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Getting it Done & Getting it Right

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1 Getting it Done & Getting it Right
The Research Paper Getting it Done & Getting it Right

2 Sources for Topics Daily media General school work
General conversation Personal interests Career plans/aspirations Your own mind

3 Characteristics of Good Topics
Interesting Manageable Available Worthwhile Original Doesn’t have the characteristics listed on the next slide

4 Characteristics of Poor Topics
Too broad Too narrow Too trivial Too subjective Too controversial Too familiar Too technical Too factual Too new Too regional

5 Time Management Guidelines
Choosing the right topic is vital, but you cannot afford to waste time here using the excuse, “I can’t think of anything.” If you can’t think of anything, you aren’t thinking. Ideas are everywhere. To fall behind at this point is deadly. Accept the fact that your life will always be governed by deadlines, and the research paper is just one small part of all those deadlines.

6 Checklist for Choosing a Topic (Write these down)
Am I interested in this topic? Am I avoiding a topic with which I am already thoroughly familiar? Have I narrowed the topic sufficiently? Have I avoided a topic that is too technical for my personal background? Will I be able to find adequate resources for this topic? Is this topic worthwhile?

7 Checklist (continued)
Does this topic avoid undue controversy that may bog me down? Does this topic rely primarily on objective rather that subjective material? Does this topic address more than a recitation of facts? Does this topic meet the requirements of the assignment? Will this topic permit me to write a paper that shows original thought? Can I word this topic as a question?

8 Narrowing the Topic Think critically. Think analytically.
Start with the 5 W’s: Who? What? Why? When? And where? Think analytically. How did this come to be? What are the causes? What are the results? What happens next? How does this compare? How does this contrast? What is the value? Think through the topic, then let your mind make connections.

9 Try it Out These topics are too broad. Narrow each one so that it is suitable for a 1,000 word research paper. (A double-spaced printed page is about 250 words.) Subliminal advertising Ancient cosmetics Kinds of canoes How to audition Characteristics of successful artists Anesthetics Business ethics

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