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Domenico Vicinanza DANTE, Cambridge UK Fausto Vetter

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1 Network monitoring supporting the arts: a transatlantic dance performance use case for perfSONAR MDM
Domenico Vicinanza DANTE, Cambridge UK Fausto Vetter RNP, Rio De Janeiro – Brazil TNC 2012 – Reykjiavik, Iceland, 23 May 2012

2 The background Advanced networking is becoming increasingly popular in the field of the arts and humanities Enabling collaboration Sharing experiences Creating virtual stages In a way which is unimaginable only a few years ago! GÉANT launch event performance: Musicians in Stockholm Dancers in Kuala Lumpur

3 Why research and education networks?
Many modern distributed artistic performances are using advanced networking GÉANT and the European NREN infrastructures are ideal platform: Accessible, high-quality (over-provisioned) IP network Availability of point-to-point circuits Support and expertise available within GÉANT to facilitate the use of advanced networking for the arts The challenge presented today: Create a successful simultaneous performance featuring dancers in Brasilia and Barcelona performing together on a virtual stage as if they were all in the same place.

4 Brilliant performances Crucial monitoring  perfSONAR
Advanced networking requires advanced monitoring Monitoring an international scale: gathering information from different network domains The solution: perfSONAR MDM The GÉANT multi-domain monitoring service Interoperable on a global scale Suitable for NRENs, research projects Fully supported

5 The event: 3rd European Network Performing Arts Production workshop
Hosted by Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona Local technical support: RedIRIS (Spanish NREN) CESCA (regional network in Catalonia – Anella Cientifica) Coordination: TERENA Internet2 technical expertise provided by GARR Dates: 15, 16 and 17 June 2011 Topics: equipment & requirements for Interactive performing arts education Multi-site performance events, and High quality netcasting over advanced networks

6 The dance performance: e-Pormundos Afeto
A joint dance performance between Brazil and Barcelona Responsible: e-pormundos afeto (Brazil) the KONIC group (Barcelona) Credits: “Grupo de Trabalho de Midias Digitais e Artes" – Digital Media and Arts Working Group (2009/2010) Developed the "arthron" tool for transmission Responsible: Laboratorio de Video Digital headed by Prof. Guido Lemos Supported by RNP (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa) – Brazilian NREN Directed by: Ivani Santana Co-created with: Konic Theatre

7 e-Pormundos Afeto performance: The network console
"e_pormundos afeto" (2011) Concepção /Conception Ivani Santana Co-criação/ co-creation Konic Thtr Dançarinos/Dancers Mab Cardoso, Jean Therese (Brasil)/Sachiko Fullito (Espanha) Tecnologia: LAVID, RNP, i2Cat

8 e-Pormundos Afeto: pictures from the performance

9 e-Pormundos Afeto: pictures from the performance

10 The dance performance netowork requirements
Transmission requirements: Source: Brasília (Brazil) Destination: Barcelona (Spain) Data estimation: Mbps (each direction) Protocol: User Datagram Protocol (UDP) No special requirement – best effort service Operational Requirements: Validate end-to-end connectivity Verify any possible botleneck across different networks Multi-domain troubleshooting infrastructure

11 The monitoring solution
The monitoring solution was based on perfSONAR MDM for Troubleshooting perfSONAR MDM provided: Reliable multi-domain monitoring accessible through a common interface both in Europe and Brazil The measurement and troubleshooting strategy: Regular and on-demand bandwidth tests: Using perfSONAR MDM in Europe and the Brazilian perfSONAR infrastructure Test amongst main sites

12 A deeper look at perfSONAR MDM?
perfSONAR MDM (Multi-Domain-Monitoring) is the multi-domain monitoring service for the GÉANT Service Area (GSA) Part of the GEANT portfolio Based on the perfSONAR protocol Interoperable with hundreds of deployments around the world (from the website) (from the website)

13 Link utilisation, input errors, output drops (RRD-MA)
Purpose: Monitor link utilisation, input errors, packet drops Provide access to historical measurements Strategy: Query router interfaces using SNMP from a perfSONAR server Store data into RRD files made accessible through web-service

14 Link Utilisation User Interface

15 OWD, jitter, packet loss, traceroute (HADES)
Purpose: Monitor OWD, jitter, packet loss, traceroute variations Regularly scheduled On demand (to be implemented) Provide access to historical measurements Strategy: Sending 9 packets every minute from pS server (Meas. Point) Measure OWD, jitter, packet loss and tracking IP route Store data into perfSONAR SQL-MA archive made accessible through web-service

16 HADES User Interface – OWD, jitter packet loss

17 HADES User Interface – route comparison
Simple route comparison

18 Achievable bandwidth (BWCTL)
Purpose: Measure the achievable bandwidth between two MPs Regularly scheduled and on demand (only for NREN NOC/PERT engineers) Provide access to historical measurements Strategy: Run bandwidth test between MPs using a web-service interface to BWCTL Display data with graph and store into perfSONAR SQL-MA archive made accessible through web-service

19 Accessing Historical Bandwidth Measurements
Each dot is a measurement run. Clicking on the dot a window displays the details

20 …and getting the results in two clicks from the web interface

21 perfSONAR Deployment: the domains involved

22 perfSONAR Available Measurement Points

23 perfSONAR Results RNP_Brasilia > ANELLA_Barcelona
GEANT_Madrid > RNP_Sao_Paulo RNP_Sao_Paulo > REDIRIS_Madrid

24 Conclusions With monitoring points on all key links, engineers from all the networks could access network measurement data from multiple domains in a standardised format. work together, identifying potential issues on the intercontinental route ensure a smooth network performance take action to solve these before the event confident that they were seeing the same information in a consistent format. …and a configuration problem causing a poor bandwidth was actually identified and corrected


26 perfSONAR MDM website:
1400 visits since April, from 58 countries Goals: Single point of access for perfSONAR Contact points, FAQs, resources & downloads, and support Host news and success stories from Users

27 perfSONAR Twitter: @perfSONARMDM
Weekly tweets Messages re-tweeted by other sister networks and organisations Growing community of followers around the world @perfSONARMDM

28 Thanks for the collaboration and support from…
GÉANT: DANTE: Domenico Vicinanza Fausto Vetter Thomas Fryer DFN: Roland Karch redIRIS: Alberto Escolano Sanchez Anella/CESCA: Jordi Gaya RNP (Rede Ipê): Daniela Brauner Leonardo Carneiro Murilo Vetter Rafael Costa José Augusto Suruagy Monteiro

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