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Series 6000 FAE training FT 6050, Ft 6010, neuron 6050 & ft 6000 evk

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1 Series 6000 FAE training FT 6050, Ft 6010, neuron 6050 & ft 6000 evk
2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

2 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential
Agenda Series 6000 Product Matrix Pricing and Competitive Positioning HW, FW and Tool differences from the 5000 FT 6000 EVK Enabling Cypress Neuron conversions Call to action 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

3 Comparison of series 6000 products
Control optimized chips with built-in stacks Control stacks for generic processors 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

4 Pricing and competitive positioning
FT 6050 priced same at FT 5000 but with more features – bigger apps, larger address tables, IP, BACnet FT 6010 priced to NOT pollute LON pricing, but be attractive for new markets FT 6010 and Neuron 6050 competitive with IP-appropriate ARM M3 + (Ethernet or RS485)

5 Series 6000 Target Customer Segments
Displace Known Sockets Grow with New Applications BACnet customers wanting to go IP, or wanting to add LON Today: 8-bit MCU + RS485 New customers looking to develop IP based control devices Today: No controls or 8-bit MCU+RS485 Cypress Neuron installed base (LON + RS-485) Today: Cypress Neuron + RS485 LON customers refreshing LON product line Today: FT 31xx or FT 5000 LON customers wanting to also offer BACnet/IP over FT product Today: FT 31xx or FT 5000 Retain Current Customers Grow Current Customers

6 FT 6000 Series System on Chip
FOR DEVELOPING FREE TOPOLOGY WIRED DEVICES Runs IzoT Device Stack AX (6KB control service footprint) Supports Free Topology (FT) Twisted Pair link 4 processor cores 80 MHz clock 64KB RAM and 16KB ROM on-chip Serial memory interface for external flash (Up to 1MB for program and persistent data; 256KB max app size; 48KB log data ) 12 I/O pins - 35 programmable I/O models with 5V or 3.3 V I/O operation 3.3V supply Hardware UART with 16 byte receive and transmit FIFOs 254 Address Table Entries Over the network system and application image upgrades 7mm x 7mm QFN package SoC with Integrated Processor and FT Transceiver RAM Neuron® Processor Core ROM Free Topology Transceiver You can use the EX or DX stack with the processor of your choice, or you can use Echelon’s new FT 6050 chip for creating a low-cost IzoT-enabled device. To reduce installation cost, the FT 6050 uses a free topology twisted pair link. Free topology uses simple twisted pair cable with multi-drop wiring that is easier to install than Ethernet cable. The FT 6050 includes 4 processor cores, with two dedicated to the IzoT/IP Protocol. It also includes on-board memory and I/O to reduce device cost. It is provided in a compact 7mm by 7mm QFN package so you can build very small devices with it. EVK Edition: May 2014 Production Volumes: June 2014

7 FT 6050: Multi-Protocol On Chip
IDEAL FOR MIGRATING EXISTING PRODUCT-LINES Classic LonTalk LonTalk IP over FT BACnet IP over FT Any IP over FT Application Layer L4-L6 BACnet/IP L2-L3 IPV4 or IPV6 MAC MAC (modified) PHY FT 6050 Chip 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

MULTI-PROTOCOL, BUT WITHOUT CLASSIC LONTALK COMPATIBILITY LonTalk IP over FT BACnet IP over FT Any IP over FT Application Layer L4-L6 PHY MAC (modified) IPv4 or IPv6 FT 6010 Chip BACnet/IP

9 Neuron 6050: IP Microcontroller For IIoT
MULTI-PROTOCOL OVER RS-485; MIGRATE FROM CYPRESS NEURON Classic LonTalk LonTalk IP over FT BACnet IP over FT Any IP over FT Application Layer L4-L6 BACnet/IP L2-L3 IPv4 or IPv6 MAC MAC (modified) Neuron 6050 Chip External PHY

10 Hardware, firmware and toolchain differences
Series 6000 vs 5000 Hardware, firmware and toolchain differences 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

11 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential
Otp bit differences Series 6000 uses MAC IDs instead of Neuron IDs New unique model numbers for FT 6050, FT 6010 and Neuron 6050 Device Option bits identify FT 6010 as different from FT 6050 or Neuron 6050 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

12 Boot up differences FW v21 should be loaded into external Flash either via a flash programmer (eg: Aardvark) or using the 6000’s over-the-network Flash programming i.e. NodeLoad FT 6050 and Neuron 6050 on boot up will load FW v19 from ROM When v21 is detected in Flash it is used to replace v19 in on-chip RAM At this point the 6000 is IzoT ready and uses MAC IDs instead of Neuron IDs This allows the FT 6050 or Neuron 6050 to easily upgrade a FT 5000 or Neuron 5000 design FT 6010 on boot up will load FW v125 – it has no knowledge of FW v19 Loading FW v21 from external Flash involves a complex set of undisclosed operations This makes it very difficult to use a FT 6010 in place of FT 5000 – this is not its intended use FT 6010 is also programmed to drop LonTalk v0 frames – hence is not compatible with Classic LonTalk 2014 Echelon Corporation

13 Ft 6010 compatibility Compatibility Mode uses LonTalk v0 frames for communication Hence compatibility mode is backward compatible with “classic” LonTalk Enhanced Mode uses LonTalk v2 frames for communication The transaction ID is increased to 12-bits instead of 4-bits Enhanced mode communication is NOT backward compatible with “classic” LonTalk FT 6050 and Neuron 6050 can run in either Compatibility Mode or Enhanced Mode FT 6010 only runs in Enhanced Mode Hence, FT 6010 devices CANNOT bind with FT 6050 or Neuron 6050 devices that are running in Compatibility Mode or with Series 5000 or 3000 devices which only run in Compatibility Mode BACnet/IP is implemented in the AX device stack to run over v2 frames in all the Series 6000 devices Enhanced vs Compatibility Mode only applies to LonTalk and LonTalk/IP 2014 Echelon Corporation

14 Swapping and best practices
IP and Multi-protocol support requires larger applications and this is accomplished through Swapping application code from Flash into RAM in run time Current implementation uses a “Reclaim” methodology When RAM space overflows the entire RAM space is reclaimed This is simpler to implement and has lower software overhead without needing complex paging mechanisms Best Practices for dealing with swapping Define “key” functions as RESIDENT “key” = library routines that get executed often “key” = Interrupt processing routines with hard real-time requirements Make everything else TRANSIENT Better coding practice is to have several small functions than a few large functions – impact of swapping can be very low CAUTION: Debugging of transient functions is not supported Debug by making the function resident first and then release it from being resident 2014 Echelon Corporation

15 Series 6000 Toolchain changes
Support for TRANSIENT vs RESIDENT functions Compiler changes to make the code relocatable Use of relative addressing instead of absolute addressing Auto-Tuning simplifies the setting of memory map, handled automatically by the tool chain Extended Address Table Entries – from 16 to 254 A more ANSI C compliant C Pre-Processor (CPP) Support for auto initializers Increased the amount of persistent data that can be handled Large number of Configuration Properties (CP) stored in files end up in Flash, this didn’t work well in the 5000 6000 fixes this by shadowing data in both RAM and Flash 2014 Echelon Corporation

16 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential
Code example #ifdef MAKE_RESIDENT #pragma resident enabled        // This pragma makes all application functions resident #endif #define MYCONSTANT 3 // This is a transient function int transientFunction(void) {     int autoVar = 1;            // <- Hey, this never worked before!  But, it only works for scalars.     #if MYCONSTANT > 1              // <- Hey, this didn't either     autoVar++;     return autoVar; } // This is a resident function _RESIDENT int residentFunction(void)     int myVar = 2;     return myVar; 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

17 Support for bacnet ms/tp and host interfaces
BACnet MS/TP support was added recently – driven by ICM Controls Schedules will be published in April’14 ShortStack or MIP host interfaces can be used to support LonTalk or LonTalk/IP applications BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP applications today should run as Neuron-hosted apps Host interfaces for BACnet running on external host is still under discussion ShortStack or MIP ShortStack or MIP SCI SCI FT 6050 FT 6010 Neuron 6050 COM FT-X3 RS-485 FT 6050 FT 6010 Neuron 6050 SCI COM SCI FT-X3 RS-485 RS-485 RS-485 BACnet MS/TP BACnet MS/TP 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

18 Memory Improvements Single serial flash (up to 1MB) for both program and persistent data – no need for an EEPROM to log data Supports applications of up to 256K bytes Demand paging Supports logged data up to 48K bytes with a flash file system implemented in the system image Data logs, trending information

19 Installation Improvements
Support for up to 254 address table entries More flexibility in binding network variables More destinations for implicitly addressed messages Over the network system image upgrade New functionality can be added over time Image is transferred to flash and validated prior to switching to it Over the network application image upgrade for applications up to 256K bytes

20 Communications Improvements
Maximum network frame increased from 250 bytes to 1280 bytes Support IP frames without segmentation IPv4 or IPv6 support linked in at compile time DHCP client, SNMP support Classic LonTalk® support, or LonTalk/IP, BACnet/IP or UDP interface Future Enhanced ISO/IEC MAC Higher throughput, less MAC delay, enabled at run time

21 Evaluation and development kit
Izot Series 6000 evk Evaluation and development kit 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

22 IzoT-in-a-box for wired device development
FT 6000 EVK: IzoT-in-a-box for wired device development 2 Evaluation Boards FT 6050, 512 MB Flash, FT-X3 4-Line 20 character LCD Display 4-way Joy Stick with center push button Two push button inputs Two LED outputs Light level sensor Temperature sensor Sample-pack (Quantity 5) of FT 6050 Connectivity IzoT Router (with IzoT Server) FT and Ethernet cables Software NodeBuilder for Neuron C development Commissioning Tool with basic Visio Wire shark IP protocol analyzer Order Now! Available Q2’14 $895 List Price

23 Dev Plan for 6000 EVK and Follow-Ons
Products Rev A For EVK use only Rev B Volume Production 5 pack FT 6050 4/21 FT 6050 N/A FT 6010 Neuron 6050 6/30 FT 6050 EVB IzoT Router 4/30 6/30 includes certs + prod. tooling IzoT NodeBuilder IzoT LNS  4/30 IzoT Commissioning Tool (EVK edition) Docs (web hosted)

24 Resources available Build your own road show demo board
With Raspberry Pi’s and FT 6000 EVB Data sheets on the web FT 6050, FT 6010, Neuron 6050, FT 6000 EVK FT 6000 EVK complete set of 15 documents FT 6000 EVK Quick Start Guide Series 6000 EVK User’s Guide FT 6000 EVB Hardware Guide Series 6000 EVK Examples Guide Series 6000 Data Book I/O Model Reference for Smart Transceivers and Neuron Chips IzoT BACnet Developer’s Guide IzoT Resource Editor’s Guide IzoT Commissioning Tool User’s Guide IzoT Network XML Programmer’s Guide IzoT Plug-in for WireShark Neuron Assembly Language Reference Neuron C Programmer’s Guide Neuron C Reference Guide Neuron Tools Errors Guide 2014 Echelon Corporation

25 Enabling cypress neuron conversions
FT 6000 EVB is designed to provide a development environment for both FT 6050 and FT 6010 Special versions of FT 6010 system images will be made available only in the FT 6000 EVK versions of NodeBuilder These special images will run on the FT 6050 and will make a FT 6050 behave like a FT 6010 The 6000 EVB is also designed to accommodate a Neuron 6050 as stuff option The FT-X3 transformer will be replaced with an RS-485 transceiver FT 6000 EVK with support for FT 6010 will be available 5/30 Neuron 6050 EVK: will be released some time late Q2’14/early Q3’14 This will be the first time we have a full development environment for Neuron’s and should enable conversions from Cypress Neurons 2014 Echelon Corporation

26 Thank You

27 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential
Sustaining customers Sustaining Growth - Existing LON customers wanting to stay LON only FT 31xx  FT 6050 FT 5000  FT 6050 IP addressing, lager apps Lower cost compared to FT 31xx FT 6050 LON customers wanting to add BACnet/IP, they like FT FT 31xx  FT 6050  (new SKU MCU+Eth) IP, BACnet+LON, FT Fewer SKUs FT is Lower cost IP alternative to Ethernet (may wait for MFT) Customer profile Current impl.  IzoT solution  (Alternative impl.) Feature benefits to customer Business benefits to customer (risks for Echelon) 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

28 Growth – known: BACnet and cypress neuron customer base
FT 6050 FT 6010 BACnet customers wanting to add LON over FT MCU-8+RS485  FT 6050  no alternative LON, BACnet/IP, MSTP, FT, any IP Increase TAM BACnet only customers wanting to add IP but looking for cheaper alternative to Eth MCU-8+RS485  FT 6010  MCU-32/Eth IP, FT, BACnet/IP FT is lower cost than Eth (may wait for MFT) N 6050 BACnet customers wanting to add LON over RS485 MCU-8+RS485  N6050+RS485  Cyp Neuron + RS485 LON, LON/IP, BACnet/MSTP, BACnet/IP Increase TAM Cypress Neuron installed base (LON + RS-485) Cyp Neuron + RS845  N6050 +RS485 or N6050+Eth cont.  Cyp N is dead end LON, LON/IP, BACnet/MSTP, BACnet/IP Fewer SKUs Extend product life and increase TAM 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

29 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential
Growth - new FT 6010 New customers looking to develop IP based control devices No controls or MCU-8/RS485  FT 6010  MCU-32/Eth IP, FT, Any Sockets/UDP control protocol FT is lower cost than Eth (may wait for MFT) N 6050 New customers looking to develop IP based control devices No controls or MCU-8/RS485  Neuron Eth Cont. MCU-32/Eth IP, compact control/communications stack, Any sockets/UDP control protocol Lower cost IP implementation 2014 Echelon Corporation Confidential

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