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Dynamic maps for decision-making in El Salvador

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1 Dynamic maps for decision-making in El Salvador
2017 PEPFAR Data and Systems Applied Learning Summit Dynamic maps for decision-making in El Salvador Jose Rodas CDC/DGHT/Central America Region September 20, 2017

2 Background PEPFAR Central America*: 5 countries
Regional HIV investment: GF (18%), PEPFAR (6%) Overall external funds decreasing in the region Increased focus on maximizing return on investment NAP El Salvador requested TA for SNU prioritization Dynamic maps of stakeholders developed STAR: Strategic Technical Alignment for results Found of GF are decreasing in different percentages in each country. * Central America is a STAR region for PEPFAR.

3 Dynamic maps of stakeholders
Objective: Collect relevant information to make programmatic decisions related to HIV prevention activities Determine which SNUs have overlapping activities Determine which SNUs have burden of disease but no stakeholders Determine which SNUs have no burden of disease but stakeholders Analysis: Overlay demographic and epidemiological layers Overlay demographic, epi, and programmatic layers

4 Dynamic maps of stakeholders
Methodology Collect data Demographic: KP and general population estimates by SNU Epidemiological: number of cases and HIV positivity by SNU Programmatic: presence of stakeholders and types of services offered by SNU and facility Create the shapefile Migrate shapefile to On line platform (free) Easy to use Validate results with NAP, stakeholders, and civil society

5 Dynamic maps of stakeholders

6 Dynamic maps of stakeholders
This is the number of cases by SNU level 3 (municipality) from SNU level: burden of disease, KP and population estimation

7 Dynamic maps of stakeholders
Pop-up information of each SNU: # cases, KP size

8 Dynamic maps of stakeholders
Pop-up information each facility: number, name and principal activities of the stakeholders

9 Geographical prioritization using dynamic maps
Underserved SNU No intervention SNUs Overserved SNU

10 Results Prioritization of SNUs based on the epi and KP size estimations Stakeholder organization based on epi and demographic data Leave areas with very low burden of disease Concentrate in areas of high burden of disease in a coordinated way Coordinate with other stakeholders working at same facility/SNU to avoid duplication Civil society understood the data and process

11 Best Practices Platform for gathering relevant HIV information
Easy to use for decision-makers Public information: increase accountability and transparency Accessible for civil society: free platform and easy to use MoH and national stakeholders continue to use map for decision making independent of PEPFAR support

12 Conclusion Dynamic maps Useful as an information repository
Facilitate the analysis of epi and programmatic information Practical tool for decision-makers Easy to visualize and interpret Easy to use: minimal training Do not need to be map expert to use it Minimal investment: software

13 Questions? The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

14 Thank You!

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