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Developing Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity

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1 Developing Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity
Samantha Pickens

2 Introduction Self-efficacy is part of Bandura’s Social Learning Theory which emphasizes modeling( imitation and observational learning) as a powerful source of development. According to Bandura, self-efficacy defines one’s capabilities to produce designated levels of performance. Or your belief that you can complete the task at hand Research shows that exercise self-efficacy is a predictor of the adoption and maintenance of exercise behaviors.

3 Way 1- Mastery Experiences
The first and most effective way to develop self-efficacy is through a series of significant mastery experiences. Successive approximation is a strategy of allowing learners to experience continual success by giving them a series of activities that are fun and gradually get harder (mastery experiences) Learning is more likely to be successful if the activities are perceived by the learners as fun. Helps someone gradually come to view themselves as capable of being successful in physical activity.

4 Way 2- Observing The second way to develop self-efficacy is through observing someone similar to you succeed by sustained effort. Seeing someone complete a task, makes it seem less intimidating which increases the likelihood of you trying and completing the task (Imitation). This increases ones own sense that success is possible.

5 Way 3- Verbal Persuasion
The third and final way to develop self-efficacy is to persuade someone that they have the capability to succeed or Verbal Persuasion. By telling someone they can succeed it helps improve their self-confidence, self-efficacy and likelihood of them trying and completing task Studies show this could also alleviate stress, promote adaptive coping efforts, and encourage perceptions of support and positive affective response

6 Implementing in schools
Start children off with doable activities then gradually move to more complex activities. Evaluate differences among children and their self-efficacy levels using self-efficacy scale Cater activities to the children's self-efficacy scale. All of these help lead to the development and improvement of self-efficacy and PA

7 Conclusion Development of self-efficacy for physical activity is not an overnight process. Mastery experience, observation, and verbal persuasion are all ways to improve self-efficacy. High self-efficacy helps improve self confidence, overcome barriers that hinder physical activity, seek out friends to be physically active with, and create environments to support PA.

8 References Siedentop, D., & Mars, H. (2012). Problems and Issues in Fitness. In Introduction to physical education, fitness, and sport (8th ed., pp ). New York: McGraw-Hill. Warner, L. M., Schüz, B., Wolff, J. K., Parschau, L., Wurm, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2014). Sources of self-efficacy for physical activity.Health Psychology, 33(11), doi: /hea

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