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AED Chapter 3.

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1 AED Chapter 3

2 USING AN AED Automated External Defibrillator
IF CPR is in progress, do not interrupt until the AED is turned on and the defibrillation pads are applied. Be familiar with the maintenance guidelines for the device that you will be using.

3 AED Precautions Do not use alcohol to wipe the person’s chest dry. ALCOHOL IS FLAMMABLE. Do not use an AED pads designed for an adult on a child 8 years or younger or 55 pounds unless pediatric AED pads are not available. Do not use pediatric AED pads on an Adult. Does not provide enough level of energy. Do not touch the person while the AED is analyzing. Before shocking a person with an AED, make sure that no one is touching or is in contact with the person. Do not touch the person while the device is defibrillating. Do not defibrillate someone when around flammable or combustible materials. Do not use an AED in a moving vehicle. The person should not be in a pool or puddle of water when operating an AED Do not use an AED on a person wearing a nitroglycerine patch or medical patch on the chest. Do not use a mobile phone or radio within 6 feet of the AED.

4 How to Use An AED-Adult Turn on the AED
Expose the person’s chest and wipe the bare chest dry with a small towel or gauze pads. Apply the AED pads to the person. Make sure to peel the backing off each pad one at a time. Plug the connector into the AED Let the AED analyze the heart rhythm. Advise all responders and bystanders to “stand clear” After delivering the shock or if no shock is advised, continue CPR with the pads remaining on the person Continue to follow the prompts of the AED

5 How to Use an AED- Children or Infant
Follow same directions as for an Adult but using Pediatric AED pads If the Child is younger than 8 years or 55 pounds use Child Pads The pads CAN NOT be touching Place pads in the front of the child/infants chest and on the back


7 Special Situations AEDS AROUND WATER
If the person is in water, remove him or her from the water before defibrillation. A shock in water could harm responder and victim. Remove wet clothing to place the pads properly. Dry the person’s chest and attach the AED pads. If it is raining/snowing take steps to make sure that the person is as dry as possible and shelter the person. DO NOT delay defibrillation when taking steps to create a dry environment. Avoid getting AED pads wet. AEDS are safe when all precautions are followed in rain or snow.

8 Special Situations PACEMAKERS AND ICD
ICD- Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (Small AED) Recognize and restore abnormal heart rhythms Located in the area below the person’s left collar bone, feel like a small lump. If the implanted device is visible, DO NOT place the AED pads directly over the device. Adjust pad placement and continue the AED instructions. If not sure if device is implanted, proceed as normal. The responder should be aware that the device could give off a mild shock during CPR.


Some people have a patch on their skin that automatically delivers medication through the skin. Ex. Nitroglycerin patch (history of cardiac problems) A responder could absorb the medication, remove the patch with gloved hands before defibrillation. Nicotine patches look similar to nitroglycerin patches, remove any patches anyway. NEVER place AED pads directly on top of the medication patches.

11 Special Situations CHEST HAIR
Some men have excessive hair, since time is critical press firmly on hair and skin with the AED pads. WARN person when they are removed. If the AED says “CHECK PADS” remove pads and re-apply. The pads will remove some of the hair which should solve the problem. If possible cut hair before using AED. METAL SURFACES It is safe to deliver a shock to a person in cardiac arrest on a metal surface as long as safety precautions are taken where the AED pads DO NOT come in contact with the metal surface. JEWELRY AND BODY PIERCING You DO NOT need to remove jewelry/body piercings when using an AED. However, DO NOT place AED pads directly over jewelry/body piercings.

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