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Analog-to-Digital Converter

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1 Analog-to-Digital Converter
Module 3.B Analog-to-Digital Converter Tim Rogers 2017

2 Learning Outcome #3 A: Clocks and Real Time Interrupt (RTI)
“An ability to effectively utilize the wide variety of peripherals integrated into a contemporary microcontroller” A: Clocks and Real Time Interrupt (RTI) B: Analog-to-Digital Converter (ATD) C: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) D: Timer Module (TIM) E: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) F: Serial Communications Interface (SCI) How?

3 Learning Outcome #3 Why? “Analog to digital conversion”
The digital world is quantized and has fixed information size On a macro scale, the real world is continuous and analog. ATD

4 Analog Conversion Basics
If your reference voltages are 0V and 5V, and you have 2 bits to encode each sample, then the sampled voltage values possible are: (A) 0, 2.5V (B) 0V, 1.25V, 2.5V, 3.75V, 5V (C) 0V, 1.25V, 2.5V, 3.75V  (D) 1.25V, 2.5V, 3.75V, 5V (E) 0V, 1.67V, 3.33V, 5V If your reference voltages are 0V and 5V, and you have 2 bits to encode each sample, then the sampled voltage values possible are: (A) 0, 2.5V (B) 0V, 1.25V, 2.5V, 3.75V, 5V (C) 0V, 1.25V, 2.5V, 3.75V (D) 1.25V, 2.5V, 3.75V, 5V (E) 0V, 1.67V, 3.33V, 5V Analog Conversion Basics Rate at which you take samples is called the sampling rate Each reading of the analog signal is a sample Each sample has a finite number of bits: quantization Values always relative to a reference voltage. What you store is a fraction of the reference voltage.

5 Analog Conversion Basics
Design space for ATD converters involves picking the: sample rate # bits for quantization encoder type Analog Conversion Basics Rate at which you take samples is called the sampling rate Each reading of the analog signal is a sample Goal: Reproduce the analog signal as faithfully as possible given constraints and acceptable error Each sample has a finite number of bits: quantization Actually reading the sample to find most appropriate value is called encoding Values always relative to a reference voltage. What you store is a fraction of the reference voltage.

6 Determining an individual value (sampling)
One way to help narrow this sampling time is to use a “sample-and-hold” (S/H) circuit that acts as an ”analog memory” S/H circuit will read in a voltage, then hold that value while the converter makes it binary But in reality, converting the value to a digital value is not infinitely fast Ideally, when we read in a voltage we do it infinitely fast

7 Setting the Sampling rate
If the highest frequency component of the input signal is Fi, what must your sampling frequency (Fs) be to ensure correct conversion? (A) Fs=Fi (B) Fs=Fi/2 (C) Fs=Fi*2 (D) Fs=Fi*4 (E) Fs=Fi/4 If the highest frequency component of the input signal is Fi, what must your sampling frequency (Fs) be to ensure correct conversion? (A) Fs=Fi (B) Fs=Fi/2 (C) Fs=Fi*2  (D) Fs=Fi*4 (E) Fs=Fi/4 Key component of setting up an ATD is setting the sampling rate Ts To do this – you need to do a spectral analysis of your input signal. If the input signal has higher frequency components than Fs/2, you need to put a low-pass filter on the ATD input

8 If Fs (sampling frequency) = 20kHz an 11 kHz input signal (without any filtering) be encoded as:
(A) 10 kHz (B) 11 kHz (C) 9 kHz (D) 21 kHz (E) None of the above If Fs (sampling frequency) = 20kHz an 11 kHz input signal (without any filtering) be encoded as: (A) 10 kHz (B) 11 kHz (C) 9 kHz  (D) 21 kHz (E) None of the above ATD Filtering Q: What happens if you do not filter out the high frequency components? A: Aliasing! Original waveform Alias reconstruction In the frequency domain Filter on ATD input referred to as anti-aliasing filter Without a filter, frequencies are “folded back” into the baseband

9 Quantization Number of bits for each sample: often called dynamic range Quantization is the assignment of a fixed amplitude level (corresponding to an available binary code) to the incoming analog signal Note that the converted code is relative to the reference voltage(s) applied to the converter (VRH = voltage reference high, VRL = voltage reference low)

10 Illustration of Quantization

11 Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error
X Vrh X Vrh

12 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

13 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

14 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

15 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

16 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

17 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

18 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

19 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

20 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

21 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

22 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

23 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

24 Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis
Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error Scaling input analog voltage along x-axis

25 Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error

26 Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error

27 Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error

28 Quantizing Intervals and Quantization Error

29 Quantization noise Example: For n = 8,
This process introduces noise into your sample. Signal to Quantizing Noise Ratio (SQNR) of a converter quantifies the amount of noise. More Bits  Less Noise SQNR = 20 log10 (2n / 1), where n is # of bit This is derived from the general equation for a binary, pulse-code modulated communication channel Example: For n = 8, SQNRdB = 20 log10 (256 / 1)  48 dB Solving for other values of n shows that the dynamic range is approximately 6 dB/bit

30 Analog Conversion Basics
Converter type Wide variety of types, but two basic categories Those requiring a DTA (digital-to-analog converter as an integral component) Those not requiring a DTA Successive approximation is one of the most common types of ATD converters integrated into microcontrollers High resolution Conversion time is a linear function of n Based on “binary guess my number” game








38 9S12C ATD Features and Modes
8 input channels 8/10-bit resolution, signed or unsigned 8 separate result registers programmable sample time fast conversion time (8 bits of accuracy in 9 µs) may be program- or interrupt-driven port PAD pins may also be used as general-purpose digital inputs (if ATD mode is not used) conversion may be externally triggered

39 Reminder: Block Manual for 9S12 ATD

40 ATD Block Diagram Analog input channels 16-bit result registers
Reference high/low voltages Analog input channels Unused Port AD pins can be used as digital inputs S/H “shutter speed” can be programmed

41 General ATD Operation Control registers (establish mode of operation)
1. Initialize Control registers (establish mode of operation) power up (overall enable) initiate conversion on channel(s) program-driven vs. interrupt driven mode “shutter speed” (sampling aperture) resolution (number of bits) conversion sequence length (number of channels) signed vs. unsigned result analog vs. digital inputs

42 General ATD Operation Channel complete flag For an individual sample
2. Check Flags Channel complete flag For an individual sample Sequence complete flag The whole sequence is done 3. Read Results When the conversion is complete – read the digital value.

43 Conversion Sequences Can sample 1 to 8 channels in a sequence
Both modes will set the sequence complete flag (SCF) when a sequence is done Can sample 1 to 8 channels in a sequence 2 modes: scan and non-scan Scan: Read sequence – immediately restart Non-scan: Read sequence then stop Used in Interrupt-driven mode. Keeps interrupting every time done. Used in Program-Driven (polling) mode. Program initiates another scan when ready

44 Conversion Complete Flag (CCF)
After each individual channel is complete, the CCF flag is set CCF for a given channel is automatically cleared when the result register for this channel is read

45 Initialing the conversion
You always have to setup a conversion sequence (even if it is just a sequence of one channel). The ATD start conversing when the ATDCTL5 register is written to

46 ATD Features and Operating Modes
Reference voltages VRH – reference high voltage VRL – reference low voltage minimum (either): -0.3v maximum (either): +6.5v Conversion range and resolution If VRH = 5.0 v and VRL = 0.0 v, then an input voltage of 5.0 v will produce a converted output code of $FF, while an input voltage of 0.0 v will produce a converted output code of $00 (assuming unsigned mode) Here, the resolution (or “step size”) of the converter is (VRH - VRL)/256 = v

47 ATD Features and Operating Modes
Conversion example: If VRH = 5.0 v and VRL = 0.0 v, then an input voltage of 2.90 v will produce what converted output code? Answer: / = 148 = $94

48 Interrupt when sequence complete Enable Bit
ATD Initialization ; Initializes ATD for program-driven operation ; STEP (1) Enable ATD for normal flag clear ; mode with interrupts disabled atd_ini movb #$80,atdctl2 Bits 4-3: External Trigger Mode External Trigger bit Interrupt Flag Interrupt when sequence complete Enable Bit Fast-Flag Clear Bit Power on bit

49 Fast Flag Clear Mode AFFC (bit 6) – fast flag clear mode
Program driven mode: Always should read the status first! So “normal” mode fine. AFFC (bit 6) – fast flag clear mode “0” – normal CCF flag clearing mode (must read status register before reading result register to clear individual CCF) “1” – fast CCF flag clearing mode (just reading the result register will clear CCF, i.e., do not need to read status register) Interrupt driven mode: If you are interrupt then you know the flag is set – reading it redundant.

50 External Trigger ATDCTL2 (control) ETRIGLE and ETRIGP (bits 4-3)
ETRIGE (bit 2) “0” − disable external trigger “1” − enable external trigger Allows use of PAD7 to “trigger” an ATD conversion

51 Conversion sequence length
ATD Initialization ; Initializes ATD for program-driven operation ; STEP (1) Enable ATD for normal flag clear ; mode with interrupts disabled atd_ini movb #$80,atdctl2 ; STEP (2) Set the conversion sequence length to one movb #$08,atdctl3 Bits 6-3: Conversion sequence length FIFO mode enable bit

52 Conversion Sequence Length
ATDCTL3 (control) S8C, S4C, S2C, and SC1 (bits 6-3) – conversion sequence length Out of reset – this is set to 4

53 FIFO Mode ATDCTL3 (control) FIFO (bit 2) – result register FIFO mode
“0” – non-FIFO mode (conversion results map into result registers based on the conversion sequence, starting with result register 0  “ADR0”) “1” – FIFO mode (conversion results are placed in consecutive result registers between sequences)

54 ATD Initialization 0: 10bit mode, 1: 8-bit mode
; Initializes ATD for program-driven operation ; STEP (1) Enable ATD for normal flag clear ; mode with interrupts disabled atd_ini movb #$80,atdctl2 ; STEP (2) Set the conversion sequence length to one movb #$08,atdctl3 ; STEP (3) Select 8-bit resolution and nominal sample time movb #$85,atdctl4 rts 0: 10bit mode, 1: 8-bit mode Bits 4-0: Set ATD Clock Bits 6-5: Sampling time 2 to 16 ATD clocks

55 Setting ATD Clock ATDCTL4 (control) PRS (bits 4-0) – clock pre-scalar
“00000” – divide by 2 “00001” – divide by 4 “00101” – divide by 12 (24/12 = 2 MHz) “11111” – divide by 64 maximum bus clock frequency maximum ATD clock frequency

56 ATD Conversion Timing CCFn set sample and transfer time
= 6 + final sample time* *2/4/8/16 cycles successive approximation conversion time = 2 + number of bits nominally 18 cycles for 8-bit resolution CH0 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 write to ATDCTL5 starts conversion SCF set if 4-ch mode SCF set if 8-ch mode Note: The SCF bit is cleared when a write to ATDCTL5 starts a new conversion (AFFC=0), or the first result register is read (AFFC=1)

57 Program-Driven Driver Function
; Channel number passed in B register ; Converted sample returned in A register ; STEP (1) Start conversion on desired channel inatd andb #$07 ;mask unwanted bits stab atdctl5 ;start conversion ;selected channel in ;“default” mode Left or Right Justified Result. 0=left,1=right Bit 2 to 0: Channel to sample Scan mode: 0=no-scan, 1=scan Recall on ATDCTL3 we set the conversion sequence length. If MULT bit is 0, we sample the same channel multiple times Signed/unsigned result 0=unsigned,1=signed Multi-channel: 0-sample only one channel. 1 – sample over successive channels

58 Left Justified Signed/Unsigned Output Codes
Result Data Formats Left Justified Signed/Unsigned Output Codes


60 Program-Driven Driver Function
; Channel number passed in B register ; Converted sample returned in A register ; STEP (1) Start conversion on desired channel inatd andb #$07 ;mask unwanted bits stab atdctl5 ;start conversion ;selected channel in ;“default” mode ; STEP (2) Wait for conversion sequence to finish await brclr atdstat,$80,await Bit 2 to 0: Counter for # conversions complete Sequence complete flag. 1=cconversion done FIFO Overrun flag External Trigger overrun Flag

61 Conversion complete flag for each result register
Other Status Register Bit 7 to 0: Conversion complete flag for each result register

62 Program-Driven Driver Function
; Channel number passed in B register ; Converted sample returned in A register ; STEP (1) Start conversion on desired channel inatd andb #$07 ;mask unwanted bits stab atdctl5 ;start conversion ;selected channel in ;“default” mode ; STEP (2) Wait for conversion sequence to finish await brclr atdstat,$80,await ; STEP (3) Read result register and exit ldaa adr0h ;(A)=(selected result) rts

63 ATD Data Registers PORTAD (data input) register
In 8-bit, left aligned, non-FIFO mode, the first converted result will always be written to: (A) ADR0H  (B) ADR1H (C) the result register corresponding to the converted channel (D) the next available result register (E) none of the above In 8-bit, left aligned, non-FIFO mode, the first converted result will always be written to: (A) ADR0H (B) ADR1H (C) the result register corresponding to the converted channel (D) the next available result register (E) none of the above ATD Data Registers PORTAD (data input) register Returns digital value on Port AD pin if the corresponding ATDDIEN register bit is set to “1” ADRxH (result, 16-bit) registers ADR0H ADR1H ADR2H ADR3H – ADR4H – ADR5H – ADR6H – ADR7H We want the HIGH BYTE of the (2 byte) result because it is a BINARY FRACTION (the low byte would contain the two least significant bits, left justified, for the 10-bit conversion mode…this info would typically be used to ROUND the upper 8-bits of the result returned in the high byte)

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