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Kim Holmberg, Timothy D. Bowman, & Fereshteh Didegah

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1 Kim Holmberg, Timothy D. Bowman, & Fereshteh Didegah
Altmetrics and research profiles for 10 universities in Finland Kim Holmberg, Timothy D. Bowman, & Fereshteh Didegah RUSE - Research Unit for the Sociology of Education University of Turku (e) (w3) @kholmber

2 Measuring the societal impact
Research project: Measuring the societal impact of open science Project is financed by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture’s Open Science and Research Initiative ( ).


4 Can different altmetrics reflect institutional research profiles?
Are some fields of research overrepresented on some altmetrics?

5 We compared the distribution of publications, citations, and selected altmetric events across four broad fields of science

6 (Big thanks to for sharing data!)
Publications ( ) with altmetric events University of Helsinki 3928 University of Turku 1684 Aalto University 1173 University of Eastern Finland 1141 University of Jyväskylä 1071 University of Oulu 1057 University of Tampere 936 Tampere University of Technology 675 Åbo Akademi University 496 Lappeenranta University of Technology 314 University of Lapland 230 University of Vaasa 166 Hanken School of Economics 101 University of Arts 59 Total 13031 Altmetric events from Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, news, blogs, CiteULike, and Mendeley1, and citations and research profiles from Web of Science. (Big thanks to for sharing data!) 1) Mendeley data collected via the Mendeley API

7 University of Helsinki
For instance, based on WoS indexed publications (total): University of Helsinki Share of publications (%) MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES 36.82 NATURAL SCIENCES 36.92 SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES 12.93 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 13.34

8 University OECD categories WoS profile Wikipedia Twitter Facebook News
Blog CiteULike Mendeley Citations (WoS) Aalto University MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES 5.20 10.91 48.14 59.57 30.18 24.04 37.83 31.52 38.95 NATURAL SCIENCES 47.38 50.91 26.97 22.09 28.08 51.44 34.57 36.07 38.40 SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES 10.23 5.45 8.77 5.24 3.67 1.92 6.52 12.02 3.49 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 37.19 32.73 16.12 13.09 38.06 22.60 21.09 20.39 19.16 University of Helsinki 36.82 24.35 47.67 44.85 33.69 28.90 39.90 31.01 34.00 36.92 48.19 24.65 23.13 27.76 38.82 38.17 39.66 51.17 12.93 7.25 6.87 4.56 3.78 4.22 3.65 10.41 2.67 13.34 20.21 20.81 27.47 34.77 28.06 18.27 18.92 12.16 University of Eastern Finland 44.20 53.49 60.71 61.36 57.60 44.09 40.63 32.15 42.68 30.32 27.91 19.05 16.40 17.07 33.87 40.38 42.31 7.63 0.00 5.82 4.06 3.47 3.76 5.29 7.48 2.26 17.84 18.60 14.43 18.18 21.87 18.28 13.70 16.18 12.75 University of Jyväskylä 17.32 16.13 34.63 28.59 23.68 17.45 31.33 24.84 20.87 47.61 54.84 20.71 18.97 21.41 35.85 29.57 37.96 50.09 21.47 3.23 7.85 6.47 9.57 3.30 6.77 10.07 2.57 13.59 25.81 36.81 45.98 45.34 43.40 32.33 27.12 26.48 Lappeenranta University of Technology 0.67 56.23 78.79 70.69 44.00 42.73 30.94 40.67 44.17 71.43 31.54 13.64 27.59 50.00 41.82 54.51 53.12 10.12 4.76 4.36 2.02 1.72 4.00 3.64 3.83 1.04 45.03 7.87 5.56 2.00 11.82 10.72 5.17 University of Oulu 27.87 27.66 51.33 44.61 33.59 21.48 40.00 29.66 35.68 42.57 44.68 22.72 13.12 26.34 37.11 34.68 38.13 43.43 7.01 4.26 6.67 24.49 3.13 2.34 6.85 2.38 22.55 23.40 19.29 17.78 40.08 38.28 22.98 25.37 18.51 Tampere University of Technology 5.02 22.73 49.28 31.03 26.67 26.09 30.64 43.51 47.26 25.34 24.14 41.90 46.74 31.11 40.49 40.77 5.13 4.55 10.54 6.03 4.29 4.89 2.69 42.58 14.84 38.79 27.14 20.65 20.00 16.71 13.03 University of Tampere 62.94 34.78 66.13 69.11 42.52 41.62 40.91 35.49 38.50 16.60 54.35 18.08 16.22 40.65 37.06 39.39 35.91 44.80 13.73 4.79 5.33 4.67 2.03 5.76 12.03 3.86 6.73 4.35 10.99 9.33 12.15 13.94 16.57 12.84 University of Turku 40.43 15.49 52.86 62.95 42.45 24.02 37.58 30.12 23.06 35.73 76.55 17.39 13.72 18.50 35.74 41.46 65.64 12.60 2.65 8.54 6.59 2.45 8.11 4.66 11.81 11.24 5.31 21.21 16.74 36.60 32.13 16.30 17.99 8.61 Åbo Akademi University 12.64 67.11 54.85 60.39 38.19 39.72 29.50 41.70 44.66 22.07 21.10 34.03 35.05 38.78 13.01 3.07 0.32 4.86 8.94 3.51 29.70 12.76 18.73 22.92 22.90 21.07 16.01

9 University of Helsinki

10 Lappeenranta University of Technology

11 Aalto University

12 University of Turku

13 WoS research profile (With 4 OECD categories)
Table 2. Correlations between distributions of events across fields of research and universities research profiles based on the distributions of their publications in Web of Science WoS research profile (With 4 OECD categories) Variables Aalto University University of Helsinki University of Eastern Finland University of Jyväskylä Lappeenranta University of Technology University of Oulu Tampere University of Technology University of Tampere University of Turku Åbo Akademi University AVERAGE Wikipedia: posts 0.800 1.000 0.200 -0.211 0.400 0.600 -0.200 0.539 Twitter: posts -0.800 -0.400 Facebook: posts 0.000 0.040 News: posts 0.140 Blogs: posts 0.300 CiteULike: readers 0.220 Mendeley: readers 0.540 WoS: citations 0.380 0.100 0.775 0.925 -0.375 -0.326 0.175 0.750 0.450 -0.125

University WoS Wikipedia Twitter Facebook News Blog CiteULike Mendeley Citations AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Aalto-yliopisto 37.19 32.73 16.12 13.09 38.06 22.60 21.09 20.39 19.16 Helsingin yliopisto 13.34 20.21 20.81 27.47 34.77 28.06 18.27 18.92 12.16 Itä-Suomen yliopisto 17.84 18.60 14.43 18.18 21.87 18.28 13.70 16.18 12.75 Jyväskylän yliopisto 13.59 25.81 36.81 45.98 45.34 43.40 32.33 27.12 26.48 Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto 45.03 4.76 7.87 5.56 0.00 2.00 11.82 10.72 5.17 Oulun yliopisto 22.55 23.40 19.29 17.78 40.08 38.28 22.98 25.37 18.51 Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto 42.58 22.73 14.84 38.79 27.14 20.65 20.00 16.71 13.03 Tampereen yliopisto 6.73 4.35 10.99 9.33 12.15 13.94 16.57 12.84 Turun yliopisto 11.24 5.31 21.21 16.74 36.60 32.13 16.30 17.99 8.61 Åbo Akademi 29.70 12.76 18.73 22.92 22.90 21.07 16.01 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES 5.20 10.91 48.14 59.57 30.18 24.04 37.83 31.52 38.95 36.82 24.35 47.67 44.85 33.69 28.90 39.90 31.01 34.00 44.20 53.49 60.71 61.36 57.60 44.09 40.63 32.15 42.68 17.32 16.13 34.63 28.59 23.68 17.45 31.33 24.84 20.87 0.67 19.05 56.23 78.79 70.69 44.00 42.73 30.94 40.67 27.87 27.66 51.33 44.61 33.59 21.48 40.00 29.66 35.68 5.02 49.28 31.03 26.67 26.09 30.64 43.51 62.94 34.78 66.13 69.11 42.52 41.62 40.91 35.49 38.50 40.43 15.49 52.86 62.95 42.45 24.02 37.58 30.12 23.06 12.64 67.11 54.85 60.39 38.19 39.72 29.50 41.70 NATURAL SCIENCES 47.38 50.91 26.97 22.09 28.08 51.44 34.57 36.07 38.40 36.92 48.19 24.65 23.13 27.76 38.82 38.17 39.66 51.17 30.32 27.91 16.40 17.07 33.87 40.38 42.31 47.61 54.84 20.71 18.97 21.41 35.85 29.57 37.96 50.09 44.17 71.43 31.54 13.64 27.59 50.00 41.82 54.51 53.12 42.57 44.68 22.72 13.12 26.34 37.11 34.68 38.13 43.43 47.26 25.34 24.14 41.90 46.74 31.11 40.49 40.77 16.60 54.35 18.08 16.22 40.65 37.06 39.39 35.91 44.80 35.73 76.55 17.39 13.72 18.50 35.74 41.46 65.64 44.66 22.07 21.10 34.03 35.05 38.78 SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES 10.23 5.45 8.77 5.24 3.67 1.92 6.52 12.02 3.49 12.93 7.25 6.87 4.56 3.78 4.22 3.65 10.41 2.67 7.63 5.82 4.06 3.47 3.76 5.29 7.48 2.26 21.47 3.23 7.85 6.47 9.57 3.30 6.77 10.07 2.57 10.12 4.36 2.02 1.72 4.00 3.64 3.83 1.04 7.01 4.26 6.67 24.49 3.13 2.34 6.85 2.38 5.13 4.55 10.54 6.03 4.29 4.89 2.69 13.73 4.79 5.33 4.67 2.03 5.76 12.03 3.86 12.60 2.65 8.54 6.59 2.45 8.11 4.66 11.81 13.01 3.07 0.32 4.86 8.94 3.51

15 Some altmetrics are able to reflect institutional research profiles, suggesting at their connection to scholarly communication. Research in certain fields of science is more likely to gain more attention on specific platforms (e.g. medical research on Twitter).

16 Our future research will continue to investigate why some research gain higher attention on some platforms compared to other research.

17 Vă mulțumim pentru atenție Kim Holmberg

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