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Personnel Management.

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1 Personnel Management

The motto of the prussian army‘s sergeant. “People become resources to be developed, rather than human beings who are valued in themselves and who are encouraged to choose and shape their own future.” Gareth Morgan “The assets make things possible The people make things happen.”


4 Definition Personnel Management is that part of the total management which specially deals with human resource in respect of: Their procurement, Their development in terms of skills, knowledge and attitude, Their motivation towards the attainment of organisational objectives by creating and maintaining an organisational climate to such development.


6 Administrative discipline of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization. It includes (1) conducting job analyses, (2) planning personnel needs, and recruitment, (3) selecting the right people for the job, (4) orienting and training, (5) determining and managing wages and salaries, (6) providing benefits and incentives, (7) appraising performance, (8) resolving disputes, (9) communicating with all employees at all levels.

7 Personnel management is concerned with:
Obtaining, developing and motivating the human resources required by the organization to achive its objectives. developing an organization structure and climate and evolving a management style which will promote co-operation and commitment thorughout the organization.

8 Personnel management is concerned with:
Making the best use of the skills and capacities of all those employed in the organization, Ensuring that the organization meets its social and legal responsibilities towards its employees, with particulare regard to the condition of employment and quality of working life provided for them.


10 Human Resources Management

11 Recruitment

12 RECRUITMENT The process of attracting individuals in sufficient numbers with the right skills and at appropriate times to apply for open positions within the organization.

13 Definition and Meaning of Recruitment
According to Edwin B. Flippo,“ Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization ” Meaning: Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment

14 Recruitment needs are of three types
PLANNED The needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy. ANTICIPATED Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external environment. UNEXPECTED Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organisation. Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organisation. Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. Help increase the success rate of selection process.

16 Recruitment Process Identify vacancy
Prepare job description and person specification Advertising the vacancy Managing the response Short-listing Arrange interviews Conducting interview and decision making


18 External Sources Walk-ins Employee referrals Advertising
Educational associations Professional agencies E-recruitment (general recruitment agents/ companies’ own sites) Word-of-mouth

19 Importance of Recruitment and Selection
Helps to get a proper candidate. Help to increase success rate or individual & organization. Help to reduce the probability of turnover Helps to get organizations legal and social obligations. Helps to increase organization and individual effectiveness.

20 Employee Induction

21 Orientation is the process of acquainting new employees with the organization. Orientation topics range from such basic items as the location of the company cafeteria to such concerns as various career paths within the firm. Hence we can say that induction or orientation is the process through which a new employee is introduced to the job and the organization. In the words of Armstrong, induction is "the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a company and giving him the basic information he needs to settle down quickly and start work.

22 Orientation Definition: Orientation is a systematic and planned introduction of employees to their jobs, their co-workers and the organization. It is also called as Induction. Orientation is designed to provide a new employee with the information he/she needs to function comfortably and effectively in the organization. Should be a process, not an event.

23 Purpose of Orientation
To reduce start up costs (associated with job learning) To reduce anxiety To reduce employee turnover To save time for supervisor & colleagues To Develop Realistic Job Expectations and Job Satisfaction 

24 Purpose of Orientation
The idea is to make the new employees feel ‘at home’ in the new environment Expedite proficiency Enhance adjustment to work group and norms Encourage positive attitude The terms and conditions of employment It helps a new employ to know the job, its content, policies, rules & regulations and the people with whom he is supposed to interact.

25 Steps In Induction Programme
Welcome to the organization Explain about the company. Show the location, department where the new recruit will work. . Give the company's manual to the new recruit. Provide details about various work groups . Give details about pay, benefits, holidays, leave, etc. Emphasize the importance of attendance or punctuality. Explain about future training opportunities and career prospects. Clarify doubts, by encouraging the employee to come out with questions.

26 The areas covered in employee induction programme may be stated as follows - CONTENT of induction

27 About the Organisation
o History of company o Names and titles of key executives. o Employees' title and department. o Layout of physical facilities o Probationary period o Products/services offered o Overview of production process o Company policy and rules o Disciplinary procedures o Safety steps o Employees' handbook

28 Employee benefits o Pay scales, pay days o Vacations, holidays
o Rest pauses o Training Avenues o Counselling o Insurance, medical, recreation, retirement benefit

29 Job duties Job location o Job tasks o Job safety needs
o Overview of jobs o Job objectives o Relationship with other jobs

30 Orientation Programme
1 employee handbook and orientation program. 2.Communicate pride in the company by giving each new employee an item with the company logo on it. 3.Encourage communication, and a sense of importance, by inviting new employees to have coffee or lunch with the company owner or a senior manager.

31 Orientation Programme
4. Encourage new employees to sample the product and or service that the company sells (i.e. Some restaurants offer new employees a complimentary meal). 5. Reduce the stress of starting a new job by pairing new employees with a buddy (a more senior or experienced team member) that can help coach them through the first few weeks on the job.

32 Problems of Orientation
Too much paperwork high Cost to company Only expenditure no income Information overload Too much “selling” of the organization Too much one-way communication Difficult for the employee to relate

33 Wage and Salary Administration


35 Concept of Wage and Salary Administration

36 Concept of Wage and Salary Administration
Refers to the establishment & implementation of sound policies and practices of employee compensation Includes areas as Job Evaluation, Surveys of Wages & Salaries, Establishing rules for administering wages, Profit Sharing, Wage changes & adjustments, Supplementary payments, Control of compensation costs

37 Purpose To establish & maintain an equitable wage & salary structure and an equitable labour-cost structure. Other objectives include: To recruit persons for a firm To control payroll costs To satisfy people, to reduce the incidence of quitting grievances, & fractions over pay, & To motivate people to perform better

38 Important Definitions
Compensation: Money received in the performance of work , plus the many kinds of benefits and services that organisations provide their employees. Wages (or PAY) The remuneration paid, for the service of labour in production, periodically to an employee Difference between Wages and Salary Wages: Hourly/daily rate, blue collar workers Salary: weekly/Monthly rates, white Collar workers

39 The Wage determination Process

40 Factors Influencing Wage & Salary Structure & Administration
The Organization's ability to pay Supply & demand of labour The prevailing market rate The cost of living Productivity Trade Union’s Bargaining power

41 Continued…. Managerial attitudes Psychological & Sociological factors
Levels of Skills available in the market

42 Administration of Wages & Salaries

43 Types of Wages Time Rate Piece Rate Balance or Debt Method

44 Training

45 Training & Development
Definition “The systematic acquisition of attitudes, concepts, knowledge, roles, or skills, that result in improved performance at work.” Training skill enhancement processes for non-managerial jobs Development skill enhancement processes for managerial jobs

46 Instructional Techniques
Traditional Approaches Classroom Instruction Lecture and Discussion Case Study Role Playing Self-Directed Learning Readings, Workbooks, Correspondence Courses Programmed Instruction Simulated/Real Work Settings Vestibule training Apprentice training On-the-job training Job Rotation/Cross Training OJT - Transfer of training is maximized OJT - Brief & poorly structured; Co-workers may resent doing it Vestibule - promotes practice Vestibule - relatively few people trained at one time Job Rotation - acquaints workers with many jobs; opportunity to learn by doing; gives the organization flexibility during worker shortages; provides a variety of experiences and challenges Job Rotation - If workers are on piecerate, may be unwilling to rotate out of lucrative job; violates the principle of assigning people jobs that match the talents and interests Apprentice - lasts a predetermined amount of time (Mass Gen)

47 New Training Technologies
Distance Learning CD-Rom and Interactive Multimedia Web-based Instruction Intelligent Tutoring Systems Virtual Reality Training

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