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The Noble Experiment.

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1 The Noble Experiment

2 Purpose: Think about what Robinson’s purpose is for telling his story?

3 Jackie Robinson in Kansas City Monarchs uniform 1945
Setting: 1940s Jackie Robinson in Kansas City Monarchs uniform Consider – how does the setting impact the events in “The Noble Experiment.”

4 The culture was different in 1940’s….
What is culture? It is the way of life of a group of people—the symbols, behaviors, language, values, social classes- that they accept, generally without thinking about them. Use the next slide to answer #1

5 ELEMENT MEANING Symbols Something that represents meaning to the culture –KKK, American flag, Coca Cola logo Values Something of great worth or value in a culture; Racial discrimination was obviously present in the 1940s Behaviors Rules of behavior that tell members of a culture how to behave in various situations. During the 1940’s acceptable behaviors varied. Pay close attention to the behaviors in the autobiography. Beliefs/mores A belief/more is a norm that is so strong that violation of it carries a social sanction. Mores are essential to the well-being of the whole society. Language Sounds and written symbols that a society uses to communicate and interact. Social Collectives Social groups, organizations, communities, institutions, and social classes.

6 Barriers Created by Prejudice:
Segregation schools restaurants hospitals sports

7 Sport: Baseball Effects of prejudice on baseball:
Negro League separate from white league Morally wrong to prohibit anyone from playing Prevents it from being a true national sport Baseball missing out on great athletes Jackie Robinson would help change that.

8 Main Character: Jackie Robinson
1945 Kansas City Monarchs – Negro League 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers 1947 Rookie of year 1955 Dodgers win World Series 1956 retires from baseball 1962 Hall of Fame

9 Main Character: Branch Rickey
1910 coach at Ohio Wesleyan 1943 President of Brooklyn Dodgers Opposed segregation 1945 convinced Board to hire African-American player

10 Noble Experiment Purpose:
Jackie Robinson tells Alfred Duckett about the “Noble Experiment” Purpose: Read to find out what the “Noble Experiment” was.

11 CHUNK 1 Lines 1-62 Stop and review the text to answer #1

12 CHUNK 2 Lines 63 – 188 Drawing a conclusion – What general statement can you make in regard to the society Jackie Robinson writes about? Cite a specific example to support your answer.

13 CHUNK 3 While reading the next chunk, turn over and answer #7

14 Literary Analysis 4. Evaluate title 5. Evaluate theme
6. Summarize key events – choose only the most important events. Somebody….Wanted…But…So..

15 When is there dignity in silence?
Give your opinion Feel free to make connections to other texts that we read in class.

16 With your 2-sie partner Answer questions the extended response question Read and analyze the prompt. Remember the TEES strategy & internal transitions & word choice & Generally Be Amazing!

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