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Point for Discussion: What sparked nationalism in Europe?

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1 Point for Discussion: What sparked nationalism in Europe?
Focus 10/18 Since the old Roman Empire, the Italian peninsula had been a loose collection of states sharing a common culture and language, but not a unified nation. After the spirit of nationalism swept through Europe, many Italians embraced their common heritage and called for unification of the Italian states. In order to do this Italians had to come together as a people and drive out foreign influence. Point for Discussion: What sparked nationalism in Europe? Critical Lens: Nationalism weakens Empires. Term to Know: Unification

2 Italian Nationalism and the Unification of Italy

3 Italy After the Fall of Rome

4 Italian Nationalism Congress of Vienna divides Italy among Austria, Hapsburg Monarchs, and France

5 Italian Nationalism Congress of Vienna ignores demands of Italian Nationalists, in response nationalists focus on expelling Austrian forces from Northern Italy

6 Italian Nationalism Italian nationalist leader Giuseppe Mazzini helps set up revolutionary republic in Rome

7 Italian Nationalism Italian nationalist movement, Risorgimento, passed to Kingdom of Sardinia

8 Italian Nationalism Camillo Cavour was a shrewd Italian politician who helped to bring about Italian unification Cavour was a noble, but favored liberal goals Supported a limited monarchy Long term goal was to expel Austria from Italy Aided in the overthrow of Austrian backed rulers in northern Italy

9 Italian Nationalism Giuseppe Garibaldi - Italian nationalist, who, with the help of Cavour turned control of Naples and Sicily to Italian leader Victor Emmanuel Ally of Mazzini Wanted an Italian Republic Recruited an army of 1,000 troops called “Red Shirts” Ideas conflicted with nationalists who supported monarchy

10 Italian Nationalism Giuseppe Garibaldi –
“I offer neither pay, nor housing, nor provisions. I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles, and death Let him who loves his country in his heart, not with his lips follow me” Impact of the Individual: What does Garibaldi mean by the above quote? What qualities might inspire people to follow a leader like Garibaldi?

11 Italian Nationalism After hard fought negotiations and military force Italy was united for the first time since ancient Rome. Italy acquired Venetia as a reward for staying out of Franco- Prussian War Franco – Prussian War forces France to pull troops from Italy

12 Italian Nationalism Difficulties after Unification
- regional difference between north and south Italy hostility between the Roman Catholic Church and newly united Italy Population explosion caused tensions that were relieved through urbanization Anarchists wanted to sabotage all organized government

13 Closure Explain how the Congress of Vienna inadvertently created a unification movement in Italy. Identify three nationalist leaders of Italy’s unification movement.

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