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Hodgepodge Sound Travels Human Ear Vocabulary Decibels 100 100 100 100

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1 Hodgepodge Sound Travels Human Ear Vocabulary Decibels 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Sound Travels for 100 Sound Travels in _________? Waves

3 Sound Travels for 200 All sound is created by this Vibrations

4 Sound Travels for 300 Sound travels through solids, ________ and ____________. Liquids and Gases

5 Sound Travels for 400 Sound is heard the quietest through what material? Air

6 Sound Travels for 500 Sound is heard the loudest through what material? Solids

7 Human Ear for 100 How many bones are there in the human ear?
Three bones are in the human ear.

8 Human Ear for 200 Where are the smallest bones in the human body?
The smallest bones are in the ear.

9 Human Ear for 300 What is the part of the human ear that first collects the sound waves called? The Pinna first collects the sound in the human ear.

10 Human Ear for 400 What carries the message from the ear to the brain?
The Auditory Nerve carries the message from the ear to the brain.

11 Human Ear for 500 Where are the hair cells located which help sound travel through the ear? The hair cells are located in the inner ear.

12 Vocabulary for 100 The loundness and softness of sound is called?

13 Vocabulary for 200 Two words that describe pitch are?
High and Low Pitch

14 Vocabulary for 300 Sound vibrations are measured in ____? Hertz

15 Vocabulary for 400 The loudness and softness of sounds are measured in ______. Decibels

16 Vocabulary for 500 How fast or slow a sound vibrates is called _______. Frequency

17 Decibels for 100 What is the normal decibel level for conversation?

18 Decibels for 200 Hearing damage can occur above this decibel level.
85 Decibels (example: traffic sounds for 8 hours)

19 Decibels for 300 Race cars, jet engines and explosions cause?
Immediate hearing damage (130+ decibels)

20 Decibels for 400 A hearing loss makes sound and noises become ___________. Softer or quieter or sound far away.

21 Decibels for 500 What are three ways to protect your hearing from loud noises? Move away, wear hearing protection, turn down the volume

22 Hodgepodge for 100 Hearing loss only happens when you are old?(True or false) False

23 Hodgepodge for 200 Your ears help you keep your balance. (True or False) True – because of the fluid in the semi-circular canals.

24 Hodgepodge for 300 All sounds cause hearing loss. (True or False)

25 Hodgepodge for 400 Can you hear sounds if you have a torn eardrum?
No, the ear drum creates vibrations that travel to your brain as electrical sounds.

26 Hodgepodge for 500 Can you hear sounds in outer space?
No, because you need air for sound waves to travel (No matter how the movies- like Star Wars show it)

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