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Structural Design Patterns

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1 Structural Design Patterns
Bad user interface was a major cause. Computers monitored the reactor. If something went wrong, they sent printouts to the printer. People read the printouts and flipped switches / opened values to solve the problems. In under a minute, 700 things went wrong. The printers were behind. The people didn’t know what the problems were. February CSE 403, Winter 2011, Brun

2 Amazon web services Applied for grant No guarantees yet
Might provide some cash for each student.

3 Picture diagram question
We mean an architectural diagram, like the ones from the architecture lecture (January 19)

4 System Design and Planning Presentations
Presentations due by class on Friday, Feb 4 Turnin online (class web page) and also bring to class on memory stick Present – 10 min followed by Q&A: What is it that you’re building (remind us!) What’s your approach to building it and what challenges might you meet How you will achieve your goals with the time and resources allocated Convince us that you’re on track for a successful delivery!

5 Structural patterns: Wrappers
Problem: incompatible interfaces Solution: a thin veneer over an encapsulated class modify the interface extend behavior restrict access The encapsulated class does most of the work

6 Types of wrappers Pattern Functionality Interface Adapter same
different Decorator Proxy

7 Adapter Change an interface without changing functionality
rename a method convert units implement a method in terms of another Example: angles passed in radians vs. degrees

8 Adapter example: scaling rectangles
interface Rectangle { // grow or shrink this by the given factor void scale(float factor); ... float getWidth(); float area(); } class quadrupler { void quadruple(Rectangle r) { ... r.scale(4); ...

9 Adapting scaled rectangles via subclassing
class ScaleableRectangle1 extends NonScaleableRectangle implements Rectangle { void scale(float factor) { setWidth(factor * getWidth()); setHeight(factor * getHeight()); }

10 Could we use this class instead?
class NonScaleableRectangle { void setWidth(float width) { ... } void setHeight(float height) { ... } ... }

11 Adapting scaled rectangles via delegation
Delegation: forward requests to another object class ScaleableRectangle2 implements Rectangle { NonScaleableRectangle r; ScaleableRectangle2(NonScaleableRectangle r) { this.r = r; } void scale(float factor) { setWidth(factor * getWidth()); setHeight(factor * getHeight()); float getWidth() { return r.getWidth(); } float circumference() { return r.circumference(); } ...

12 Decorator Add functionality without changing the interface
Add to existing methods to do something additional (while still preserving the previous specification) Not all subclassing is decoration

13 Decorator example: Bordered windows
interface Window { // rectangle bounding the window Rectangle bounds(); // draw this on the specified screen void draw(Screen s); ... } class WindowImpl implements Window {

14 Bordered windows: two ways
Via subclassing: class BorderedWindow1 extends WindowImpl { void draw(Screen s) { super.draw(s); bounds().draw(s); } Via delegation: class BorderedWindow2 implements Window { Window innerWindow; BorderedWindow2(Window innerWindow) { this.innerWindow = innerWindow; innerWindow.draw(s); innerWindow.bounds().draw(s); Delegation permits multiple borders on a window and a window that is both bordered and shaded (or either one of those)

15 Proxy Same interface and functionality as the wrapped class
Control access to other objects communication: manage network details when using a remote object locking: serialize access by multiple clients security: permit access only if proper credentials creation: object might not yet exist (creation is expensive) hide latency when creating object avoid work if object is never used

16 Subclassing vs. delegation
automatically gives access to all methods of superclass built into the language (syntax, efficiency) Delegation permits cleaner removal of methods (compile-time checking) wrappers can be added and removed dynamically objects of arbitrary concrete classes can be wrapped multiple wrappers can be composed Some wrappers have qualities of more than one of adapter, decorator, and proxy

17 Composite pattern Composite permits a client to manipulate either an atomic unit or a collection of units in the same way Good for dealing with part-whole relationships

18 Composite example: Bicycle
Wheel Skewer Hub Spokes Nipples Rim Tube Tire Frame Drivetrain ...

19 Methods on components class BicycleComponent { int weight(); float cost(); } class Skewer extends BicycleComponent { float price; float cost() { return price; } class Wheel extends BicycleComponent { float assemblyCost; Skewer skewer; Hub hub; ... float cost() { return assemblyCost + skewer.cost() + hub.cost() + ...;

20 Composite example: Libraries
Library Section (for a given genre) Shelf Volume Page Column Word Letter interface Text { String getText(); } class Page implements Text { String getText() { ... return the concatenation of the column texts ...

21 Traversing composites
Goal: perform operations on all parts of a composite Should give a figure here, showing runtime structure and compile-time structure. Also give the signature for Expression, indicating the permitted operations.

22 Abstract syntax tree (AST) for Java code
class PlusOp extends Expression { // + operation Expression leftExp; Expression rightExp; } class VarRef extends Expression { // variable reference String varname; class EqualOp extends Expression { // equality test a==b; Expression lvalue; // left-hand side; "a" in "a==b" Expression rvalue; // right-hand side; "b" in "a==b" class CondExpr extends Expression { // a?b:c Expression condition; Expression thenExpr; // value of expression if a is true Expression elseExpr; // value of expression if a is false

23 Object model vs. class hierarchy diagram
AST for "a + b": Class hierarchy for Expression:

24 Perform operations on ASTs
Need to write code in each of the cells of this table: Question: Should we group together the code for a particular operation or the code for a particular expression? Objects CondExpr EqualOp Operations typecheck pretty-print

25 Interpreter and procedural patterns
Interpreter: collects code for similar objects and spreads apart code for similar operations easy to add objects, hard to add operations Procedural: collects code for similar operations and spreads apart code for similar objects easy to add operations, hard to add objects example: visitor pattern Interpreter and procedural have classes for objects the code for operations is similar; the question is where to place that code Selecting between interpreter and procedural: Are the algorithms central? Are the objects? (Is the system operation-centric or object-centric?) What aspects of the system are most likely to change?

26 Interpreter pattern Add a method to each class for each supported operation class Expression { ... Type typecheck(); String prettyPrint(); } class EqualOp extends Expression { Type typecheck() { ... } String prettyPrint() { ... } class CondExpr extends Expression {

27 Procedural pattern Create a class per operation, with a method per operand type class Typecheck { // typecheck "a?b:c" Type tcCondExpr(CondExpr e) { Type condType = tcExpression(e.condition); // type of "a" Type thenType = tcExpression(e.thenExpr); // type of "b" Type elseType = tcExpression(e.elseExpr); // type of "c" if ((condType == BoolType) && (thenType == elseType)) { return thenType; } else { return ErrorType; } } // typecheck "a==b" Type tcEqualOp(EqualOp e) { ...

28 Definition of tcExpression (in procedural pattern)
class Typecheck { ... Type tcExpression(Expression e) { if (e instanceof PlusOp) { return tcPlusOp((PlusOp)e); } else if (e instanceof VarRef) { return tcVarRef((VarRef)e); } else if (e instanceof EqualOp) { return tcEqualOp((EqualOp)e); } else if (e instanceof CondExpr) { return tcCondExpr((CondExpr)e); } else ... } Recall what Expression.typecheck() looked like in the Interpreter pattern: it was empty (abstract). Maintaining this code is tedious and error-prone. The cascaded if tests are likely to run slowly. This code must be repeated in PrettyPrint and every other operation class.

29 Visitor pattern: a variant of the procedural pattern
Visitor encodes a traversal of a hierarchical data structure Nodes (objects in the hierarchy) accept visitors Visitors visit nodes (objects) class Node { void accept(Visitor v) { for each child of this node { child.accept(v); } v.visit(this); class Visitor { void visit(Node n) { perform work on n n.accept(v) performs a depth-first traversal of the structure rooted at n, performing v's operation on each element of the structure

30 Sequence of calls to accept and visit
a.accept(v) b.accept(v) d.accept(v) v.visit(d) e.accept(v) v.visit(e) v.visit(b) c.accept(v) f.accept(v) v.visit(f) v.visit(c) v.visit(a) Sequence of calls to visit: d, e, b, f, c, a

31 Implementing visitor You must add definitions of visit and accept
Visit might count nodes, perform typechecking, etc. It is easy to add operations (visitors), hard to add nodes (modify each existing visitor) Visitors are similar to iterators: each element of the data structure is presented in turn to the visit method Visitors have knowledge of the structure, not just the sequence

32 Calls to visit cannot communicate with one another
One solution: an auxiliary data structure Another solution: move more work into the visitor itself class Node { void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } class Visitor { void visit(Node n) { for each child of this node { child.accept(v); } perform work on n Information flow is clearer (if visitor depends on children) Traversal code repeated in all visitors

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