing Yes Cross-organization Dynamic Many other features

13 Globus Toolkits Motivation
Availability: Computing Resource: Ready Data Resource: Ready Network Resource: Ready Requirement: Cost-effective high performance computing in scientific and commercial societies We need a new system that deal with heterogeneous and dynamic natures to build up a new computing environment

14 Globus Toolkits Features: It is Open Open Source Service-Based
Protocol-Based Globus is a de facto stand in Grid Computing

15 Globus Toolkits Components Information Service
Meta-Directory Service (MDS) Resource Management Service Grid Resource Allocation and Management (GRAM) Community Scheduler Framework (CFS) Security Service Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) Data Management Service GridFTP Replica Location Service (RLS)

16 MDS —— Information Model
Client 1 Resource A LDAP Organization Server MDS-1 Client 2 Resource B Client 3 Client 1 Client 3 Client 2 GIIS Resource A Resource B GRIS Information Directly from Resource Collective Information MDS-2

17 MDS-2 —— Implementation
Client 1 Client 3 Client 2 GIIS Resource A Resource B GRIS Information Directly from Resource Collective Information Service GRIS Grid Resource Information Service GIIS Grid Index Information Service Protocol GRRP Grid Resource Registration Protocol GRIP Grid information Protocol Both GRRP and GRIP are extended from LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol)

18 Resource Discovery: GRIP
MDS-2 Resource A Client 1 GRIS Resource B Client 2 Resource Lookup: GRIP GRIS Client 3 Registration: GRRP Resource Discovery: GRIP GIIS

19 MDS-2 Output of GRIS service Configuration of Resource
Mds-Cpu-Free-15min: 200 Mds-Cpu-Free-1min: 200 Mds-Cpu-Free-5min: 200 Mds-Cpu-model: Pentium III (Coppermine) Mds-Cpu-Smp-size: 2 Mds-Cpu-speedMHz: 997 Mds-Cpu-Total-count: 2 Mds-Cpu-Total-Free-15min: 200 Mds-Cpu-Total-Free-1min: 200 Mds-Cpu-Total-Free-5min: 200 Mds-Cpu-vendor: GenuineIntel Mds-Cpu-version: 6.8.6 Output of GRIS service Configuration of Resource Code in LDAP Protocol

20 Conclusion Strength Service-Based Open architecture Scalable
Extensibility Interoperability Portability Scalable Flexible, secure and coordinated resource sharing Dynamic

21 Conclusion Weakness Not suitable for communication-intensive applications No good overall performance optimization mechanism

22 Questions?

23 Reference 1. Globus: A Metacomputing Infrastructure Toolkit. I. Foster, C. Kesselman. Intl J. Supercomputer Applications, 11(2): , 1997 2. The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations. I. Foster, C. Kesselman, S. Tuecke. International J. Supercomputer Applications, 15(3), 2001.

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