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Belgium adapting in a nutshell

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1 Belgium adapting in a nutshell
Johan Bogaert

2 Adaptatie doorheen beleidsniveau’s
EU EU White Paper Climate-adapt EAS ( ) National Adaptation Plan Belgium Scientific research climate modelling Regional and/or Sectorial assessments on Impact, vulnerability & Adaptation Actions Regions Regional Adaptation (Action) Plans Flanders Wallonia Brussels cities communities and Federal klimaatresearch Local Adaptation (Action) Plans Adaptation instruments 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

3 Flanders Climate Plan Studies Impact from CC General Plan On water
- The Flemish Adaptation Plan - The Flemish Mitigation Plan Studies Impact from CC General On water Plan Aire Climate energy Plan sector Pl sector Pl sector Study Adaptation in Wallonia Vulnerability Indicators recommendations Federal Adaptation Plan Federal Study on Adaptation

4 Belgian National Climate Change Adaptation (Action) Plan NC6
National Communication 6 (UNFCCC – reporting) Federal Adaptation Plan Walloon Adaptation Plan Flemish Climate plan Brussels Adaptation Study Belgian National Climate Change Adaptation (Action) Plan NC6

5 Flanders Flanders Covenant of mayors CcASPAR Think thank

6 Adaptation to Climate Change: global costs and practical examples
Flanders 2 parts Inventarisation from excisting studies and translation from the cost of climate change into the Flemish situation. 4 cases Adaptation to Climate Change: global costs and practical examples

7 Literatuurstudie bestaande literatuur

8 De cases Kosten van het eilandje
laag midden hoog Privaat (€/a) 135 Overheid (€/a)

9 Cel « GISER » (erosion & run off)
Wallonia Plan PLUIES (inundations) Walloon Observation centre for the health of forests Cel « GISER » (erosion & run off) Maping riscs inundations/erosion/ rainwater run off

10 Wallonia

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