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Dr Russ Harris, M.B.B.S., M.A.C.Psych.Med.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Russ Harris, M.B.B.S., M.A.C.Psych.Med."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Russ Harris, M.B.B.S., M.A.C.Psych.Med.
ACT Made Simple Dr Russ Harris, M.B.B.S., M.A.C.Psych.Med.

2 Three Senses of Self 1. Physical self (commonly called ‘body’)
2. Thinking self (commonly called ‘mind’) 3. Observing self (not commonly talked about: the part of you that notices/observes whatever your body or mind is doing)

3 Three Senses of Self You can never know the word outside of yourself directly. You can only know it in two ways: How you perceive it through the 5 senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, sound. This is the domain of the physical self. How you perceive it through the mind: thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, deductions, ideas, memories, images etc. This is the domain of the thinking self.

4 Three Senses of Self Thinking Self (Mind) Thinks, judges, visualizes, remembers, imagines, feels, senses, fantasizes, analyzes, etc.

5 Three Senses of Self Physical Self Thinking Self Sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, senses, moves, takes action, etc. Thinks, judges, visualizes, remembers, imagines, feels, fantasizes, analyzes, etc.

6 Three Senses of Self Observing Self Physical Self Physic Thinking Self Observing self: the ‘aspect of you’ that notices whatever your physical self sees, hears, touches, tastes, smells etc, & whatever your thinking self imagines, remembers, thinks, believes etc

7 Three Senses of Self Observing Self Physical Self Thinking Self Values The thinking self is VERY USEFUL. Especially when it comes to values and goals. Values = your heart’s deepest desires for how you want to behave with your short time on this planet ...

8 Three Senses of Self Observing Self Physical Self Thinking Self Struggle Values The thinking Self can also be very problematic, because it easily pulls you into fruitless, life-draining struggles. Struggle = whatever your mind does that sets you up to struggle with reality: with your own thoughts and feelings; with your body; with other people; with the world around you; with life itself

9 VITALITY Three Senses of Self Observing Self Physical Self Effective Action Thinking Self Values When your physical self takes effective action guided by your values, you experience vitality: a sense of being fully alive and living a meaningful life

10 VITALITY Three Senses of Self Observing Self Physical Self Effective Action Thinking Self Struggle Values Ineffective Action When your physical self gets pulled into fruitless struggles with yourself, others, life itself, and/or your own thoughts and feelings, then you experience suffering SUFFERING

11 VITALITY Three Senses of Self Observing Self Physical Self Effective Action Thinking Self Struggle Values Ineffective Action From the stance of the observing self, you can ‘step back’ and notice: are you heading in the direction of vitality or suffering? SUFFERING

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