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How to Get Your Paper Published in a Highly Ranked Journal

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1 How to Get Your Paper Published in a Highly Ranked Journal
Spencer King MD MACC FESC St Joseph’s Heart and Vascular Institute, Atlanta Editor in Chief JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions Relationships of Interest: None

2 Spencer B. King, MD Honoraria: Celonova Biosciences nContact Surgical
Consulting Fees: Network for Continuing Medical Education

3 The preparation of a research paper begins with the planning of the project
A well planned project will inherently address most recommendations for preparing a research paper However, presentation can make a difference

4 The Fundamental Characteristics of a Superior Research Paper
Novelty (New) Accuracy (True) Importance (Relevant)

5 For review papers and meta analyses make sure that there hasn’t been a reasonably well done one published recently. This also applies to original research papers but it is particularly likely that in this meta analysis era you will fine multiple people doing the same thing

6 Novelty Being the first report is best
Being definitive in an area of controversy Extending and confirming prior findings Presenting the largest study Presenting confirmatory data is least Especially “in the current era”

7 Accuracy Study group characteristics, power calculations, and protocol are crucial Methodology must be capable, validated, reproducible and precise Confounding variables must be eliminated Process of validation and confirmation is important Especially in genetics and biomarkers

8 Importance Implications for management (best)
Establishing diagnosis-quantifying severity Defining mechanisms Prognosis (usually significant) Hypothesis generation Avoid the “so what” response

9 Stratagem 1: Pose a Hypothesis
Answer a question or fulfill a goal Avoid: Observational that is not very carefully done Descriptive Phenomenology If observational, emphasize: Mechanism Hypothesis generation

10 Stratagem 2: Document Novelty
State that it is first State what is new May involve study or results (differ from other) Distinguish from prior studies

11 Stratagem 3: Describe Methodology
Describe in specific detail Support validity with references Detail patient acquisition How to avoid ascertainment problems Include a control group Beware limitations of outdated and administrative databases

12 Stratagem 4: Provide Power Calculations
Detailed explanation of how sample size was calculated and data or assumptions upon which this was based

13 Stratagem 5: Don’t Slice Data Too Thin
One comprehensive paper is much stronger than several smaller ones Avoid “salami science” Conversely, don’t be too broad Especially relevant to substudies of trials Must make a strong argument for importance of reporting one subgroup alone

14 Stratagem 6: Perform Careful Analysis
Acknowledge association vs. cause Avoid/acknowledge surrogates Recognize difference between statistical and biological significance Avoid inadequate subgroups Account for all important variables in multivariate analysis

15 Stratagem 7: Craft the Discussion
Present all important results in 1st paragraph Don’t merely repeat results in discussion. Emphasize synthesis Give a scholarly and complete review of existing literature Avoid excessive length Insure that grammar and syntax are correct

16 Stratagem 8: Create Good Figures/Legends
Figures and legends are often the most overlooked part of manuscript Illustrations should clearly demonstrate the findings reported Findings should be well delineated on the illustration (arrows, etc.) Legends should clearly explain the figures Limit figures to those necessary

17 Stratagem 9: Preparation
Select an appropriate title Craft a descriptive running title Consider the length of the author list Insure that abstract reflects the study

18 Stratagems and Pitfalls in Publishing a Scientific Paper
Publishing a paper involves science and art A well planned project will address most pitfall issues However, manuscript preparation matters Thoughtful presentation of a good project almost always results in acceptance


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