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What Causes Air Pollution? Primary and Secondary Pollutants History of Air Pollution Motor Vehicle Emissions Industrial Air Pollution.

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3 What Causes Air Pollution?
Primary and Secondary Pollutants History of Air Pollution Motor Vehicle Emissions Industrial Air Pollution

4 What Causes Air Pollution?
Air pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by wastes from sources such as industrial burning automobile exhausts. Can be solid, liquid, or gas Most air pollution is the results from human activities

5 What Causes Air Pollution?
Some air pollution is natural Dust Pollen Spores Sulfur dioxide from volcanic eruptions

6 Primary and Secondary Pollutants
Primary Pollutant: One that is put into the air by human activity. Ex: soot from smoke

7 Secondary Pollutant: Results from a chemical reaction when a primary pollutant contacts either another one or a naturally occurring substance. Ex: ground level ozone = car exhaust + UV rays from sun


9 Sources of Primary Air Pollutants
Primary Pollutant Sources: Household products Power plants Motor vehicles Primary pollutants: Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxide Sulfur dioxide Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s)

10 Sources of Primary Air Pollutants
Particulate matter can also pollute the air Divided into fine and coarse particles. Fine particles enter the air from fuel burned by vehicles and coal-burning power plants.

11 Sources of course particles
cement plants mining operations incinerators wood-burning fireplaces fields and roads



14 Motor Vehicle Emissions
1/3 of air pollution Controlling Vehicle Emissions: EPA = Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Act in 1970 Catalytic converters: clean exhaust gases Removed lead from gasoline Zero emission vehicles

15 Catalytic Converter

16 Catalytic Converter

17 Industrial Air Pollution
VOC’s - Volatile Organic Compounds form toxic fumes Sources: oil refineries furniture refinishers auto repair shops dry cleaning

18 Industrial air pollution is regulated:
Clean Air Act requires many industries to use scrubbers or other pollution-control devices Scrubbers remove some of the more harmful substances that would otherwise pollute the air.

19 Smog is hanging air pollution that reduces visibility.

20 UV rays + exhaust + ozone
Smog UV rays + exhaust + ozone


22 Temperature Inversions trap pollution near the earth’s surface.




26 12.1 Review What is air pollution?
What is the cause of most air pollution? What is the difference between a primary and secondary pollutant? List two examples of primary pollutants. What are the two examples of particulate air matter? What are VOC’s? Give 3 sources of VOC’s. What is smog? Explain how a temperature inversion occurs. List regulations of the Clean Air Act that have a direct impact on your air quality.

27 Activity Section Review: page 308 #1-4 Write the questions & answers.

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