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1 Peri peri presentations
A CHRISTMAS CAROL Chili Rating Research appeteasers Peri peri presentations Fino sides Deserts Specials Platters to share Extra hot Design your own front cover of the novel using Gothic features. Think about any changes and improvements you could make. Label and detail these creative choices. Imagine you are a Victorian MP. Decide if you support or oppose the Poor Laws. Create a speech/video blog arguing your point. Research ‘Self-Help’ (1859) by Samuel Smiles. How would this approach to life have helped the working classes, but also might be a problem.  Write your own version of ‘A Christmas Carol.’ What would you change? Can you think of a different ending? Create a screenplay version of a scene from the novel. Design and answer an essay question with a character focus. Hot Using explain why Charles Dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Create a model that represents one of the characters from the novel. Find out about the work of Olivia Hill and the Charity Organisation Society (formed in 1869). How did Hill’s perception of the poor differ from Dickens’? Annotate and analyse a book or film review of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and answer the question: How does the critic use language to show their opinion? Research poverty in the UK today. What judgements can you make as to how times and attitudes are now to the poor compared with the Victorian era. Create a set of ‘Top Trump’ cards for each of the characters in the novel. Medium Using the extended reading list pick 2 other Gothic novels and compare the characters, scenes and setting to those in ‘A Christmas Carol.’ What are the differences & similarities? Summarise Stave 1 in the form of a comic strip. Research the charitable work of Titus Salt. Write a review of the story so far in the style of a book critic. Choose a social issue which concerns you. How would you change the novel to highlight this problem or issue? Create a Scrooge rap or song based upon the events, themes and ideas from the novel. Mild Research the ‘Gothic Genre’ what is it and can you identify any of the characteristics in ‘A Christmas Carol?’  Create a picture or model highlighting what life was like in the Workhouse. Research the life of John Elwes (1714 – 1789), Member of Parliament for Berkshire and a noted eccentric and miser. Research the ways in which he saved money. Create a newspaper front page highlighting this new novel from Charles Dickens. What do you like/dislike about it? Do you think Dickens’ novel is effective for a modern audience. Explain your reasons linked to the novel. Create a set of Scrooge Christmas cards to show different characters’ attitudes to Christmas across the novel. Extra Mild Research 3 different front covers of the novel. What sort of people do you see? What is the relationship between them? What do you think each is thinking and feeling? What do you think they might be saying to each other? When might this story be set? Research the Poor Laws 1) What is a Workhouse? Describe what the conditions were like. 2) What were the Poor Laws? Where did the poor have to go in 1834? 3) What is the Treadmill? Google ‘Treadmill punishment’ to see what you can find out. What charities did Charles Dickens support with the proceeds from his public readings of adaptations of his own work? search . Create an appropriate Victorian era headline about one of the themes you have discovered in ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Create a new character to be included in the story. Explain why they are important and what is their influence on Scrooge. Create a 5 to 10 question quiz based upon the events, themes and ideas from the novel. Each week you must choose one take away item for homework. The chili rating suggests the difficulty of the task, or the challenge it might offer. You cannot choose all the same strength of task every week. Try at least one ‘Extra Hot’ task during the half term!

2 Peri peri presentations
POETRY Chili Rating Research appeteasers Peri peri presentations Fino sides Deserts Specials Platters to share Extra hot Create a giant mindmap that links the poems of the anthology together. Include quotations and images to help you to revise. Watch a youtube tutorial to help with one of the poems from the anthology. Make detailed notes to add to your folder. Write a 1000 word response to the statement, ‘Where prose provides answers, poetry provides questions.’ Write your own response poem to a poem that we have read or studied. Create a Venn diagram that compares the differences and similarities of two poems from the anthology. Create your own poetry anthology of 6-10 poems you have found. Write an introduction for your poetry book to explain your choices. Hot  Create a revision video that could be used to help students with analysing a poem that they have not seen before. Create an emotional word bank to describe reactions to poetry or moods created within a poem. Write a poem in response to a story that you find in the news. Consider the structure of your poem and how it reflects the situation. Design a board game to aid with analysing a poem from the anthology using ARTWARS. Write your own collection of three poems. Each one should use a different poetic form. Create a set of ‘Top Trump’ cards for each of the characters in the poems that we have studied. Medium Write an advice guide of how to write an analysis of a poem in the exam. Use the mark scheme to help you. Re write a poem that we have studied in a different poetic form. Analyse how it changes the meaning of the poem. Create a model that represents one of the characters from a poem that you have found or that we have studied in lessons. Write a review of a poem that you have studied or found. Write a letter to the poet of one of the poems that we have studied or that you have found. Visit the Poetry Society Website and write a one page summary about a poem that you found interesting or significant. Mild Research one of the following forms of poetry: Sonnet Ballad Villanelle Elergy  Create a picture or shoe box scene showing the ‘story’ of one of the poems that you have found that we have studied. . Create a quiz or game with the title ‘Know your Structure’ to help someone learn the following techniques: Caesura rhythm Emjambment Repetition Stanzas Create a newspaper front page highlighting the ‘story’ of a poem that you have found or studied in lessons. Print out some song lyrics and write colour coded annotations to discuss the meaning of the song Write a poem from a different perspective- e.g a fifty pence piece, a fingernail, a football! Extra Mild Research 3 different poets that you are interested in or have studied in the lesson. How have their lives influenced their work? What common ideas do they share? How are their styles similar/different? Make a mindmap with your own examples of the following techniques: Metaphor personification Simile onomatopoeia Alliteration Imagery Interview someone at home about their opinions and ideas towards why people write poetry. Create a piece of blackout poetry about a topic of your choice. Summarise the main ideas behind your poem and word choices in fifty words. Create a poster that shows the different ideas of a poem that we have studied. The page should be full of the different imagery and words that the poet has used to express their ideas! Write a letter to your favourite singer/rapper and explain the poetic techniques used in one of their songs. Each week you must choose one take away item for homework. The chili rating suggests the difficulty of the task, or the challenge it might offer. You cannot choose all the same strength of task every week. Try at least one ‘Extra Hot’ task during the half term!

3 Peri peri presentations
Macbeth Chili Rating Research appeteasers Peri peri presentations Fino sides Deserts Specials Platters to share Extra hot Research different adaptation of the pay by major theatre companies like the RSC. Comment on how the main character is portrayed and why this might be. To what extent is Macbeth a tragic hero? Use evidence from the play to develop your ideas. 500 words.  Create a rhyme to help you remember as many quotations as possible to link with the key themes of the play. Find a news story that links to the play. Write a 500 word commentary to explain and develop your ideas. Create five example questions that could be used in the exam. Hot Create a Powerpoint or Picktochart to give advice about how to answer an question for the play in the exam. As a modern audience, what can we learn from the ideas portrayed in the play? Consider your own experiences or current affairs. 500 words. Collect a series of headlines and write how they link to the play. Create a terminology list for structure or language analysis. Use litcharts to create your own summary of each character of the play. Medium Make your own quotation video revision guide like this one: Find evidence of links to religion, nature, morals or the supernatural throughout the play. Present it in a creative way. Write a review for the play as a resident in 1912 Britain. Incorporate your political views within your review. Create quote cards and link your quotations to the themes of the play. Create a deleted scene for the Play. Include stage directions to indicate the emotions of the characters. Make your own creative presentation of the assessment objectives for literature. Use images to remind you of the different skills required. Mild Research the public’s beliefs surrounding witches in the Elizabethan era. Why is this information relevant? How would an audience react to the ideas mentioned within the play that reference the supernatural? Create a creative timeline of the play with a summary of each scene. Write a letter as one of the minor characters of the play, commenting on key things that happen. Draw a colour-coded character map of all the main characters including how they are related/what their relationships are. Use quotations highlight key events between characters. Do you think Macbeth is effective for a modern audience? Explain your reasons linked to the play and people’s reaction to Shakespeare as a writer. Why do you think Shakespeare chose to kill off the main character? What are the morals of the play? Extra Mild Find out at least ten facts or pieces of information about Shakespeare that may be relevant to the play or characters. Use GCSE Podcast to make notes that you can add to your revision folder. Create a glossary for the play, including: pathetic fallacy, foreshadowing, protagonist, dramatic irony, iambic pentameter, free verse, and others that may be useful. Was Macbeth a victim of fate or did he have free will? Argue both sides, using examples from the text. Make a crossword that involves both references from the story and also any literary techniques that Shakespeare uses. Create a 5 to 10 question quiz based upon the events, themes and ideas from the play. Watch the clip and make notes about what you learn. Watch the clip and make notes about what you learn. Each week you must choose one take away item for homework. The chili rating suggests the difficulty of the task, or the challenge it might offer. You cannot choose all the same strength of task every week. Try at least one ‘Extra Hot’ task during the half term!

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