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Northeast Pasco Rural Protection Overlay District

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1 Northeast Pasco Rural Protection Overlay District
BCC : July 12, 2016 PDD

2 Intent of Ordinance To codify specific requirements for the Northeast Pasco Rural Protection Overlay District regulations in new Section 604 of LDC in accordance with Comprehensive Plan Objectives FLU Goal FLU: 2 Protection of Rural Areas with specific focus on Policy FLU: Recognition of the Northeast Pasco Rural Area.


4 Special Area Plan 2005 Key recommendation of Pasco County’s Evaluation and Appraisal Report to protect the rural area in Northeast Pasco County. Set vision to protect rural character of Northeast Rural Area, incorporating citizen input, and established Comprehensive Plan Policies.

5 Comprehensive Plan FLU Goal FLU: 2 Protection of Rural Areas was adopted in the Comprehensive Plan (2006). Preserve and Protect existing rural character and residents, while providing for opportunity to enjoy its rural lifestyle.

6 LDC Sections Implementing NE Rural Comprehensive Plan Policies
Comprehensive Plan Policy Required LDC Amendment Implementing LDC Section 2.1.5 Topography Protection 604.5 2.1.6 Conservation Subdivisions 522.7 2.1.8 Commercial Enclave Development Reserved 2.1.9 Rural Lighting Standards 604.5.F 2.1.10 Corridor Overlay 604 (various sections) 2.2.4 2.3.3 Rural Neighborhood Protection 402.2, 304, 305, 306, 522 2.3.4



9 Current Landscape Requirement for Subdivisions
Type B or D Landscape Buffer and Screening Requirements

10 Type B

11 Type D

12 Corridor and Building Buffer Standards
One the following options shall be used to meet the Corridor Buffer Requirements 1) Corridor Buffer 2) Building Buffer 3) Combination of Corridor and Building Buffer

13 Combination to meet intent
Option 3 Combination to meet intent Option 2 Viewshed Option 1


15 Rural Typical Cross-Section

16 LPA Recommendation June 9, 2016, LPA recommended the following revisions to the Ordinance: Clarify applicability for Minor Rural Subdivisions (MRS) and Limited Family Lot Divisions (LFLD) Clarify applicability to the U.S. 301 Corridor

17 MRS and LFLD Minor Rural Subdivisions and Limited Family Lot Divisions may be used to subdivide property within the rural area. Minor Rural Subdivisions subject to this Section 604. Limited Family Lot Divisions are Exempt.

18 U.S 301 Corridor As per proposed Section 604.2.C:
Sections “Scenic Roadway Corridor Preservation and Enhancement” and “Rural Residential” are not applicable to U.S 301 Corridor within Northeast Rural Area Will be studied as part of a second phase in Reserved Section “Commercial Enclave Development” or a Potential Area Plan.

19 Public Participation 5 Northeast Rural Area Interested Parties meetings Informed of Ordinance revisions through County website and Public comments incorporated into proposed drafts Questionnaire used to receive input on Ordinance Sections

20 Example: 7 foot shoulder for cyclists - rural street cross-section Would you support this recommendation?

21 Street Standards Sample Comments Encourage safe cycling
Would like to make sure taxes don’t go up to pay for it Promotes the rural environment to stay rural Let County build them

22 Do you agree with the intent to include dark sky lighting standards?

23 Sample Comments Sky at night most beautiful part of living in NE Pasco
If all residential why is it needed? Minimum light pollution Full cut off lighting

24 Public Meetings Adoption: August 9th, 2016 Advertised in newspaper
30 public notices signs posted in NE Rural Area Website

25 Questions?

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