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Chapter 12 Terms Jewish Diaspora 10. Yochanan

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1 Chapter 12 Terms Jewish Diaspora 10. Yochanan
Jewish beliefs ben Zaccai Struggle to preserve Judaism Monotheism Talmud Rabbi Execute Gentile Synagogue

2 Chapter 12 Essential Questions
1. What are the central beliefs and teachings of Judaism? 2. Where were the Hebrews moved after the fall of Judah in 597 B.C.E.? After this event, what period had begun? 3. What was the Jewish Diaspora? Which foreign powers dominated the Jews during the Diaspora? 4. What happened in 70 C.E.? What consequences did the Romans impose on the Jews as a result of their conflict with Rome?

3 Chapter 12 Essential Questions
5. Who was Yohanan ben Zaccai? What role did he play in preserving Judaism during the Jewish Diaspora? 6. Where were some of the large Jewish communities located around the Mediterranean in 200 C.E.? 7. What techniques did Jews use to keep Judaism alive and thriving during the Jewish Diaspora?

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