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Mentoring Assignment By Jason Koning.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring Assignment By Jason Koning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring Assignment By Jason Koning

2 Project Outline Mentor Project Mr. Burt Henry
Agriscience Educator at Alma High School Project Upload information for students onto Blackboard Plant & Soil Science

3 After Login … This is the home page for Mr. Henry on Blackboard.
System Tools, a Calendar, Organizations, Course Announcements and Classes can be found here Scroll down to click on “Plant and Soil Science” at the bottom of “My Classes”  Plant and Soil Science

4 Plant & Soil Science Main Tool Bar Students see this too
Navigation is done from here Scroll down tool bar to find “Control Panel” and click on it

5 Control Panel

6 Control Panel Where you get to play God
Can change just about anything and everything Main focus point – “Content Areas” Course Information Course Documents Assignments

7 Course Information Two documents added to course information
Both related to information students need about the course in general

8 Course Information – Add Item 1
Click on the button to add a new item to your list Add name “Text” box is for additional info that is separate from your actual document

9 Course Information – Add Item 2
Scroll down Add Item page “Attach local file” and Browse to find the item you want to insert

10 Course Information – Add Item 3
Scroll farther down to Options Choose to make content available to students Choose to track views by students Choose your date and times that the information will be available to students

11 Course Documents Items are added the same way as Course Information
Note that Folders can be made also

12 Assignments Items are added the same way as Course Information

13 Announcements In your Control Panel, Course Tools, go to Announcements
Click on to Add Option to make permanent or to make date and time restrictions

14 Announcement Announcement I made Introducing student
What they can find Navigation

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