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Modal Auxiliaries present and future:

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1 Modal Auxiliaries present and future:
Ability Can and be able to Be able to is used in situations where can does not have the necessary grammatical form. I'd like to be able to swim. Not being able to swim is annoying. Can is also used with ‘be’ to make criticisms. You can be really annoying, you know! Can is used with ‘be’ for capability. Winter here can be really cold. 6/24/2018

2 Certainty and uncertainty
Must and can't These are used to make deductions, when we are more or less certain about something, especially with the verb to be. You must be tired after your journey. (I suppose you are) That can't be Sue. She's in Brazil. (I'm sure it's impossible) 6/24/2018

3 May, might and could These all express uncertainty or possibility. They are usually stressed in speech. Might is less likely than may. May and might express possibility or uncertainty The committee may find a solution to the problem. · Could is not used with not in this context. It may not rain. I might go out, I don't know. I could get wet! 6/24/2018

4 He may be the boss, but that is no excuse for shouting like that.
May is used to express although clauses ( but, however, although, though, etc…) He may be the boss, but that is no excuse for shouting like that. May / might as well describe the only thing to do, something which the speaker is not enthusiastic about. Nobody else is going to turn up now for the lesson, so you may as well go home. With an idiomatic expression with ‘try’, using may for the present reference, and might for the past reference. Try as I might, I couldn’t pass my driving test. (Although I tried hard, I couldn’t pass my driving test.) 6/24/2018

5 Could is used: Possibility or uncertainty This could be the house.
With comparative adjectives to express possibility or impossibility. The situation could be worse. It could be better. To make suggestions. We could eat at home tonight. To express unwillingness. I couldn’t possibly leave Tom here on his own. 6/24/2018

6 shall Shall can be used with all persons to emphasise something which the speaker feels is certain to happen or wants to happen. I shall definitely give up smoking this year. We shall win. ( it is stressed in the sentence) Shall is used in formal rules and regulations. No player shall knowingly pick up or move the ball of another player. 6/24/2018

7 Will Will is used to express assumption. -- The phone is ringing.
--That will be for me. Will and Won’t is used emphatically to tell someone of the speaker’s intention, or to forbid an action, in response to a will expression. -- I will take the money anyway ! -- You won’t ! -- I will ! And I won’t can mean ‘I refuse.’ I will can mean ‘I insist.’ -- I won’t do it! Yes, you will! 6/24/2018

8 Would Would can refer to an annoying event, typical of a person.
James would get lost, wouldn’t he! It is typical! Would also expresses certainty, where the sentence is a hidden conditional sentence. Nobody would agree with that idea. ( if we asked them) Life wouldn’t be worth living without you. ( if you weren’t there.) 6/24/2018

9 Also after doubt in the same way.
Would can be used with ‘be’ followed by an adjective doubtful, unlikely to emphasise an uncertain action. Also after doubt in the same way. It is unlikely that Jane would do something like that. I doubt whether Heidi would know the answer. 6/24/2018

10 Need It is used as a normal verb. Do you need to use the photocopier?
used as a modal verb, but in questions and negatives. Need you make so much noise? You don’t need to come to school. 6/24/2018

11 . be bound to This refers to the future, whereas must refers to the present. You 're bound to see Paula If you go there. {I'm sure you will) You must see Paula if you go there (An obligation) 6/24/2018

12 Obligation Must and have to
Have to describes obligations made by someone else, while must is used to describe a personal obligation. There may be no difference. You must start working harder! (I say so) You have to turn left here (It's the law) Sorry, I must leave/have to leave now. (No difference) 6/24/2018

13 Mustn’t and don't have to
Mustn't describes something which is not allowed or an obligation not to do something. You mustn't leave any bags here. (It's against the rules) You mustn’t leave the class before the end of the test. Don't have to describes something which is not necessary or absence of obligation. You don't have to apply yet. (It's not necessary) 6/24/2018

14 Should and ought to These have the same meaning. They describe 'what is a good idea' and can be used to give advice, or polite instructions. I think you should see a doctor You ought not to continue. You should send in your application by July 18th. 6/24/2018

15 Should is used As expectation
Should can also describe actions we expect to happen. Brenda should be home by now. (She is expected to be) As recommendation. I think you should talk it over with your parents. As a strong obligation politely, in writing. Guests should vacate their rooms by midday. As criticism You shouldn’t eat so much late at night. 6/24/2018

16 Should I leave these papers on your desk?
Uncertainty Should I leave these papers on your desk? With be and adjectives describing change like odd, strange, funny and with the expression ‘ what a coincidence!’ It is strange that you should be staying in the same hotel. To emphasise unlikelihood with ‘in case’ I am taking an umbrella in case it should rain.  6/24/2018

17 Had better This refers to present or future time, and gives advice about how to stop something going wrong. I think you'd better leave now. (Before it is too late) You 'd better not drive. (It might be dangerous) 6/24/2018

18 Is / Are to This is used in formal instructions. Not is stressed.
No one is to leave the room. You are not to leave the room. 6/24/2018

19 The negative forms mustn't and don't have to have different meanings.
Be careful with these; Most modal auxiliaries have more than one meaning. You may have to think carefully about the context to understand the meaning. The negative forms mustn't and don't have to have different meanings. You mustn't go. (It is against the rules) You don't have to go. (It isn't necessary) Should is a weaker obligation than must and have to. 6/24/2018

20 exercises Choose the most suitable word or phrase.
There's someone at the door. It ………….. postman. He always comes at this time. A) can be B) must be C) might be D) should must be 6/24/2018

21 2. Don't worry, you …………… pay now. A) don't have to B) mustn't
C) can’t D) mightn’t Don’t have to 6/24/2018

22 I think you …………… take a pullover with you.
A) had better B) would better C) would rather D) would like Had better  Jones …………… president if Smith has to resign. A) could be B) must be C) had to be D) were to Could be 6/24/2018

23 Sorry, I can't stay any longer. I …………… .
A) have to go B) might go C) can go D) may go  have to go It was 5 o'clock an hour ago. Your watch ………….right. A) can't be B) mustn't be C) shouldn’t D) doesn’t have to be  can’t be right 6/24/2018

24 It's a school rule, all the pupils ………a uniform.
A) have to wear B) must wear C) can wear D) are allowed to wear Have to wear I suppose that our team ………….. but I'm not sure. A) must win B) should win C) have to win D) is allowed to win Should win 6/24/2018

25 Introduction State the purpose of the discussion Identify yourself

26 Topics of Discussion State the main ideas you’ll be talking about

27 Topic One Details about this topic Supporting information and examples
How it relates to your audience 6/24/2018

28 Topic Two Details about this topic Supporting information and examples
How it relates to your audience 6/24/2018

29 Topic Three Details about this topic
Supporting information and examples How it relates to your audience 6/24/2018

30 Real Life Give an example or real life anecdote
Sympathize with the audience’s situation if appropriate 6/24/2018

31 What This Means Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic Summarize key points you want your audience to remember 6/24/2018

32 Next Steps Summarize any actions required of your audience
Summarize any follow up action items required of you 6/24/2018

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