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19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Benchmarking Framework Conditions of the Activity of R&D organizations in South East Europe Prof. K. Simeonova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Workshop “Benchmarking RTDI organizations in Central and Southeast European Countries 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Political Backgrounds Two political trends underlying inter- country comparisons or ”benchmarking” The policy towards competitiveness: creation of market advantage via superior performance in terms of productivity and quality of products The EU Cohesion policy: process of convergence in real incomes and living standards across countries and regions of the EU. 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Benchmarking: Conceptual Backgrounds A systematic and continuous measurement process A process of comparisons of practices between an organisation and the ‘best” on a continuous basis The usefulness of information to drive actions for performance improvement 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Main methodological challenge: like has to be compared with like “Benchmarking scientific and technological productivity needs to navigate through a difficult terrain between two equally unacceptable extremes: accepting that comparisons are impossible or coming up with nonsensical oversimplifications “(Remi Barre, Sense and nonsense of S&T productivity indicators” Science and Public Policy vol. 28, 2001 p.259) 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
“ Both companies and countries are likely to perform differently in terms of final outcome. This means straightforwardly that there are no generally applicable “ best practice” indicators or indeed any generally valid best practice performance” (Keith Smith “Comparing economic performance in the presence of diversity Science and Public Policy vol. 28, 2001 p.272) 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Conceptual Backgrounds:Types of Benchmarking
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Conceptual Backgrounds:Types of Benchmarking (continued)
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Diversity and Similarities of S&T systems in SEE:
Size of the countries and population Different starting points (members and not- members of ex-communist block ; within the members different distance from USSR; dissolution of the Yugoslavia, new state creation et.) Different positions vis- a-vis integration in EU Members of EU – Greece New Members – Slovenia Candidate- countries – Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Croatia Associated countries- Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and Macedonia 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
World share in the scientific literature of SEE in 1999
Source: Yann Cadiou and Laurence Esterle Scientific Profile Activities in CEECs, OST 2002 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Publications of Bulgarian Scientists in SCI Data Base (1998 - 2003)
Source : SCI Data Base 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Countries in Transition
Radical transformation of political, social and economic systems. Economic weakness and grave social problems. The S&T systems of the countries in the region Chronic under-funding of S&T activities GERD as % of GDP (from 0.1% (Albania), Bulgaria 0.49% Romania, (0.39%) ,Croatia (1,5 %); The collapse of the knowledge-producing system Co-operation with industry ceased for the majority of R&D units, which were incapable of building new relationships. R&D funding comes mainly from government and, more particularly from one prevailing source, the ministry of science. (Bulgaria- 69.2%, Romania 43% compared to EU-15: 34.0 %) There are no incentives for the private sector to support R&D, since the national economies are import-oriented. Intensive external brain-drain and internal brain drain 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Initiatives of International and Intergovernmental organizations
The Stability Pact for South–East Europe (Cologne, 1999) The EU’s policy toward South-East Europe in two policy strategies: Accession to the European Union, Stabilization and Association Process (SAP) The EU’s: Bulgaria and Romania PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD. The Thessaloniki European Council: an Agenda for the Western Balkans UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Science in Europe (ROSTE) - ‘Venice process’, greater emphasis on the regional aspect by encouraging the creation of regional networks. 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Learning more from the Transformation of NIS of the CEECs
The three-phase model of restructuring Phases and Framework conditions (Policy, Institutions(Actors ), Funding) FragmentationRestructuringIntegration 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Key problems of Benchmarking in SEE
A/ Put more emphasis on innovation than on science indicators Innovation capacities of enterprises Industry -Science Links Clusters and Networks Technology Diffusion B/ Research policies to support various public policies: health, environment, transport, natural hazards C/ Research policies to support economic activities in agriculture and industry (Traditional industries, which have to increase their technological competitiveness) B/ International flows and linkages incl. have structuring effects for NIS: EU Framework Programmes Other ERA instruments( ERA-NET) FDI D/ Human Resources & Mobility 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Some problems of Measurement: the S&T indicators in SEE (Inputs from the UNESCO Workshop"S&T Indicators and Statistics for Science policy Making in SEE" Sofia, 16-18th November 2003 The set of the national institutions in the field of statistics and RTD&I indicators not well developed( Bosnia & Herzegovina ) or missing (Albania); Need to develop awareness on the importance of indicators and the compliance with international ones; Problems of coverage of statistics- mainly in business R&D Methodology of surveys Missing data-base Need to improve teaching and learning conditions making use of international cooperation and networking. 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Benchmarking the framework conditions of the development of human potential in the field of Information technology and Biotechnology”- a Follow-up initiative of the NETWPRK on ST&I indicators Expression of interest from: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia Framework: Legislation, Institutions, Programs, Collaboration, Structures 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Relevant Configuration of Types of Benchmarking of S&T in SEE. Strategic Collaborative Process Industry(field) Regional New Member- states EU 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Thank you! 19 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
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