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How is the oceanographic data management in The Netherlands being organized (with a National Oceanographic Data Committee instead of a Centre) and how.

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Presentation on theme: "How is the oceanographic data management in The Netherlands being organized (with a National Oceanographic Data Committee instead of a Centre) and how."— Presentation transcript:

1 How is the oceanographic data management in The Netherlands being organized (with a National Oceanographic Data Committee instead of a Centre) and how we have implemented the SeaDataNet infrastructure in The Netherlands Taco de Bruin Chair - National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NMD Meeting

2 The Netherlands National Oceanographic Data Committee
Going Dutch: The Netherlands National Oceanographic Data Committee Taco de Bruin Chair - National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NMD Meeting

3 Why a NODC – History of the NL-NODC
Conclusions from a workshop on oceanographic data management in The Netherlands in 1995: Well organized at government agencies (RIKZ, Hydrographic Service, etc) Complete lack of data management in academic community (research institutes, universities) Largely dispersed within The Netherlands No national policy or vision No distinct representation towards outside world (national or international) Lack of quarantees for preservation of data No uniform data exchange format Solutions: Foundation of Data Management Group (DMG) at NIOZ in (to serve the academic community) Foundation of NODC in 1997 NMD Meeting

4 National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC)
Committee – not a centre Based on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ( ) (2009 - Fully distributed structure Currently 7 Partners: Rijkswaterstaat - Directorate General for Public Works and Water Management Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) (Academic community) TNO B&O – Built Environment and Geosciences (Geological Survey) Hydrographic Service (KM-HYD) Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology (NIOO-CEME) Wageningen IMARES Deltares : Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) Advisor: Marine Information Services (MARIS) NMD Meeting

5 National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC)
Very interesting mix of government agencies (2), research institutes (2) and privatized, former government agencies (3) Government agencies have specific tasks, limited to territory and EEZ of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Other NODC Partners may operate all over the world Data from all disciplines: Coastal research, bathymetry, geology, biology, ecology, physical oceanography, marine meteorology, etc, etc. Many different data types Broad expertise among Partner institutes Flexible, efficient NMD Meeting

6 NODC Objectives (from MoU):
1) to further data management and the delivery of quality data to a broad user group 2) to lower thresholds and barriers (organizational, technical, financial) for data exchange - obligation to conduct data management at institutional level NMD Meeting

7 NODC Structure (from MoU):
- 4 Meetings/year - One official representative per partner - One vote per partner - Chair and Executive Secretary - Annual membership fee of 3630 Euro per partner - Large pool of experts NMD Meeting

8 Early achievements and the role as national platform
NODC website with national overviews of: - Datasets (in international EDMED format) - Projects (in international EDMERP format) - Planned research cruises - ‘Grey’ literature - Individual measurements in Common Data Index (CDI) format (from EU-SeaSearch project) NMD Meeting

9 The NL-NODC is the national platform for oceano-graphic data management
Representing The Netherlands in international organizations and projects: - IODE - ICES (WGMDM and WGDIM) - EU-projects and initiatives as Sea-Search, SeaDataNet, EMODNET The Dutch approach has been noticed internationally: - Australia: AODC-JF - United Kingdom - Italy - Portugal - France - Poland - Norway NMD Meeting

10 NODC Data Policy (18 May 2000):
“5. Exchange and availability of data. All oceanographic data such as defined in section 4 are in principle available and accessible for use and this free of charge. In this connection a number of restrictions are to be complied with: 5.1 The data supplier is to be the rightful owner of the data. 5.2 The data supplier keeps the copy rights and remains owner of the data 5.3 The data supplier accepts no liability for the (consequences) of the use of the data supplied. 5.4 When data are used, e.g. for publication in any form, sources are to be quoted.” 5.5. Etc. NMD Meeting

11 NODC Data Policy: “5. Exchange and availability of data.
All oceanographic data such as defined in section 4 are in principle available and accessible for use and this free of charge. In this connection a number of restrictions are to be complied with: 5.1 The data supplier is to be the rightful owner of the data. 5.2 The data supplier keeps the copy rights and remains owner of the data 5.3 The data supplier accepts no liability for the (consequences) of the use of the data supplied. 5.4 When data are used, e.g. for publication in any form, sources are to be quoted.” Internal (i.e. between partners only) data exchange NMD Meeting

12 No uniform DATA ACCESS: Data access should be key activity!!!!!!
NODC: Organizational structure for data exchange: MoU Data Policy No uniform DATA ACCESS: Data access should be key activity!!!!!! No technical infrastructure for data exchange: Different RDBMS Different formats Some databases online, others are not NMD Meeting

13 Situation of data exchange within NL-NODC a couple of years ago:
Online accessibility and availability of data Waterbase (RIKZ) CODIS (NIOZ) KODAC (KNMI) Watermarkt (RIKZ, veel andere instituten) HYDRA (KNMI) COREBASE (NIOZ) DINO (TNO- B&O) (RIKZ) (RIKZ) NMD Meeting

14 Situation of data exchange within NL-NODC a couple of years ago:
Online accessibility and availability of data Waterbase (RIKZ) CODIS (NIOZ) KODAC (KNMI) Watermarkt (RIKZ, veel andere instituten) HYDRA (KNMI) COREBASE (NIOZ) DINO (TNO- B&O) (RIKZ) (RIKZ) NMD Meeting

15 Situation of data exchange within NL-NODC a couple of years ago:
Online accessibility and availability of data Waterbase (RIKZ) CODIS (NIOZ) KODAC (KNMI) Watermarkt (RIKZ + many other partner institutes) HYDRA (KNMI) COREBASE (NIOZ) DINO (TNO- B&O) (RIKZ) (RIKZ) many more ….. - user had no overview of data availability - user had to do all format conversions and syntheses - user had to spend at least 50% of time on finding data and data conversion, instead of doing science NMD Meeting

16 National infrastructure for access to oceanographic and marine data and information:
NODC-i Objectives of the project: central index of all data in the partner databases transparent access via Internet to the partner databases (fully distributed system) Project: February 2005 – December 2008 ( 2 phases) 1 M Euro (500k from Bsik – Ruimte voor Geo-Informatie (RGI)) SeaDataNet technology          NMD Meeting

17 SeaDataNet, consortium of national oceanographic data centres:
35 countries IOC/IODE ICES JRC Total 49 partners, links with JCOMM, WDC, DMAC, MMI, EDIOS, EU-MarBEF (NoE), EU-Seased, ESEAS, Esonet, EuroGeoSurveys, POGO, etc. NMD Meeting

18 SeaDataNet System SeaDataNet Portal Search & shop
Data download, in uniform format SeaDataNet Portal Data centre Data centre Data centre Data centre Metadata + transaction data NMD Meeting

19 The NODC web site is the Dutch node in the SeaDataNet network, linking the Dutch partner databases directly to the SeaDataNet infrastructure NMD Meeting

20 Common Data Index (CDI)
CDI is a fine-grained index to individual data measurements (such as a CTD cast or moored instrument record). CDI: ‘common’ metadata of individual measurements (location, time, parameter, availability, owner, etc.) CDI records from >29 countries NMD Meeting

21 Request Status Manager
SeaDataNet system User interface CDI Central User Register Shopping basket Request Status Manager Download Manager Download Manager Download Manager data data data NMD Meeting

22 Go to Link: Data access
NMD Meeting

23 Go to Link: Data access
NMD Meeting

24 Go to Link: Data access
NMD Meeting

25 Go to Link: Data access
NMD Meeting

26 As a result from the NODCi-project:
NIOZ was the very first institute in Europe to fully comply to the SeaDataNet requirements NL-NODC is the very first node in Europe to become a fully functional node in the SeaDataNet Transnational Access network NMD Meeting

27 As a result from the NODCi-project:
New MoU – needed to be renewed and rephrased, signed April 9 New membership – fisheries research institute (IMARES) New data policy - external - differences in funding structure may cause problems: government and research institutes: public money – public access some organizations have to create revenue out of the data New commitment - by partners (MoU signed by directors and discussed within management teams) - by outside world: NWO (national funding agency) now requires data to be delivered using NODC infrastructure and standards NMD Meeting

28 Pros and Cons of a Committee:
National platform – Large pool of subject experts No legal entity – both pro and con Very limited financial resources Lack of corporate feeling NMD Meeting

29 Directors / management
COMMUNICATION: Directors / management Institutes / colleagues in other departments Paramount importance of EOC (Education, Outreach, Communication) to advertize the infrastructure: If nobody knows it, nobody will use it Prevent re-inventing the wheel: Developments elsewhere which are in fact one step back NMD Meeting

30 Meeting original objectives?
1) to further data management All organizations convinced and active 2) the delivery of quality data to a broad user group All organizations consider this part of their tasks 3) to lower thresholds and barriers - organizational MoU signed by directors - technical NODCi infrastructure - financial MoU and Data Policy: free data exchange 4) % data availability ????? In principle 100%, in practice ?????? NMD Meeting

31 Reasons to join the NL-NODC
1) Need of data to perform own task NODC is platform for access to data from other partners 2) Make data available Data requests can now be handled by NODCi/SeaDataNet infrastructure – greater efficiency 3) NODCi/SeaDataNet infrastructure is ready for INSPIRE requirements and can directly be used for EMODNET projects (probably also for other national obligations, such as OSPAR) 4) NODC facilitates cooperation in national and European projects 5) No need to develop infrastructure and policies on your own and thus re-invent the wheel 6) Efficient to be able to act on behalf of a larger group in Europe NMD Meeting

32 Operational system since early 2009
Conclusions: A committee has proven to be a very efficient and fruitful construction Importance MoU NODC Data Policy Operational system since early 2009 Constraints because of international project Single license, used by many organizations Paramount importance of EOC (Education, Outreach, Communication): If nobody knows it, nobody will use it NMD Meeting

33 Conclusions “The NODC data access infrastructure is a great achievement and extremely useful for science, policy-making and society at large” NMD Meeting

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