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Treatment of external genital warts : a randomized clinical trial comparing podophyllin,trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy, and electrodesiccation Ulker.

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Presentation on theme: "Treatment of external genital warts : a randomized clinical trial comparing podophyllin,trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy, and electrodesiccation Ulker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treatment of external genital warts : a randomized clinical trial comparing podophyllin,trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy, and electrodesiccation Ulker HEYDAROVA Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Teaching and Research Hospital, Istanbul, TURKEY

2 Etiology  Anogenital warts are manifestations of anogenital human papillomavirus infection. The prevalence of anogenital warts is reported to be 1% in the years-old population

3  Warts significantly influence quality of life, especially in younger women, therefore , prompt and successful treatment of these is important. There are a number of generally available and routinely used treatments for external genital warts

4 However, no treatment has been shown to be clearly superior.
We conducted this study to compare the efficacy of podophyllin, trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy and electrodesiccation treatments of anogenital warts

5  This study was a randomized controlled trial with 40 women in each treatment group.
The surface area of warts were assessed at presentation.

6 The exclusion criteria
patients aged less than 18 pregnant women  having giant lesions  allergy to podophyllin or  TCA contraindications for electrosurgical procedures( such as presence of cardiac pacemaker)  patients with internal warts ( cervical, vaginal and rectal warts)

7 Patients were allocated at random to receive one of this treatment methods
Patients were also advised on the use of condom during the study  The maximum surface area treated with any method in a single visit was 4 cm2 Treatments were given weekly until all warts were cleared or until a maximum of 6 treatments had been administered

8 In 4 groups no significant difference (p>0
In 4 groups no significant difference (p>0.05) were seen in , patients age, BMI, number of gravida and parite, the age of first coitus, partner number, volume of the warts, duration of the complains, and the location of the warts

9 The time for the treatment responce was significantly lower ( p<0
The time for the treatment responce was significantly lower ( p<0.05)  in the group that used coter, compairing with the groups that used crio, podophyllin or tca But there was no difference between crio podophyllin and tca

10 The success rate of the treatment in the coter group was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the podophyllin group However the succes rates of the crio and tca groups was not significantly different from coter and podophyllin groups

11 TABLE 1.

12 Thanks

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