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Language Futures was originally developed by Linton Village College as part of a Paul Hamlyn Foundation initiative. Management of the initiative passed.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Futures was originally developed by Linton Village College as part of a Paul Hamlyn Foundation initiative. Management of the initiative passed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Futures was originally developed by Linton Village College as part of a Paul Hamlyn Foundation initiative. Management of the initiative passed to the Association for Language Learning in summer When using and/or adapting resources, we would ask you to acknowledge the Language Futures initiative and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation as the original publishers of the material.

2 This morning I’m going to tell you about Language Futures
This morning I’m going to tell you about Language Futures. Language Futures is quite a new project. It started a few years ago at Linton Village College, as an experimental project into language learning.

3 What is Language Futures?
Language Futures is not designed to teach a language but to equip pupils to develop the skills to learn a language they have chosen. They take ownership of their learning with the support of a teacher. Mention – pilot project for KS2, already rolled out successfully at KS3. Inspire a generation of language learners, mention that we have very good reasons for choosing the languages we have in our curriculum – i.e. our proximity to those countries.. But also mention that there are nearly 7000 languages spoken in the world and so it stands to reason that there will be individuals that would like to learn specific languages that are not part of the curriculum for everyone).

4 Aims of Language Futures
Broadening language provision and promoting linguistic diversity ✓ Increasing motivation and engagement ✓ Developing links with the wider community ✓ Increasing cross-curricular links through project-based learning ✓ Celebrating pupils’ home languages ✓ Maximising the time devoted to the study of primary languages Aims of Language Futures Broadening language provision and promoting linguistic diversity Increasing motivation and engagement Developing links with the wider community Increasing cross-curricular links through project-based learning Celebrating pupils’ home languages Maximising the time devoted to the study of primary languages Mention – pilot project for KS2, already rolled out successfully at KS3. Inspire a generation of language learners, mention that we have very good reasons for choosing the languages we have in our curriculum – i.e. our proximity to those countries.. But also mention that there are nearly 7000 languages spoken in the world and so it stands to reason that there will be individuals that would like to learn specific languages that are not part of the curriculum for everyone).

5 But…how will they learn this language
But…how will they learn this language? (I don’t speak the one they have chosen!) The teacher supports not teaches Through the help of native speakers Learning is project based (project themes and planning will be done for you) One Language Futures session each week Children learn how to learn a language so that they can learn any language at any stage in their life. (Helps KS2/3 language learning.) As we know, there are many benefits to learning a language at KS2, now children will have the possibility of applying these skills to a language of their choice. Language learning / Intercultural understanding projects

6 When will they learn this language? (Timetables are full to the brim!)
Enrichment/extra-curricular club – lunchtime, after school, before school If you don’t already study a language in school, it could be included as part of the KS2 statutory language provision

7 Which pupils/year groups would this project be suitable for?

8 Can pupils really learn any language?
Yes! However, I would guide them in a direction you would like… A language someone in their family speaks A language someone in the school/group speaks A language they just like the sound of A language that at least one other student in the group is also learning A language which links to the curriculum Mention – EAL pupils, university students, staff expertise etc… Links with other countries

9 إن شاء الله مستقبل 未来 未来 Przyszłość l’avenir futuro gelecek
Language Suggestions… (Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish) futuro todhchaí 未来 未来 These are the languages I am going to suggest to my LF group gelecek Какой кошмар! مستقبل Zukunft

10 Does there need to be an outcome to their language learning?
Yes, the pupils will need to show what they have learnt. There are many ways to do this… Final outcome to show the parents, PowerPoint presentation, song, dance, scrap book, product etc… Select pupils who are going to be keen to learn at home as well as in school.

11 Language Futures was originally developed by Linton Village College in Cambridgeshire as part of a Paul Hamlyn Foundation initiative.  Management of the initiative passed to the Association for Language Learning in summer 2015.  “It is great to learn a language at your own speed and not feel that you are trying to catch up all the time.” “We aren’t getting spoon-fed information, we have to find it and learn it for ourselves. We have to keep ourselves on track” “LF lessons are quite relaxed, but you still learn a lot. You control your learning, which i like. You also control your learning at home.” “You are more independent in LF, which has made me more independent in my other lessons as well.” Some of the students doing it at KS3 had this to say about it:

12 Why do you like it? We enjoy having many different languages in one classroom We like learning more independently We feel more relaxed in our learning We do more group work We feel valued and trusted as learners We control our own learning We learn from each other Why do students say they like this approach? KS3

13 To summarise: Pupils choose the language they wish to learn
Teacher facilitates their learning Pupils to learn at home too Pupils to carry out a project Pupils share learning with each other Why do students say they like this approach? KS3

14 Final Thoughts It is a fantastic project to develop a love of language learning and will help further embed languages If you haven’t started a language at KS2 or are finding it difficult this could be a good start Helps with cultural awareness/enrichment Thank you very much for listening. Come and see me if you have any questions.

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