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5th Grade Melissa Dreher (Reading & Language Arts)

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade Melissa Dreher (Reading & Language Arts)"— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Grade 2016-2017 Melissa Dreher (Reading & Language Arts)
Erin Little (Math) Susan Polansky (Science)

2 Contact Information Phone: Website: (Select Vaughan Elem.)

3 5th Grade Expectations Be respectful to all people and property.
Follow teacher/adult directions. Practice kindness and honesty. Keep all body parts and objects to yourself. Be punctual and have materials ready everyday.

4 Daily Procedures Each student should have a zipper binder that will always contain his/her pencil bag, Agenda, conduct card/late assignment log, and a homework folder. This binder should be brought home each day and reviewed by parent and child. The Homework Folder has two sections: Unfinished & Finished. Any “unfinished” work and homework will be in this section and should be finished before returning to school the next day. Once work is complete, students should place their work in the “finished” section. We do not accept early work.

5 Daily Procedures (continued)
The Agenda is a great source of communication and the key to finding due dates regarding homework assignments, tests, etc. Please review the agenda with your child and sign this nightly. The yellow Behavior Communication Log / Late Assignment Log should be checked nightly for any changes. If a conduct mark is earned, a parent/guardian needs to sign the behavior side. On the reverse side will be a list of any late or missing assignments. Parents are to sign to confirm they are aware of an assignment that is past due.

6 Conduct Marks Conduct marks can come from all teachers and/or classes. The total amount of conduct marks during a 9 week period reflects the student’s conduct grade on his/her report card. 0-3 = Outstanding 4-6 = Satisfactory 7-11 = Needs Improvement 12+ = Unsatisfactory Each Week: Thursday-Wednesday 5 minutes of recess lost per conduct mark

7 Homework Homework may be given from all 5th grade teachers in order to practice and study newly studied skills and concepts. Homework is due the next day, unless otherwise stated.

8 Wednesday Folders All Vaughan students bring home a folder on Wednesdays. Please look through this folder as it will contain newsletters, graded papers, and other important school information. Papers that are entered into the gradebook will have a circled grade. Please sign and return folder each Thursday.

9 Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Students should be dropped off no earlier than 7:30 AM by the cafeteria and should be at school no later than 7:50 AM. A student will be considered LATE if not in class by 7:55 AM. All 5th graders will wait in the cafeteria until they are picked up by their teacher. At the end of the school day, you may pick your child up in the carpool line at the front of the building unless they walk home. If your 5th grader has a younger sibling, he/she will meet the sibling after school and follow the younger student’s dismissal guidelines.

10 State Requirements All students in 5th grade are required to take the STAAR test in the subjects of Reading, Math, and Science. For promotion, each child must meet expectations on the Reading and Math portions of the STAAR test.

11 Curriculum & Assessment Calendar
Allen ISD’s curriculum is aligned with the state’s guidelines. To obtain a copy of the 5th grade objectives, you may view TEA’s website( or Allen ISD’s website ( Benchmark testing will occur in November for Reading, Math, & Science. Math STAAR: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Reading STAAR: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Science STAAR: Wednesday, May 10, 2017

12 Family Access Did you know that parents have the ability to monitor and access their child’s grades throughout the year? You don’t have to wait for progress reports or report cards to come home! Visit the “What’s Happening” section of Vaughan’s website to find Family Access. After clicking on Family Access, follow the links and use your unique username and password to login.

13 Dates: November 2-4, 2016 Cost: $225 Students $200 Parent Chaperones Payments: You may use the WEB store to pay for this trip. A deposit of $ 100 is due no later than Friday, September 16th. Final Payment is due Thursday, October 27. (Payments include transportation, all meals and camp fees, and our spring trip to Enterprise City.) INFORMATIONAL MEETING: TBA

14 Thank You! We are thrilled to partner with you this year.
Please check our websites for updates and other information! Mrs. Little (Math) Mrs. Polansky (Science & Social Studies) Mrs. Dreher (Reading & Language Arts)

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