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Diversity and purposeful interaction in the International Classroom in Dutch universities  

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1 Diversity and purposeful interaction in the International Classroom in Dutch universities  


3 diversity Free association 1
In relation to your experience in higher education in the Netherlands… Write down three words or terms that you associate with: diversity

4 ‘international classroom’
What is..? An ‘international classroom’ in a Dutch university in the 21st Century?

5 Internationalisation at home (I@H)
includes all students, not only those who are mobile. “Internationalization at Home is the purposeful integration of international and intercultural dimensions into the formal and informal curriculum for all students within domestic learning environments.” (Beelen & Jones 2015)

6 The International Classroom Project at University of Groningen
Generic principles Internationalizing the Curriculum (Carroll 2015; Leask 2015) ↓ Piloting, observation and evaluation Detailed case studies Medicine and Spatial Sciences Maths & Natural Sciences Adjusted principles with expert advice conceptual framework for programme & course levels (projects to support and enable the process) Faculty teams & proposals and (further) implementation from 1st May 2016

7 In this context, what do we mean?
DiverSity diVersitY diveRsity DIVersiTy

8 Internationalisation in higher education
“Student diversity and the perspectives that they bring to the classroom are key resources for the internationalised curriculum.” (de Wit et al. 2015:29)

9 Internationalizing the curriculum
“Increasing student diversity provides both opportunities and challenges for teachers and students … Students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in the domestic student population and international students are valuable potential sources of cultural capital.” (Leask 2015: 79)

10 Inclusive curriculum design
“The best approach is to embrace the opportunities created by diversity, and respond with innovative curriculum design and teaching, to minimise barriers that all students may face.” (Broughan & Hunt 2013: 189)

11 Internationalisation at University of Groningen: Intentions on Internationalisation: 2017 - 2020
“To provide a research based education (grounded in the Dutch quality tradition) that values, celebrates and incorporates a diversity of nationalities, backgrounds, identities and experiences.” (International Strategy & Relations, University of Groningen 2016)

12 - in the international classroom - in higher education
Free association 2 Which words or terms in the quotes do you most strongly associate with diversity - in the international classroom - in higher education - in the Netherlands? What makes each term important?

13 “I am less struck by their differences than by their homogeneity
“I am less struck by their differences than by their homogeneity.” (lecturer)

14 Understanding diversity
Case study at University of Groningen with project supervisors : “I realized that extrovert behaviour is highly valued in our projects.” “I felt that gender has something to do with the dis-functioning of the group.” “Our aim is to look through a diverse lens to consider problems in all their complexity – you have to be open to all possibilities.”

15 Cultures in the international university Westerholm & Räsänen (2015) adapted from Flowerdew & Miller 1995

16 What is purposeful interaction, and how do we achieve it?

17 The International Classroom
Interaction is planned into courses, projects and assessment as a normal learning tool – and seen as one requiring support. (Carroll 2015: 116)

18 How? International Classroom: Classroom level
Encourage students to participate in discussions, develop critical thinking, and encourage and create chances for students to use their background and experiences as examples.

19 Purposeful interaction (Haines 2017)

20 International Classroom: The learners
“These people come together in one group from totally different educational systems, and you have to pay attention to that fact. They come from different backgrounds, with different philosophies about how you learn.” Alida: Programme Manager Medical Faculty (Haines et al 2015: 164)

21 Internationalising learning outcomes
Explain financial conduct and regulation issues, such as conflicts of interest and the Financial Services and Marketing Act, as they arise in the context of relevant transactions… … to a client accustomed to operating in a different national context. (Jones & Killick 2013: 173)

22 International Classroom: The lecturers
“The Chinese learner has been very much considered a ‘passive learner’ who does not contribute during lessons. But now, I know that silence is also very important for learning in some cultures. It is learning for me actually … now, I learn to be silent sometimes.” (University Teacher) Welikala 2012: 52 We find that this diversity has an impact on teachers too. And the impact is not only linguistic but also cultural.

23 Integrated Design Project (2014)

24 Purposeful interaction (Haines 2017)

25 International Classroom: the student perspective
For example: “I really liked the whole integration of culture along with the really real medical issue. It’s the end of life, how are you supposed to treat people, etcetera. Especially with the discussion later in the coach group meeting with all the different opinions, you really do realize, it’s true I am in a really international group right now.” Maja, 2nd Year Swedish Medical Bachelor’s student Haines 2015

Diversity and purposeful interaction in the International Classroom the Groningen experience  THANK YOU!

27 Useful references and resources
Beelen, Jos & Elspeth Jones Redefining Internationalization at Home. In Curaj, A., L. Matei, R. Pricopie, J. Salmi & P. Scott (eds) The European Higher Education Area. Between critical reflections and future policies. Springer. Broughan, Christine & Lynne Hunt Inclusive Teaching. In Hunt, L. and Chambers, D. (eds) University Teaching in Focus: A learning-centred approach. London: Routledge. Carroll, Jude Tools for Teaching in an Educationally Mobile World. Abingdon: Routledge. Haines, Kevin Purposeful interaction and the professional development of content teachers: observations of small-group teaching and learning in the international classroom. In J. Valcke & R. Wilkinson (Eds.), Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: Perspectives on Professional Practice. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Haines, Kevin, Franka Van den Hende and Nico A. Bos From Training Initiative to Fully-Fledged Innovative International Programme: A Story of Staff and Student Cooperation at the university of Groningen’s Medical School. In Wendy Green & Craig Whitsed (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Internationalising the Curriculum in Disciplines: Reflective Narrative accounts from Business, Education and Health, 159–174. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

28 Jones, Elspeth & David Killick. 2013
Jones, Elspeth & David Killick Graduate Attributes and the Internationalized Curriculum: Embedding a Global Outlook in Disciplinary Learning Outcomes. Journal of Studies in International Education. 17(2), 165–182. Leask, Betty Internationalizing the Curriculum. Abingdon: Routledge. Welikala, Thushari Inter-Perspective Pedagogy: rethinking Culture and Learning in Multicultural Higher Education in the United Kingdom. In Lixian Jin & Martin Cortazzi (eds), Researching International Learning: Investigations in Language and Education, 37–57. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Westerholm, Kirsi & Anne Räsänen Sharing and promoting disciplinary competences for university teaching in English: voices from the University of Jyvaskyla language centre’s TACE programme. In J. Jalkanen, E. Jokinen & P. Taalas (Eds), Voices in pedagogical development – Expanding, enhancing and exploring higher education language learning, 131–157. Dublin: de Wit, H.; F. Hunter; L. Howard; E. Egron-Polak Internationalisation of Higher Education. Study requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education. Retrieved April 10, 2017, from

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