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Comprehensive Traffic Engineering and Access Control Point Study

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1 Comprehensive Traffic Engineering and Access Control Point Study
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland COVER SLIDE GUIDELINES Type the title of your briefing where indicated. Titles on the cover slide will be in Perpetua Titling MT font, Bolded, size 40 point, centered if possible, see note below. Type name of briefer where indicated (if known or if appropriate for the audience) Type the date of the briefing where indicated. NOTE: If the text looks off center or doesn’t fit properly because the title or the name of the briefer is too long, then left justify GUIDELINES FOR BRIEFING SLIDES Slide titles will be in Perpetua Titling MT font, Bolded, size 36 Sub-headings, if used will be in Perpetua Titling MT font, Bolded, size 24 point Use the bullet format preset on the slide template. Text on the slide will be in Arial font, preferred size is 20. Size the font appropriately keeping in mind the audience and the setting for the brief. Text should be black, with colored text used to highlight as needed. Incorporate pictures, charts and other graphics as needed, and use discretion when creating colorful slides. (See color schemes below.) COLOR SCHEMES To replicate the color of the background on the cover slide (and the top portion of the title area on the briefing slides) use the RGB color scheme: R-180, G-135, B-54 To replicate the SDDC green color use RGB: R-56, G-97, B-42 11 September 2012

2 Background SDDCTEA and Gannett Fleming are conducting a comprehensive traffic engineering study. Collected data and made field observations in late 2011 and early Inbrief for installation held on 15 November 2011. Scheduled to submit final report mid-November 2012.

3 Study Purposes and Goals
The overall goal of this study is to identify existing deficiencies and provide improvements to improve traffic flow, safety, and to assist in future planning. Other goals include: Evaluate key roadways, intersections, and access control points (ACPs) to assess the impact of existing and future traffic Consider present, programmed and proposed land use and transportation development scenarios Provide general signage improvements Make improvements for: Short-term solutions to present problems Long-term improvements to accommodate future development plans and traffic projections

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