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Review of EU Information 2008

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1 Review of EU Information 2008
Ian Thomson University of Zagreb: Faculty of Law Library: Seminar: Keeping up-to-date 28 October 2008

2 Structure of talk EU Information and Communication Policy
Interactive Communication European Transparency Initiative Access to documents Better, simpler and more accessible legislation Further developments

3 Public opinion and Europe: Elections, referendums and surveys

4 EU information and communication policy: Warnings
… warning to all European politicians. We must close the gap between the people and the policymakers Margot Wallström European citizens need to feel a far greater sense of ‘ownership’ of the European political process John Palmer Decision makers must: ‘listen better, explain better and connect with citizens’ Margot Wallström

5 EU information and communication policy: Key messages
Duty of the EU to inform, consult and involve (to listen) Right of the ‘citizen’ and ‘stakeholder’ to be informed, consulted and involved (to know) Listening – Communicating – Go local Use all forms of media

6 EU information and communication policy: Recent developments
Action Plan to Improve Communicating Europe, July 2005 Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate, October 2005 White Paper on a European Communication Policy, January 2006 Communication: Communicating Europe in Partnership, October 2007 Communication: Communicating about Europe via the Internet: Engaging the Citizen, December 2007 Communication: Debate Europe…,April 2008 Action Plan on Communicating Europe through Audio-Visual Media, April 2008

7 Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives

8 Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives

9 Interactive Communication: Participatory democracy initiatives

10 European Transparency Initiative
Transparency of recipients of EU funds particularly agriculture and structural funds [Beneficiaries of grants] [CAP] Transparency of interests in EU Institutions especially EP and Commission [2008 report] [EO on EP, July 2008] Transparency in the fight against fraud in the EU budget Transparency of interests of lobbyists Lobbying has a role / Who do they lobby? Are all lobbyists equal / Registration 2008: Register of Interest Representatives launched [COM (2008)323]

11 European Transparency Initiative

12 European Transparency Initiative

13 Access to EU documents Why access to documents is considered important : accountability Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, May 2001 Green Paper Review of 1049/2001, April 2007 New proposal, April 2008 [Statewatch Observatory]

14 Access to EU documents

15 Better Regulation Reduced legislative activity - ‘Better regulation’
Better quality legislation after consultation Impact assessments Better quality drafting - Explanatory memorandum Greater use of alternative legislative instruments Consolidation, codification and recasting Simplification Making Community law more accessible EUR-LEX, PRELEX, OEIL etc

16 Other developments… Some new & revised websites

17 Documents Publications
Other developments… Electronic availability of older EU publications and documents Documents Publications

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