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Silver oak college of engineering and technology SUBJECT: MP-1 Prepared By: VRUSHANK JAY ANVESH MOHIT Guide: RAVIRAJ.

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Presentation on theme: "Silver oak college of engineering and technology SUBJECT: MP-1 Prepared By: VRUSHANK JAY ANVESH MOHIT Guide: RAVIRAJ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silver oak college of engineering and technology SUBJECT: MP-1 Prepared By: VRUSHANK JAY ANVESH MOHIT Guide: RAVIRAJ

2 Lathe accessories 1. Chucks 2. Face plate
3. Driving plate/ Catch plate 4. Carriers or Lathe Dog 5. Mandrels 6. Centers 7. Rests

3 chuck These are used for holding and rotating work piece.
It is attached to lathe spindle with bolts. Several types of chucks are available according to the nature of work. Important ones are: Three Jaw universal Chuck: Self centering chuck Four Jaw Independent Chuck: Adjustable Center Others are: Combination, Magnetic, Collet chucks

4 Three jaw chuck Holds round and hexagonal work 3 jaws are connected
Self centering Holds round and hexagonal work 3 jaws are connected Jaws are stamped 1,2 & 3 and fitted in order

5 Three jaw chuck

6 Four jaw chuck Can hold works of irregular shapes.
Each jaw is moved independently by rotating a screw with the help of a chuck key. Can hold works of irregular shapes. Concentric circles are inscribed on the face of the chuck to enable quick centering of the work piece.

7 Combination chuck It combines the features of both Self-Centering Three Jaw Chuck and Independent Four Jaw Chuck It may have 4 or 6 Jaws Jaws are operated either simultaneously by the scroll disc, or individually by separate screws Especially useful for holding duplicate work-pieces

8 Collet chuck

9 Magnetic chuck

10 Face plate

11 Face plate

12 Angle plate

13 Driving plate / Catch Plate

14 carriers

15 mandrels

16 centers The lathe center is a hardened steel device with a taper shank on one end and point on the other The taper shank fits the taper spindle hole at headstock or tail stock. The center which fits at headstock and revolves with job is called live center and which fits with tailstock is called dead center.

17 centers

18 Types of centers

19 Steady rests

20 Follower rest

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