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Project 561847-KA2-CBHE School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (Trans2Work)

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Presentation on theme: "Project 561847-KA2-CBHE School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (Trans2Work)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project KA2-CBHE School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (Trans2Work)

Monitoring Communication Reporting Financial accounting Partner agreements


4 Project Steering Committee
University of Macedonia University of Maribor DEKRA Akademie University of Kragujevac Belgrade Metropolitan University University of Montenegro University Donja Gorica University of Sarajevo University of East Sarajevo consisting of 9 leading partners of the WPs


6 Partner Country Republic of Serbia (RS)
University of Kragujevac University of Novi Sad Belgrade Metropolitan University Association of Students with Disabilities National Employment Service of Serbia UNION2000 Cacak BADEN

7 Partner Country Montenegro (MNE)
University of Montenegro University Donja Gorica Association of Youth with Disabilities Employment Agency of Montenegro

8 Partner Country Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
University of Sarajevo University of East Sarajevo University of Banja Luka Humanitarian Organization Profil MC d.o.o. Procom d.o.o. Gracanica eMPIRICA (Associated Partner)

9 Operational management
Overall management at central level, representation of consortium, contractual responsibility, etc.

10 Strategic Management Project orientation and fulfilment of specific objectives

11 Technical/Scientific Management
Scientific and technical quality of deliverables

12 Management Structure Project and Regional Steering Committee (Strategic Management), will act as the project’s highest formal decision-making body, performing internal evaluation on strategic orientation and fulfillment of specific objectives. Project Coordinator (Operational Management), will be implementing decisions taken by SC and overall project management at central level. Technical/Scientific expert team (Technical/Scientific management), comprised by experts of each PP. Coordination at lower WP-Task level will be performed by appointed WP leaders who will supervise and report on WP progress and deliverables and ensure the flow of information between WPs.

13 (Scientific and Technical management) Project Coordinator
EACEA (Managing Authority) Project Coordinator (Lead Partner) Project SC Strategic MNGT WP Leaders (Scientific and Technical management) WP2 WP3 WP4 WPn WP1 Regional SC Strategic Management Project officer – Finanancial Manager Contractual interface Coordination & Interaction Advice Decision EACEA (Managing Authority) Project Coordinator (Lead Partner) Project SC Strategic MNGT WP Leaders (Scientific and Technical management) WP2 WP3 WP4 WPn WP1 Regional SC Strategic Management Project officer – Finanancial Manager Contractual interface Coordination & Interaction Advice Decision EACEA (Managing Authority) Project Coordinator (Lead Partner) Project SC Strategic MNGT WP Leaders (Scientific and Technical management) WP2 WP3 WP4 WPn WP1 Regional SC Strategic Management Project officer – Finanancial Manager Contractual interface Coordination & Interaction Advice Decision

14 Main Phases of the Project
Development (research and design) Implementation Dissemination Sustainability Quality Assurance

15 FOCUS The project relies on a European cooperation and demonstrates strong European added value by bringing together multi-disciplinary excellence from different EU countries. Moreover the project results will have an international impact and will contribute to the improvement of education, spatial knowledge and independent movement of IVIs at a European level.

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