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United Nations Statistics Division

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1 United Nations Statistics Division
Do current issues require a revision of the CPC? United Nations Statistics Division EXPERT GROUP MEETING ON INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATIONS 6-8 September 2017, New York

2 Monitoring of CPC Ver.2.1 The Classifications Registry that is maintained by UNSD has been used as a tool to record issues with our classifications, based on questions from users Based on questions received in the Classifications Hotline Unlike for ISIC, very few issues have been recorded for the CPC Could be a sign that definitions are clear

3 Inputs for CPC Changes in the CPC 2.1 were based on
(a) a regular assessment of the impact of the 2012 amendments to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), which forms the building blocks for sections 0-4 of CPC; (b) an assessment of the linkages between CPC and the Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC), with a view to improve the comparability of the two classifications (c) a proposal by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to adapt the detail of CPC in selected areas of agriculture and food products to allow for CPC to be used directly for data collection in agricultural statistics; and (d) feedback received on CPC issues in the Statistics Division Classifications Hotline

4 Inputs for CPC A similar set of inputs would apply for a new revision/update of CPC (some are still pending): Changes in HS 2017 and HS 2022 (if known already) Impact not clear yet Link to the Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC) Preferably postponed, since SIEC may undergo a revision process Review of agricultural products based on FAO input New issues have emerged (see document AC.340/33)

5 New issues for CPC Changes and issues in ISIC may require adjustments in the CPC structure and definitions From the ISIC issues considered, the following may impact CPC and require new categories: Service intermediaries Subdivision of classes for emerging industries Some clarifications for new services may be necessary E.g. service issued mentioned at last EGM (AC.289/20)

6 Reviewing CPC Based on timing of availability of inputs, a review of the abovementioned items may yield results only after a year or so HS 2022 changes SIEC changes Potential ISIC changes The review of agricultural products by FAO was extremely useful Do we have expertise to do similar reviews in other areas? We did steel products for CPC Ver.2

7 Reviewing CPC The CPC is scheduled to be reviewed more frequently than ISIC In the short run, only an update of CPC-HS links seems feasible May result in proposals for CPC structural changes These should be evaluated based on their severity E.g. Does an improved CPC-HS link justify a change across CPC group boundaries? A more complete review could be done when SIEC and ISIC change info is available Either decide at next EGM or establish deadline

8 Reviewing CPC The EG may wish to discuss scope and timing of a potential CPC review When to prepare proposals When to decide whether this warrants a revision/update When to implement them

9 Thank you

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