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Test Review Notes.

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1 Test Review Notes

2 Some of the major causes of WW1 were…
Militarism in Europe. Growing Nationalism and the creation of alliances Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand

3 WW1 Technology Resulted in..
Increased military deaths Machine Guns Poison Gas Submarine (U Boat) Airplane Tank

4 Trench warfare Led to slow paced war

5 Trench Foot Caused by exposure to unsanitary, damp as well as cold conditions.

6 Unrestricted submarine warfare
German policy called for the sinking any and all ships bound for Great Britain

7 Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for its role in World War I by forcing Germany to accept blame for the war and to pay for war damages Ended World War I

8 Total War a country’s entire resources and population are devoted to the war effort.

9 No man’s land The name of the space between the two sides’ front line.

10 the League of Nations The world organization designed to maintain peace in the world after WWI Goal was world peace

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