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You are expected to take notes on every topic

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2 You are expected to take notes on every topic
Learning Intentions To know and understand the historical context surrounding the novel - background information on life in America in the 1920s.

3 Business/Economy Fuelled by easy money the nineteen-twenties were boom times like never before. The post-war recession was forgotten as everyone went on a spending spree. Credit, and not savings, enabled consumers to boost corporate profits to new levels. The 1920's saw new discoveries and inventions in nearly every field of endeavour that became the foundation of thriving businesses. New business and production methods allowed manufacturers to make large profits which they put back into new factories and wage rises. Increased incomes, along with the introduction of credit with no credit card fees until years later, funded a huge increase in consumer spending.

4 Shoppers were able to buy big ticket consumer items like cars, fridges, washing machines, pianos, vacuum cleaners, furniture, and radios on time payment. Previously, these expensive items were only affordable by the wealthy. The rich splurged on apartments on Park Avenue and filled them with antiques and expensive paintings. The upward spiral in prosperity seemed to have no end and as always happens in this situation the easy money found its way into speculation. Using borrowed money, speculators pushed up the price of houses, land and shares Business/Economy

5 New Money VS Old Money New Money - recently acquired wealth Old Money - wealth acquired long ago and passed down through the generations In the 1920s many of the wealthier people (mainly the ones who had always had money, “old money”) were thought to be coarse, rude, and tasteless. They believed they had a type of freedom from the ordinary. They were vulgar, insincere, and always let others clean their mess for them

6 Social Reform Up until the early 1900's the pace of change in American lifestyles had been relatively slow with most people experiencing a similar lifestyle to what their preceding generations had also followed. New influences created a new country-wide culture in the early twentieth century. Changes included: VALUES -old values are being replaced with new values Growth and Prosperity Corruption Prohibition

7 During Prohibition, the manufacture, transportation, import, export, and sale of alcoholic beverages were restricted or illegal.

8 How to you think today’s society would react to Prohibition being passed in Australia?
Specifically what problems would rise? Prohibition was supposed to lower crime and corruption, reduce social problems, lower taxes needed to support prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America. Instead, Alcohol became more dangerous to consume; organized crime blossomed; courts and prisons systems became overloaded; and endemic corruption of police and public officials occurred.

9 To Live in the 1920’s…

10 The Charleston Although the origins of the dance are obscure, the dance has been traced back to “blacks” who lived on an island off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina (which is why the dance is called "Charleston"). The Charleston dance had been performed in black communities since 1903, but did not become internationally popular until the musical debuted in 1923 The Charleston dance became extremely popular in the 1920s, especially with Flappers. The dance could be done by oneself, with a partner, or in a group.

11 Flappers and Fashion In the 1920s, a new woman was born. She smoked, drank, danced, and voted. She cut her hair, wore make-up, and went to petting parties. She was giddy and took risks. She was a flapper. Beautiful coordinated and accessorized outfits were a feature of 1920's ladies fashions. Dresses were lighter and brighter and shorter than ever before.

12 The Music In the 1920's new kinds of dancing evolved along with the new Jazz and Blues music. The new music and dances were fast paced and energetic, like the optimistic 1920's themselves. They were an escape from the horror of war, and an opportunity to release pent up emotions created by the restricted lifestyles forced on the public by the war effort

13 The Great American Dream
In the 1920s most Americans were in pursuit of the infamous “American Dream.” The American dream was to be rich, successful, happy, and to be one of the social elites. However, the few that got there were labelled the “new money.” The new money is different from the old because the old never had to work for it. The old money treated the new money differently than ordinary people, but still deemed them inferior. People got to the top by which ever means they could. Americans put their values and morals away to reach the unreachable dream What do you think the Great American Dream was all about based on the information we have looked at so far today??

14 HOMEWORK Define the following key terms in your own words: Flapper
New Money Old Money The Great American Dream Prohibition The Charleston

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