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Kentucky 4-H State Teen Conference

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1 Kentucky 4-H State Teen Conference

2 Rules No guys and girls in the same room!
Please be courteous and turn off your cell phones during educational events. Don't be in the basement without an adult (check with your chaperone first!) No use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Please be considerate of the dress code. Watch the Dancing! Let’s keep it appropriate and considerate Buddy System!! Rule of 3 at all times! NO PDA...really it's gross! Talk like you’re talking to your Momma (keep the language clean)! Have a Great Week!

3 What to Bring Teen Conference is a lot of excitement, entertainment and a great way to meet new friends. However, a week on campus and away from home can really affect your life! It’s possible to “survive” if you know exactly what you need to bring and what can make campus life easier while at the University of Kentucky. The Kentucky 4-H State Teen Council recommends the following to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Bed linens and pillow Toiletries Towels and washcloths Sandals for the shower (you will share a bathroom with 3 other individuals) Alarm clock Snacks Money Clothes (see dress code) 2 rolls of toilet paper 2 garbage bags Hand soap

4 What to Wear Casual - Jeans or khakis (with belt), T-shirts (T-shirts should not display any profanity, sexual innuendos, obscenities, or advertise beer, liquor or tobacco products or have racial/gang overtones. T-Shirts with 4-H logos are recommended), tennis shoes (clean). Does not include cut-offs or worn jeans with holes. Dress shorts should be fingertip length or longer (cheerleading shorts or other short shorts are not allowed). No spaghetti strap tops or halter tops for females or tank tops for males. Professional – Males - dress slacks (with belt) with a shirt and tie or polo shirts, jackets are encouraged, clean dress shoes. Females - dresses, suits with skirts or dress slacks, blouses, clean dress shoes. No denim clothing or tennis/athletic shoes. Semi-formal—Males – dress slacks (with belt) with a shirt and tie, Jackets are preferred. Banded collar shirts without a tie are acceptable when worn with a jacket. Females - dresses from knee to floor length, pants suits appropriate for a prom or similar dress-up activity. This could include a dressy outfit worn to an event at your church, synagogue, or mosque.

5 Where you will be staying
This year we are staying in the newer Johnson Dorm and Central II Dorm. These are four bed suites with a shared bathroom. Each room comes equipped with a refrigerator and microwave. All participants at 4-H Teen Conference will be issued identify cards that act as passes to enter the building, the elevator and your sleeping room. Each dorm has a laundry facility, game room and kitchenette. Study rooms on each level will host the nightly floor meetings.

6 Safety First! The University of Kentucky is situated in an urban environment. Therefore, as with any environment you should be aware of your surroundings at all times. Download the LiveSafe Application on your phone! Subscribe to the UK Alerts: Know where your chaperone is at all times, have your number saved in your phone/have it written down in your wallet! Safety poles are denoted around campus with a blue light on the top!

7 Always be where you are supposed to be!
BE ON TIME! Go to your designated Tracks and Workshops. If you do not show up, someone will be sent out to find you. Take note of information regarding your Tracks/Workshops (you may be required to take your PIE Form with you or a signed waiver! Review the campus maps provided! Take the campus tour on the first day if you are a new attendee! If you need help and cannot get ahold of your chaperone call the Extension Specialist for the event: Rachel Noble

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