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Vision for an education that respects diversity

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1 Vision for an education that respects diversity
Presentation by Ministry of Education and Sports of Albania at the Regional Conference “Embracing Diversity through Education”, 6 November 2013

2 MoES vision for Inclusive Education
Education is considered as one of the best economic policies and as an essential system that guarantees the development of the country. As such Education offers and guarantees: Quality education for every child, regardless of family origin and economic status condition; A high school diploma, university studies and vocational education for every young person up to 26 years old; Consolidated Pre -school education which offers access for all children up to 5 years old; Special care in the implementation of social policies to help disadvantaged students and those in need; A school, which offers a barrier-free environment for young people with limited physical abilities.

3 The legal Support for an Inclusive Education
The law and all bylaws for pre-university education are consistent, clear and express legal support for Inclusive Education; The law and all bylaws have as a back bone quality education; The law and all bylaws foresee a deep reform for teacher education starting from pre service up to the licensed teacher; The law and all bylaws confirm a friendly school infrastructure, functional and in service to every child and student.

4 Friendly schools to all children
The challenge of pre-university education today is providing quality education for all, overcoming barriers to education for : Children and students of disadvantaged strata of society especially isolated children because of blood feud; Children and young people belonging to Roma and Egyptian communities; Primary Integration for children with disabilities in every school, creating an inclusive mentality, eliminating exclusive attitudes; Transforming linguistic and cultural diversity in a human wealth which enriches individual knowledge and interpersonal relations.

5 Effective teaching and learning
The challenges concerning teaching and learning are: Successful implementation of Curricula reform in pre university system. Review the possibility of concentration of schools; Effective and friendly infrastructure for children and pupils of pre university system; Implementation of a successful reform concerning initial and in service teacher training. .

6 PARTICIPATION Our Challenge concerning Participation is “ School as Community Center”: A friendly school to children and students and in service to them, parents, community and local structures; Transparency and regular communication with parents; Effective and wide base school Governance New standards for the appointment of school headmaster.

7 Inclusive Education School As community center (2)
A school where parents and community will have access to school decision making for quality education; Design of the “school performance card “ will provide parents with information on school standards and the quality of teaching and learning;

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