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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN AND BUDGET FOR 2014/15"— Presentation transcript:

Presentation to the Select Committee on Education and Recreation 9 July 2014

2 Presentation Outline Strategic Overview
Budget Programmes and Financial Information Programme Plans and Targets for 2014/15 Administration Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination University Education Vocational and Continuing Education and Training Skills Development

3 Strategic Overview The Department of Higher Education and Training was established in May 2009 and is responsible for all post-school education and training Its areas of responsibility were previously located in the former Department of Education, the Department of Labour and the Provincial Departments of Education The Department is responsible for Outcome 5 of government’s 12 outcomes “A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path”

4 Strategic Overview Vision
A South Africa in which we have a differentiated and fully inclusive post-school system that allows all South Africans to access and succeed in relevant post-school education and training, in order to fulfil the economic and social goals of participation in an inclusive economy and society

5 Strategic Overview Mission
To develop capable, well educated and skilled citizens that are able to compete in a sustainable, diversified and knowledge intensive international economy, which meets the developmental goals of our country. The Department will undertake this by: reducing the skills bottlenecks, especially in priority and scarce skills areas improving low participation rates in the post-school system correcting distortions in the shape, size and distribution of access to post-school education and training improving the quality and efficiency in the system, its sub-systems and institutions

6 2014/15 Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 1: Increase the number of skilled youth by expanding access to education and training for the youth Strategic Goal 2: Adequately capacitated individual institutions for effective provision or facilitation of all learning Strategic Goal 3: Increase the number of students successfully entering the labour market upon completion of training Strategic Goal 4: Expand research, development and innovation capacity for economic growth and social development

7 2014/15 Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 5: A college curriculum that is responsive to the demands of the market place and can transform and adapt quickly and effectively to changing skills needs, with a special emphasis on artisan training Strategic Goal 6: A credible institutional mechanism for skills planning to support an inclusive economic growth path Strategic Goal 7: A highly effective, professional, efficient administration informed by good corporate governance practices

8 Financial Information and Budget Programmes
The financial information of the Department is presented as follows: - An explanation of the Department’s structure, budget and expenditure trends - A summary of the allocations per programme over the 2014 MTEF - A summary per economic classification that covers the key expenditure items - Key budget pressures that are facing the Department - Financial Performance

9 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
The Department’s budget structure is based on its organisational structure and consist of 5 programmes that represents the Branches in the Department. The programmes are as follows: Administration Overall management and administration 2) Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination Provide strategic direction in development, implementation and monitoring of departmental policies and the HRD strategy

10 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
3) University Education Develop and coordinate policy and regulatory frameworks for an effective and efficient university education system. The branch also provides financial support to universities, NSFAS and National Institutes Vocational and Continuing Education and Training Plan, develop, evaluate, monitor and maintain national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for vocational and continuing education and training including TVET Colleges post-literacy adult education and training 5) Skills Development Promote and monitor the national skills development strategy. Develop a skills development policy and regulatory framework for an effective skills development system

11 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
The budget also includes “direct charges” which are amounts reflected that constitute a direct commitment from the National Revenue Fund in terms of specific legislative requirements and are not defined as Voted funds such as for the above 5 programmes. The “direct charge” for the Department is the Skills Levy revenue collected by SARS for the SETAs and the NSF For the 2014 MTEF the Department’s budget (excluding direct charges) increases at an annual average rate of 6.8 %, from R34.3 billion in 2013/14 to R42 billion in 2016/17 The amount of R36.9 billion for 2014/15 is an increase of R2.5 billion (nominal increase of 7.4%) on the 2013/14 allocation, excluding direct charges

12 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
Direct charges (the Skills Levies for SETAs and the NSF), increases at an annual average rate of 9.5% from R12.3 billion in 2013/14 to R16.1 billion in 2016/17 The Department’s budget is dominated by Programme 3: University Education, which represents 83% of the budget in 2014/15. As a result, transfer payments also dominate the budget in terms of the economic classification of expenditure Normal Departmental services (excluding university transfers, transfers to public entities and other organisations, conditional grants and earmarked funds) represents only 1.5% of the budget

13 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends Transfer Payments in R’000
The transfer payments that the Department is responsible for are as follows: Transfer Payments in R’000 2014/15 R’000 2015/16 2016/17 Departmental SETA contribution 173 179 188 IBSA Trilateral Commission 500 527 Commonwealth of Learning 2 415 2 656 2 796 Universities Higher Education South Africa 7,420 7,761 8,172 TVET College Subsidies Conditional Grant (TVET Colleges) Public Entities: NSFAS SAQA CHE QCTO 55 008 42 689 23 167 58 987 43 976 24 348 62 875 45 663 25 638 Skills Levy: SETAs NSF

14 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
The department received additional allocations over the MTEF period of R76.3 million, R153.3 million and R730.2 million. These additional funds are mainly for the following purposes: - The improvement of conditions of service for staff in the Department and at TVET Colleges (salary increases) the biggest portion of the increase is for the conditions of service at TVET Colleges (R31.1 million in 2014/15, R60 million in 2015/16 and R69 million in 2016/17) - The piloting and roll out of the new student-centred loan administration model at NSFAS

15 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
NSFAS remains one of the biggest growth items in the budget. The 2014 MTEF allocation reflects an increase from R6.139 billion in 2014/15 to R6.449 billion in 2015/16 and reaches R6.811 billion in 2016/17 While the function shift is still in process, the funding of TVET Colleges consist of two portions namely the direct subsidies to colleges and the conditional grant that is mainly for compensation of employees

16 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
The funding of TVET Colleges are as follows: Funding Source 2014/15 R ‘000 2015/16 2016/17 College Subsidies   Conditional Grant

17 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
The funding of TVET Colleges on a Provincial level for 2014/15 (continues): Province Conditional Grant Subsidies Total Budget Gauteng 725,809,000 639,063,000 1,364,872,000 KwaZulu-Natal 351,475,000 682,457,000 1,033,932,000 Eastern Cape 319,517,000 519,113,000 838,630,000 Western Cape 377,913,000 341,979,000 719,892,000 Limpopo 404,504,000 253,219,000 657,723,000 Mpumalanga 140,989,000 272,875,000 413,864,000 Free State 185,111,000 204,313,000 389,424,000 North West 82,376,000 232,033,000 314,409,000 Northern Cape 43,652,000 50,775,000 94,427,000 Total 2,631,346,000 3,195,827,000 5,827,173,000 % Split 45% 55%

18 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends Number of TVET Colleges
The funding of TVET Colleges on a Provincial level (continue): PROVINCE Number of TVET Colleges % Of Conditional Grant % Of Subsidies % Of total budget Gauteng 8 28% 20% 23% Kwazulu Natal 9 13% 21% 18% Eastern Cape 12% 16% 14% Western Cape 6 11% Limpopo 7 15% 8% Mpumalanga 3 5% 9% 7% Free State 4 6% North West 3% Northern Cape 2 2% Total 50 100%

19 Projected Number of Bursary Recipients
2014 Bursary Allocations Province Allocation (R) Projected Number of Bursary Recipients Gauteng 467,931,089 51,940 KwaZulu-Natal 447,350,644 49,656 Limpopo 281,502,816 31,247 Western Cape 227,511,088 25,254 Eastern Cape 227,211,534 25,220 Free State 148,252,569 16,456 North West 135,578,749 15,049 Mpumalanga 129,183,927 14,339 Northern Cape 43,216,584 4,797 National Total 2,107,739,000 233,958

20 Financial Information
Programme Adjusted Appropriation R’000 Medium-Term Expenditure Estimate 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Administration Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination 47 440 48 785 51 482 54 916 University Education Vocational and Continuing Education and Training Skills Development Sub-Total   Direct charge against the National Revenue Fund Total

21 Financial Information
Economic Classification Adjusted Appropriation R’000 Medium-Term Expenditure Estimate R’000 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accounts Higher education institutions Non profit institutions Foreign governments and international organisations 2 864 2 915 3 156 3 323 Households 65 - Payments for capital assets 5 671 3 677 3 736 4 286 Total

22 Key Budget Pressures Facing the Department
Department acknowledges the current fiscal constraints of Government This has numerous challenges in itself, but also has a serious impact on the service delivery requirements of the Department Department is unable to attain the growth requirements within the PSET system in terms of enrolments, infrastructure development, increased operations and student support Limitations are placed on Departmental operations due to the capping of compensation of employees and the inability to roll out the new staff establishment as well as regional presence Institutional monitoring and evaluation is limited to critical areas Reliance on NSF project and donor support such as the funding of the activities of the National Artisan Moderation Body An immediate pressure is the management of the TVET and AET function shift as well as cost implications for examination services and the development of the Central Application Service

23 Financial Performance
The Department managed to remain within its budget since being in operation from 1 April 2010 Underspending on voted funds were as follows: 2010/11: R million 2011/12: R million 2012/13: R million 2013/14: R million Unspent amounts were committed for specific goods or services and including outstanding claims for examiners and moderators The Department received unqualified audits to date

24 Programme 1: Administration
Priorities for 2014/15 Finalisation of the Department’s Communication strategy and profiling of DHET programmes/projects in the public domain through the communication strategy Reducing the vacancy rate on funded posts to 10% Ensuring good governance through institutionalization and implementation of Risk Management strategies by: - Providing awareness and training sessions on Risk Management - Developing Risk Management strategy, approve it for implementation Complete the website improvement project aimed at improving the current look, feel and user-friendliness

25 Programme 1: Administration
To improve efficiency by implementing the necessary information technology infrastructure and systems To provide effective and efficient human resource planning and management services Ensure adherence to policies and standards on Supply Chain Management Services

26 Programme 1: Administration Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Strategic Objective 1: To improve efficiency by implementing the necessary technology infrastructure and systems Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 Three ICT Governance framework components implemented by March 2014 Two ICT Governance framework components implemented by March 2015 Strategic Objective 2: To provide effective and efficiency human resource planning and management services 4 Months to fill a funded vacancy from the date of advertisement to date of approval by the Authority 4 months to fill a funded vacancy from the date of advertisement to date of approval by the Authority

27 Programme 1: Administration Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objective 3: Ensure adherence to policies and standards on Supply Chain Management Services (New Indicator) 3 months to award a bid from the date of receiving the draft bid specification from programme managers

28 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
FUNCTIONS Legal and Legislative Services International Relations Strategic Coordination Secretarial Support Information System Co-ordination Education Management Information Services Research Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation National Qualifications Framework Social Inclusion and Equity Career Development Services Open and Distance Education

29 Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
Priorities for 2014/15 Provide accurate data on skills supply and demand in the country by establishing and maintaining an integrated higher education and training management information system, linking all providers of education and training, and integrating all institutional data into a single system by 2014/15 Manage and maintain credible planning and budgeting processes for the Department by developing an Annual Performance Plan and performance indicators, and producing quarterly performance progress reports on the implementation of the Department’s strategic and performance plans

30 Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
Monitor and support actions needed to implement the statutory functions assigned to the Minister, Director-General and quality councils by the National Qualifications Framework Act (2008) by producing a monitoring and evaluation report, developing a Annual Ministerial Policy Guideline and answering all requests for advice from the South African Qualifications Authority

31 Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
Pursue bilateral relations with priority countries to foster productive international cooperation on educational themes across all levels of education by ensuring that all engagement reports on relations are completed annually Establish a well-functioning social inclusion, equity and transformation service within the Department and its entities by focusing on policy research, monitoring and evaluation in matters relating to race, class, gender, age, disability, geography, HIV/Aids and developing and overseeing policy implementation on these matters by March 2015 Establish and maintain a coherent career management and information service by March 2015

32 Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Programme 2: Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objective 1: Establish and maintain an integrated education and training management information system, linking all providers of education and training into a single system, to provide accurate data on skills supply and demand in the country 100% institutional data integrated by March 2014 (50 FET Colleges, 23 HE institutions and 21 SETAs) 100% of public institutional data (50 Public FET Colleges, 25 HE institutions and 21 SETAs) integrated into education and training management information system by 31 March 2015

33 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 Strategic Objective 2: Establish and maintain a coherent Career Development Services by March 2017 Draft career development policy developed Draft policy communicated and consulted with stakeholders by 31 March 2015 Strategic Objective 3: Pursue and strengthen bilateral relations with priority countries in Africa, Middle East, South and the North as well as with multilateral agencies such as COMEDAF, SADC, AU, ADEA, UNESCO, ILO, OECD and the Commonwealth Engagement plans developed and implementation report compiled and approved by the Director-General by March 2014 Engagement plans developed and implementation report compiled and approved by the Director-General by March 2015

34 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
FUNCTION SHIFT In 2009 the President through a proclamation established the Department of the Basic Education and Department of Higher Education and Training. The Department of Education had to be subsequently disestablished The proclamation assigned the Higher Education, Further Education and Training (FET), Adult Education and Training (AET) and other related legislation to the Minister of Higher Education and Training It was clear that the Minister would also be responsible concurrently with MECs of Education in Provinces for FET and AET functions

35 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
FUNCTION SHIFT In 2010 the MECs for Education mandated the Minister to amend legislation to take over full responsibility for the FET and AET functions The following steps were put in place: Requesting the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to begin the process of the amendment of the Constitution Amending the FET and AET legislation so that all the powers and functions allocated to MECs and Heads of Education Departments be assigned to the Minister and Director-General Signing of Protocols between the Minister, MECs, DG and Heads of Department with regard to the process of effecting the function shift from Provinces to the Department

36 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
FUNCTION SHIFT The following legislation process was undertaken: The FET Amendment Act 2012 and the FET Amendment Act were enacted with transitional measures allowing for a phased implementation of the legislation The Constitutional Amendment was approved by the National Assembly but was not put to vote During 2012 and 2013, some of the sections of the amendment acts were brought into effect, that is all sections other than those relating to the employ of lecturers and Provincial staff linked to FET College functions

37 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
FUNCTION SHIFT The following challenges have emerged: While the major functions have been effected to the MHET and DG, no funds have followed the functions The function shift was to have been effective from April 2014, but was delayed due to the lack of progress on the identification of funds to follow the function shift In terms of the Division of Revenue Act, the Minister and Department does not have control over the functions, these are still located within a conditional grant and direct allocations to the Provinces

38 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
FUNCTION SHIFT The following would be the consequential implications for the function shift: The Department would have to perform many of the FET functions without funds The Department requires funding in this financial year to be ready to take over the full functions for FET and AET, namely the transfer of personnel from Colleges and Provinces to the Department which has currently about staff Implications for the setting up of an administrative system to manage the staff, their files, payroll systems and for about 400 office-based personnel, their files, payroll and assets

39 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination
FUNCTION SHIFT The Select Committee is requested to note that: Provinces will have to ensure that they abide by the terms of the Protocols signed and submit the necessary annexures to the protocols which are long overdue They still have a constitutional responsibility for the functions until the funds related to the functions are identified and transferred The Minister and DG will be pursuing all necessary steps to ensure that the function shifts with funds (Minister of Finance, MECs, DG of NT, etc.)

40 Programme 3: University Education
Priorities for 2014/15 Support universities to increase student success, by providing foundation and teaching development grants, particularly in the scarce skills areas of engineering, life and physical sciences, human and animal sciences and teacher education Expand equitable access to and success in higher education by supporting institutions with the annual allocation of grants earmarked for foundation programmes, teaching development and infrastructure development Monitor the performance of all 26 universities annually by providing reliable planning and monitoring data through a quality higher education management information system and updating the student data bi-annually

41 Programme 3: University Education
Support the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) by providing earmarked grants and ensuring effective oversight Enhance and support university research capacity and productivity through the provision of research development grants to assist with increasing the number of academics with masters and doctoral degrees Improve access to university education opportunities in Mpumalanga and Northern Cape by overseeing the development of the University of Mpumalanga and Sol Plaatje University in these provinces over the medium to long term

42 Programme 3: University Education
Expand health sciences education by developing a new comprehensive Health and Allied Sciences university incorporating the MEDUNSA campus of the University of Limpopo and supporting the development of the new medical faculty at the University of Limpopo Expand the provision of initial teacher education and increase the number of newly qualified teachers by increasing the number of institutions offering qualifications for vocational education, adult education and foundation phase teaching

43 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Strategic Objective1: Expand the higher education sector in order to increase equitable access with success Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 HEMIS audited student enrolments in higher education studies at universities for the 2012 academic year, verified by October 2013 HEMIS audited student enrolments in higher education studies at universities for the 2013 academic year, verified by October 2014 HEMIS audited first time enrolments at universities for the 2012 academic year, verified by October 2013 HEMIS audited first time enrolments at universities for the 2013 academic year, verified by October 2014 HEMIS audited African student enrolments at universities for the 2012 academic year, verified by October 2013 HEMIS audited African student enrolments at universities for the 2013 academic year, verified by October 2014

44 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 HEMIS audited female enrolments at universities for the 2012 academic year, verified by October 2013 HEMIS audited female enrolments at universities for the 2013 academic year, verified by October 2014 Proportion of enrolments in SET: Business Science: Humanities of 29:30:41 for the 2012 academic year, HEMIS audited and verified by October 2013 Proportion of enrolments in SET: Business Science: Humanities of 29:29:42 for the 2013 academic year, HEMIS audited and verified by October 2014 Two new universities established as juristic persons in terms of the Higher Education Act One new university established as a juristic person in terms of the Higher Education Act by 31 March 2015

45 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 New indicator A monitoring report on the use of the earmarked grant to support the development of each of the newly established universities (University of Mpumalanga (UMP) and Sol Plaatje University (SPU)) produced and approved by the Director General by March 2015 10 universities identified and supported to develop FET College Lecturer Qualifications in line with the policy by 31 March 2014 5 Universities have submitted applications for PQM approval to offer qualifications for FET College lecturers by 31 March 2015

46 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 A draft Policy on Professional Qualifications for Educators in Community and Adult Education and Training is published for public comment A national Policy on Professional Qualifications for Educators in Community and Adult Education and Training is published in the Government Gazette as national policy by March 2015 Infrastructure grants provided to universities for the improvement of different projects: R2 billion R2.2 billion disbursed to universities by March 2015 A new indicator A monitoring report on the effective use of infrastructure grants by each university (23) produced and approved by the Director -General by 31 March 2015

47 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Strategic Objective 2: Improve success rates in higher education studies at public institutions and therefore increase graduate outputs by 2014 Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 An approved Ministerial Statement on the Management and utilisation of Teaching Development Grants (TDG) 24 University teaching development plans (3-years) for each university (24) produced and approved by the Director- General by June 2014. enrolments in foundation provisioning programmes at universities for the 2012 academic year, verified by October 2013 enrolments in foundation provisioning programmes at universities for the 2013 academic year, verified by October 2014 76% HEMIS audited success rate of students enrolled at universities for the academic year, verified by October 2013 76% HEMIS audited success rate of students enrolled at universities for the academic year, verified by October 2014

48 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 New indicator Annual monitoring report on the outputs of scarce skills graduates from 25 universities with recommendations for interventions produced and approved by the Director- General by March 2015 Strategic Objective 3: Monitor good governance and management of the public Higher Education system in order to build capacity and efficiency A set of key financial indicators are developed to evaluate the financial health of public higher education institutions, and approved by the Director- General by March 2015 An annual report on the financial health of 25 universities with recommendations for improvement produced and approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2015

49 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 New indicator Draft Revised regulations for regulating PHEIs are approved and published in the Government Gazette for public comment by September 2014 An annual monitoring report on PHEIs’ compliance with the regulatory criteria with recommendations for improvement produced and approved by the Director- General by March 2015

50 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Strategic Objective 4: To develop and enhance the research capacity and productivity of universities Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 Postgraduate graduates for the 2012 academic year, verified through HEMIS audits by October 2013 Postgraduate graduates for the 2013 academic year, verified through HEMIS audits by October 2014 1 870 Doctoral graduates for the 2012 academic year, verified through HEMIS audits by October 2013 1 950 Doctoral graduates for the 2013 academic year, verified through HEMIS audits by October 2014 New indicator An improved Policy on the measurement of research outputs of universities is approved by the Minister and published in the government gazette for implementation by 31 March 2015

51 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 New indicator An annual report on the research outputs of 23 universities published by 31 March 2015 A set of national criteria for the Management and Utilisation of Research Development Grants (RDG) is approved 24 University research development plans compiled in line with RDG criteria approved by the Director- General by 30 June 2014

52 Programme 3: University Education Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Strategic Objective 5: To maintain and enhance the Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 One student and one staff update for 23 universities Two (one student and one staff) updates for 23 universities by 31 March 2015 One annual update (building space data) for 23 universities One annual update (building space data) for 23 universities by 31 March 2015

53 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Priorities for 2014/15 Ensure the continued relevance of further education and training college programmes by supporting the development of a diverse range of high quality and responsive vocational education and training qualifications and programmes over the MTEF period through consultation with relevant role players Facilitation of collaborations between Higher Education Institutions and FET Colleges towards delivery of learning programmes at level 5 and 6 of the NQF

54 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Expand the institutional base for the provision of quality post-school education and training by: - registering new private education institutions and monitoring all the registered private further education and training colleges for compliance and performance each year - monitoring and supporting AET centres towards increasing enrolments in the General Education and Training Certificates (GETC) programmes - Development of the National Senior Certificates for Adults (NASCA) qualification for 2016/17 implementation

55 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Increasing access to programmes leading to intermediate and high-level learning through: - establishing new FET college campuses with modern teaching and learning lecture rooms, simulation rooms, workshops and resource centres - ensuring TVET colleges compliance with the NSFAS bursary disbursement policies and regulations Improve the vocational certification rate by increasing the year-on-year certification rate of TVET college students in vocational programmes by at least 5% from the 2011 average baseline to 36.2% by 2015 by initiating and supporting interventions such as providing training and support to lecturers and student support services managers

56 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Improve participation in vocational education for poor students by increasing the number of TVET students bursary recipients in colleges from in 2012/13 to in 2014/15 and ultimately in 2015/16 Improve the portability of credits between colleges, industry and universities of technology by facilitating and supporting partnerships between these institutions over the medium term Conclude on the function shift process of migrating TVET Colleges and AET from a Provincial to a National competence

57 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Improve financial management systems of the TVET Colleges, through a partnership with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants towards building capacity of College CFOs and the establishment of sound financial systems Manage and administer a credible and efficient examinations and assessment system for TVET institutions

58 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Strategic Objective: Increase access to and improve success in programmes leading to intermediate and high-level learning by 2014 Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 Headcount enrolments in TVET Colleges Headcount enrolments in TVET Colleges by 31 December 2014 NC(V) L4: 47% N3: 43% N6: 48% NC(V) L4:57% N1-N3: 50% N6: 50%

59 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 Maths: NC(V) L2: 47% NC(V) L3:44% NC(V) L4: 55% Maths Literacy: NC(V) L2: 70% NC(V) L3: 78% NC(V) L4: 85% NC(V) L2:52% NC(V) L3:46% NC(V) L4:56% NC(V) L2:72% NC(V) L3:82% NC(V) L4:87% Bursary Recipients: NC(V) L2: 39% NC(V) L3: 42% NC(V) L4: 43% N1-N3: 40% N4-N6: 40% NC(V) L4:59% N1-N3: 52% N4-N6: 52%

60 Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training
Strategic Objective: Strengthen the institutional capacity of TVET institutions to improve their performance and efficiency Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 New indicator Nine public institutions identified for declaration as community colleges approved by the Minister and by 31 March 2015

61 Projected Target: Headcount Student Enrolment
PROVINCE 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Eastern Cape 61,952 73,922 92,403 101,643 Free State 55,340 66,033 82,541 90,795 Gauteng 160,850 191,929 239,912 263,903 KwaZulu Natal 126,656 151,128 188,911 207,802 Limpopo 100,046 119,377 149,221 164,143 Mpumalanga 36,872 43,996 54,995 60,495 Northern Cape 13,609 16,239 20,298 22,328 North West 46,130 55,043 68,804 75,684 Western Cape 69,000 82,332 102,915 113,207 Total 670,455 800,000 1,000,000 1,100,000

62 Student Enrolment Growth
Projected headcount student is projected to grow from students in 2013 to 1,1 million in 2016 increasing to 2,5 million in 2030 The growth is in line with the target set in the White Paper for Post School Education and Training The sector is projected to grow by 19% from 2014 to 2015 and 25% from 2015 to 2016 However the growth in student enrolment is only achievable if additional funding as well as infrastructure capacity is created

63 Programme 5: Skills Development
Priorities 2014/15 Promote quality learning at work and for work by: ensuring that the number of new artisan learners registered for training increases from in 2012/13 to in 2014/15 and in 2016/17 the number of competent artisans entering the labour market will slowdown from in 2012/13 to in 2014/15 but scale up to in 2016/17 facilitating professional placements, work integrated learning, apprenticeship, learnership and internship Promote the alignment of skills development outputs with the needs of the workplace and the broader growth needs of the country’s economy by approving the strategic plans of the Skills Levy Institutions (NSF and SETAs) ensuring that they are in line with the national skills planning priorities

64 Programme 5: Skills Development Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Strategic Objective: Provide a dynamic interface between the workplace and learning institutions and to promote quality learning at work and for work by 2016 Estimated Performance : 2013/14 Targets for 2014/15 Artisan learners registered nationally by 31 March 2014 Artisan learners registered nationally by 31 March 2015 Artisan candidates found competent nationally by 31 March 2014 Artisan candidates found competent nationally by 31 March 2015 Graduates receiving Structured Work Place Learning by 31 March 2014 Graduates receiving Structured Work Place Learning by 31 March 2015 46% of INDLELA national artisan learners pass trade test by March 2014 48% of INDLELA national artisan learners pass trade test by 31 March 2015

65 Programme 5: Skills Development Estimated Performance : 2013/14
Targets for 2014/15 30 Audits conducted at SETA or QCTO accredited trade test centres by 31 March 2014 50 Audits conducted at SETA or QCTO accredited trade test centres by March 2015 20 FET colleges that entered into partnership agreements with SETAs by 31 March 2014 30 FET colleges that entered into partnership agreements with SETAs by 31 March 2015

66 Thank You


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