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Black Holes Patrick Coyle.

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Presentation on theme: "Black Holes Patrick Coyle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Black Holes Patrick Coyle

2 Objectives To create an interesting website that presents information on black holes Include MS Word, MS Powerpoint, MS Excel, MS Sharepoint Designer, and Java Applet Use what I’ve learned this semester to make my final project

3 Difficulties Picking a topic
Finding data on black holes for my MS Excel page Remembering everything that we learned this semester Making an insightful but simple website Finding an applet involving black holes Finding the time

4 Why Black Holes? Space is a fascinating topic They are a mystery
It is a specific topic, instead of an ambiguous topic like outer space I was interested to learn more about black holes

5 What I Learned.. I relearned how to build different aspects of a website (e.g. installing an applet) Definition of a black hole, how big a black hole can be, what types of black holes are out there, how they are born, how they grow, etc. Improvising

6 Website Background on Black Holes MS Word Proposal
MS Excel involving Black Holes in galaxies Black Hole Applet Pictures of Black Holes Links page to different websites involving Black Holes

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