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Tango Administrative Tools

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1 Tango Administrative Tools

2 Tango Administrative Tools
Goal Principle (Starter/Astor a couple to danse Tango) Starter Astor Features overview Start/stop/control device servers on a collection of hosts Configure and tune polling Configure and test events Logs and servers statistics Configure access control 2

3 Tango Administrative Tools
Goal To know at a quick glance if everything is OK in a control system And otherwise, to be able to diagnose a problem and solve it. Configure and the control system and its components. Long term analysis (logs, statistics,...) Analysis on data from database (CS info, DS usage, ...). 3

4 Tango Administrative Tools
Principle - Starter/Astor a couple to danse Tango : Starter device server running on each controlled host. A graphical client on all Starter devices. 4 4

5 Tango Control System Manager
Get host list DB server Host n Starter server Host n Starter server Host n Starter server Get status DS DS Host n DS Starter server DS DS DS Host n DS DS Starter server Get server list DS DS DS Host n DS DS Starter server DS DS DS Host n DS DS Starter server DS DS DS DS DS DS Host 1 DS DS Starter server DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 5

6 Tango Administrative Tools
Starter – Controlled server status : This Tango device server, written in C++, is dedicated to control system management. An instance of the Starter must be running on each host in the control system. When a Tango device server starts, it registers itself automatically in the TANGO database as running on specified host. At start-up, the Starter takes this list of servers registered on the host . Periodically, a system call gets the list of running processes. For each controlled server, the Starter checks if the server is in the running process list. If it is running a second check is done by a ping on administrative device to test if the server is alive. Finally a spectrum containing the server names and their status is built. The Starter device name must be : tango/admin/<host name> 6

7 Tango Administrative Tools
Starter – Starting controlled servers : At Starter start up : For each server, a control level can be defined (level 0 means not controlled). At start-up, the Starter takes a list of servers registered on host and its control level. Beginning at level 1 to level n (default is 5), if the specified server is not already running, the Starter try to start it. On request : A server (or all servers in a level), can be started using a command on Starter device. Automatic re-start : A class property can be define to enable this feature. If a server, started by the Starter, fails (kill signal, core dump, …), the Starter re start it automatically. The server has to be running for a while (defined by the class property) The failed and start are stored in a file (for further statistics) 7

8 Demo Astor Overview Start/stop Configure add Debug Etc…

9 Tango Administrative Tools
Astor – Tango manager client : This graphical client, is a java swing frame containing a tree to display the control system status. The host status, read from the Starter, is displayed using coloured icons. For each host, a specific window displays servers status using coloured icons. 9

10 Tango Administrative Tools
Astor – Tango manager client : WARNING: The displayed state is the server state and not the device state ! A server is able to serve several devices and one icon cannot display all device states or a combination of them. 10

11 Tango Administrative Tools
Astor – Action on server : Start/Stop server Set control level. Configure attribute polling. Display device dependencies Display information (classes, devices,...) Launch a wizard to configure (as Jive) Launch a panel to test device Launch a panel to display state on each device. Display logs Display standard error 11

12 Tango Administrative Tools
Configure attribute polling : 12

13 Tango Administrative Tools
Configure a pool of polling threads : By default, a single thread is started to poll attributes. In case of several devices, a pool of threads is available. Astor proposes a graphic tool to distribute device(s) by thread 13

14 Tango Administrative Tools
Configure and test events : An attribute browser to configure. An event tester 14

15 Tango Administrative Tools
Astor – Logs and statistics : Start and stop action on Starter are logged in a file and can be displayed. Start and fails are logged in a another file to compute statistics. 15

16 Tango Administrative Tools
Astor – LogViewer : From Astor or from Jive, a tool called LogViewer can be launched to display device outputs. Outputs are time stamped Outputs can be filtered by levels and by message 16

17 Tango Administrative Tools
Configure access control : Tango provides an access control service. BUT: today I have not enough time to explain in detail here. Access in READ is given for everybody. Access in WRITE is given with restriction on : Users IP address Astor propose a panel to configure it (password needed). 17

18 Tango Administrative Tools
Analysis on data from database : Server Usage (useful in case of large number of instances) Global Information on Control System 18

19 Tango Administrative Tools

20 Tango Administrative Tools

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