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Multiplying and Dividing Integers

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1 Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Chapter 3 Lesson 6 & 7 Multiplying and Dividing Integers

2 Bell Ringer 3-6 Example 1 & 2 3-7 Example 1 & 2 Example 1
Multiply Integers with Different Signs Multiply 6(–3). Example 2 Multiply –5(2). 3-7 Example 1 & 2  Example 1 Dividing Integers with Different Signs Divide 72 (–9). Example 2 Dividing Integers with Different Signs Divide 35/7

3 Question of the Day The integer with different signs are _________________________

4 Classwork 1) 2-6 Example 3 & 4 2) 2-7 Example 3 Example 3
Multiply Integers with the Same Sign Multiply –8(–6).  Example 4 Multiply (–7)2. 2) 2-7 Example 3  Example 3 Dividing Integers with the Same Sign Divide –32  (–8).

5 Lesson 3-6 Multiplying Integers 3-7 Dividing Integers
Multiplying integers with different signs :The product of two integers with different signs are negative Multiplying integers with same signs: the product of two integers with the same sign is positive. 3-7 Dividing Integers Dividing Integers with different signs: the quotient of two integers w. different signs is negative Divide Integers with the same sign: the quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive

6 Examples Lesson 3-6 -6(8) = -48 Lesson 3-7 -14/(-7)= 2

7 Exit Ticket Example 4 Evaluate an Expression
Simplify and Evaluate Expressions ALGEBRA Simplify –4(6x). Example 6 Simplify and Evaluate Expressions ALGEBRA Evaluate mnp if m = –2, n = –5, and p = –4. 3-7 Example 4 Example 4 Evaluate an Expression TEMPERATURE Suppose the temperature today in Cleveland, Ohio is 18F. Use the expression , where F represents the number of degrees Fahrenheit, to find the temperature in Cleveland in degrees Celsius.

8 Homework Lesson all Lesson all

9 *Remember Study ahead of time
Any days You have missed make the work up or it will count as an 0 Don’t forget your engrade password and username Study For final Exams Weekly Reports will be given Every Friday Report Cards Go home on the November. 30th

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