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Priorities in the tuna value chain for ANFACO-CECOPESCA

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1 Priorities in the tuna value chain for ANFACO-CECOPESCA
Jose Carlos Castro Neila, ANFACO-CECOPESCA FRUCOM – Brussels, 31th May 2017 FRUCOM,

The Spanish sea-food cluster is grouped in ANFACO-CECOPESCA, which is the oldest business organization in Spain with 113 years of history Cluster world leader in the processing and trade of fishery and aquaculture products The turnover of the companies in the cluster amounts annually to more than 7,300 Milions of €. It has national scope Cluster companies employ more than workers directly which more than 60% work in Galicia. It has 245 member companies belonging to a true cluster in marine and food sector. It has a Technological sector center of reference at national level: CECOPESCA. 46% of its products are for export, being present in more than 117 countries across the 5 continents.

3 Integrated sectors in the Cluster

4 Map of the Cluster companies outside Spain
More than 25 companies with offices or factories outside Spain More than 40 industrial plants or delegations in third countries 13 foreign companies associated to the cluster. ANFACO-CECOPESCA

5 Institutional representation of the cluster at international level
MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FOUR EU ADVISORY COUNCILS: Long Distance Advisory Council Market Advisory Council Aquaculture Advisory Council South West Waters Advisory Council MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AIPCE – The European Fish Processors Association We held the THE PRESIDENCY OF EUROTHON

6 Spanish production of canned fish and shellfish
Spain: a worldwide reference in production of fish and shellfish in canned 2.015 2.016 % 2015 s/2014 Volume MT 0.7% Value Thousands € 1.1% Fuente: ANFACO-CECOPESCA with sector data

7 Spanish production of canned fish and shellfish
SPANISH PRODUCTION OF FISH AND SHELLFISH BY SPECIES VOLUMEN TM VALOR Miles Euros 2.015 2.016 %16 s/15 TM. % Miles € Sardine 24.784 23.867 -3,7% -0,6% White tuna 12.871 12.595 -2,1% -1,2% Tuna /light tuna 0,7% 1,5% Tuna with vegetables 2.086 2.076 -0,5% 11.955 11.919 -0,3% Mackerel 15.264 14.822 -2,9% 66.160 65.168 -1,5% Mussels 13.557 13.530 -0,2% 3,5% Octopus 989 987 9.546 9.594 0,5% Cuttlefish and squid 6.570 6.800 31.086 32.516 4,6% Cockles 5.313 5.536 4,2% 84.482 87.101 3,1% Clams 1.246 1.217 -2,3% 13.407 12.911 Razor clams 716 717 0,1% 11.278 11.334 Others (zamburiñas, huevas, surimi, horsemackerel, melva, cod, seaweed…) 26.662 28.821 8,1% 86.524 87.216 0,8% TOTAL 1,2% Fuente: ANFACO-CECOPESCA with sector data

8 Spanish graphic production volume of
canned and semi-processed seafood. Undoubtely Canned tuna are the main product produced by the canning industry, representing % of the total, followed by sardines, mackerel mussels….and other species Fuente: ANFACO-CECOPESCA with sector data

9 Spanish graphic production volume of
canned and semi-processed seafood. In terms of value, again canned tuna leads the production: mussels (7.35 %) and Sardine / with 6.68% . Fuente: ANFACO-CECOPESCA with sector data

Internationalization is a strategic pillar of our strategy from the point of view of: Trade and insurance of raw materials. Spain is in the top positions in the ranking of countries exporting canned and prepared seafood , at EU level and globally TOP DESTINATIONS OF PREPARED AND CANNED FISH PRODUCTS: UE: Italy, France, Portugal, Germany, UK Out of UE: USA, Algeria, Chile, México

2014/2015 VOLUME VALUE 2015 2016 2016s/2015 MT. % Thousands € Sardine 3.000 2.311 -23% 14.081 12.612 -10% Tuna 98.564 4% 9% Mackerel 2.652 2.675 1% 11.553 12.133 5% Other fish 9.538 10.220 7% 34.755 39.442 13% Mussels 1.842 1.734 -6% 7.090 9.038 27% Scallops 103 61 -41% 198 158 -20% Cuttlefish and squid 13.469 18.016 34% 37.254 50.504 36% Octopus 1.605 1.838 15% 11.570 15.219 32% Clams and cockles 333 906 172% 1.648 2.481 51% Other moluscs 8.055 8.855 10% 24.299 28.742 18% Other shellfish 7.633 7.382 -3% 33.559 36.227 8% Surimi 5.907 5.398 -9% 15.950 15.740 -1% Tuna loins 6.724 7.706 30.502 34.460 Salted anchovies 5.334 5.605 5,1% 11.779 11.357 -4% Anchovies(filets in oil) 3.711 3.437 -7% 45.592 45.773 0,4% TOTAL 6% Source: ANFACO-CECOPESCA with customs data

Volumen TM Valor Miles € 7.698 1.226 245 6.665 43.710 21.351 10.005 2.789 Fuente: ANFACO con datos ADUANAS del Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas Source: ANFACO-CECOPESCA with customs data

13 Our main concerns nowadays:
To ensure and promote the level playing field in the EU seafood processing market, specially related to: Decent work: The EU should play a key role conditioning the access to the EU market to the existence of minimum social conditions and the previous fulfillment of decent work through the FTA IUU: We support the advices promoted by LDAC and MAC asking for a modernization of the Regulation 1005/2008, providing a new electronic database to share information between MS about catch certificates ANFACO-CECOPESCA

14 Our main concerns nowadays
- Free Trade Agreements: Tuna should be considered as a sensitive product, maintaining tariff protection and EU rules of origin. - Safeguarding supply of raw material: Tuna loins ATQ: tm. at this time, it is not enough to assure the EU processing industry competitiveness ANFACO-CECOPESCA

15 Distinctive characteristics of the Spanish Canning Industry
Commitment to the principles of corporate responsibility in the social, economic and environmental aspects Compliance of the most advanced standards in food quality and safety, working conditions, respect for the environment, sustainability and compliance with responsible fishing and trade. Regulatory framework: Workers Statute, Collective Labor Agreement, Business Codes of Conduct ANFACO-CECOPESCA

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