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WG – Chemistry – mineralogy elemental

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1 WG – Chemistry – mineralogy elemental

2 Organization Define the observation strategy of the different Instruments of remote sensing and “in situ” Define different stages for the observations Far out (examples..) Study rotation phase curve ( camera and Virtis) Gas coma and dust coma CO / CO2/ CN / H2O ratio ( Alice, VIRTIS, Rosina) Temperature measurements (VIRTIS, MIRO) Overall composition  molecules and minerals Density and shape ( Radii Science)

3 … just examples 2nd stage Measure of gas Measure of the dust

4 What is needed to do the work
Define the science goals for remote sensing instruments and in situ ( Alice, Cosima, Miro, Osiris, Rosina, Virtis) Each instrument shall define its observation strategy This work should be used in order to define an harmonized sequence of integrated observation Schedule twice x year + a meeting in ISSI. Each PI should nominate 2 people to have at least one of them participating to each meeting

5 What is needed to do the work (2)
Support of ESOC  Orbital analysis Support of the project scientist for coordination Utilize and complete critically the table of “Scientific Themes”

6 Goals By the end of year November the science goals shall be provided
Prediction  reliable science model  area Interaction with the development of engineering model

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