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Differentiation processes: the surveyed regions facing transition

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1 Differentiation processes: the surveyed regions facing transition
Gorée, Senegal - June, 2008

2 Objectives Based on: What are the main issues to be raised regarding:
phase 2 results [regional and chain analysis, HH surveys] Our discussions on: integration-differentiation; vulnerability What are the main issues to be raised regarding: The absorption capacity of agriculture The main determining factors of differentiation [land access, water access, type of market access, etc] Marginalization processes [both regional and HH levels] Existing exit options [diversification of rural activities, development of waged labor, migrations and livelihood options for migrants] => How to usefully feed the local/international debate?

3 Adjustments Gorée, Senegal - June, 2008

4 Variables Clarifications
Economically active population: range from 15 to 64 year-old Resident: short term migration included, long term migration excluded Underestimation of transfer: Impossible to complete the data, but useful to make comments on this underestimation Auto provision of seeds not taken into account But auto-consumption taken into account at the average market price Cultivated areas: each team identifies the best way to estimate the areas (sold production, yields, total production…) Sales of agricultural products: refers to the usual type of commercialization (eg. Paddy vs white rice): if on-farm hulling the value is included in the selling price – if off-farm hulling its cost is deducted from the selling value Transformation: only taken into account when the nature of the product has changed (e.g. cheese, olive oil…)

5 Variables Clarifications / 2
Equipment depreciation: when necessary (heavy equipments), teams could take them into account if they have the relevant information, but have to show results with and without depreciation Education: 0= do not write and read; 1= write and read; then classes according to each team up to 5 (i.e. 6 classes). Livestock: use the “short way” => sales + auto-consumption at market price - breeding expenditures => breeding account to catch livestock value (only for cattle)

6 Back to the indicators 4 axes
Core variables + national additional variables Same scale for scoring 1 => 3 but local definition of each level of vulnerability Last points of clarification for discussion: diversification / dependency ratio / marketing / land tenure

7 Next steps: deadlines and dissemination Gorée, Senegal - June, 2008

8 Deadlines and countdown
Initial deadlines: 6 months after signature Workshop mid-April => end of May => mid-June Today’ s deadline: draft report mid-July Justified by: End of the program: end of February 09 Peer review process: internal and external reviews => draft final report mid-November Advisory Committee mid-September Steering Committee early September note for review to be sent on August 30

9 Mid-July’s deadline: minimum requisites
The more you can… for mid-July + 1 week = Monday, July 21 = 4 weeks from the end of the workshop Part 1 and 3 on hold Part 2: the core of the analysis is the target Chapter 2 on regional characteristics Chapter 3 on H1 and H3: integration-differentiation (minimum from Chapter 1) Diversification processes Chapter 4: engage discussion on vulnerability (depending of work on indicators)

10 Final deadline July weeks = Monday, August 18 = 8 weeks from the end of the workshop => report, annexes, database Feedbacks: Between July 21 and August 4: first feedback Between August 18 and September 8: feedback on general report Monday, September 22: final version Tuesday, September 30: closing date

11 After the national report… the “needed” and the possible
Dissemination at the national level => Option of a “package presentation”: national report + first insights of the general synthesis => using the national debate to feed the final synthesis Dissemination at the international level Final workshop => seminar => conference Special panel sessions: ABCDE 2009, GDN 2009, GTDF Publications: special journal issue, book, policy notes

12 After the workshop: reminder Gorée, Senegal - June, 2008

13 Drop your boarding passes + receipts (visa, taxi, hotel when transit outside Senegal, ferry…) to the Country Office: your refund will be managed locally or in Washington Your will receive: reimbursement of direct costs + per diem for your days of travel

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